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Lesen Sie den Roman I THINK I LOVE YOU des Autors Femzy_Martian, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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The Obsession Of The Wolf {BL}

Werewolf Book: {BL} COMPLETED ALPHAXALPHA Blade Eastwood is a 17 year-old-male true blood alpha and the son of the Bloody Diamond pack's head alpha. Blade Eastwood is head over heels for Ian Keene. The only problem is that Ian is also a 19 year-old-male alpha, but Blade didn't care about Ian's rank, because he was madly in love with him even though all his friends and family told him that this relationship is impossible to happen. They were right, the mating between two male alphas has never happened before. But all this will change when Blade will find out that his fated mate is the one and the only person he has been deeply in love with ..... The alpha Ian Keene. Ian Keene on the other hand is one of the famous students in his high school whom a lot of girls and boys have a crush on. He also hasn't found his fated mate yet. Everyone sees him as the perfect person who has the perfect life since he's the only son of the CEO of the Keene Enterprises and the alpha of the Dark Moon pack. Nobody knows the true life of Ian Keene. The real plot of this book will start when Blade and Ian will find out that they are fated mates. Blade was more than just happy with that, he was ready to ignore his true blood alpha wolf and submit to his mate, he was ready to even sacrifice and kill his own wolf, he was ready to be marked even though the true blood alphas are not meant to be marked because they are the ones who are supposed to mark their mates, he was ready to give anything even his own life. Just to have a small kiss or a hug from his fated mate Ian. Ian like any other alpha was waiting for his omega or even a beta. He was excited and happy waiting for his fated mate. But all his happiness and excitement vanished in the thin air when he'd found out that his fated mate is nobody other than the TRUE BLOOD ALPHA Blade Eastwood. Ian will never be able to accept the mating bond with the true blood alpha, but his wolf will. That's why he couldn't reject Blade AT FIRST. What if Ian started using Blade's love for him just to show people how strong he is by controlling the strongest creature on this earth which is a true blood alpha? What if Blade one day found out all the lies behind Ian? What if all the love that Blade used to have for Ian disappeared and turned to hatred and grudge? The plot twist: What if one day Blade leaves everything behind and comes back, but he is not the 18-year-old stupid Blade who is in love anymore. And instead, he is the 23-year-old Blade Eastwood the Demon Alpha and also the CEO of the Eastwood enterprises? Will Blade take revenge and destroy Ian's life? Will he use the weak Ian Keene who lost his wolf and he is now just a mere human? Will Blade use the fact that Ian needs money to save his only son from dying? "He didn't see me when I was fighting for him, he only saw me at the end of the war carrying a weapon and thought I wanted to kill him. He ended up killing me." -Blade Eastwood- Read If You Want To Find Out What Happened And What Will Happen in Blade's and Ian's Love/Hate Story. lgbtq+ ROMANCE BL Book SWITCH Couple (both MCs top/bottom) Word count: { 300.000-350.000} Book cover by me.

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Like A Fate

" Hmm. " Rene stretches her hands upwards. Slowly opening her eyes, she scans the room. Atop his head is a cylinder shape lampshade attached to the wall, at the bedside is a table with a telephone placed above, a rectangular table with two chairs set near the glass window with a sofa next to it. At the front of the bed is a flat-screen TV and a bathroom a few centimeters away from the entrance. She frowns. " This... Isn't this a hotel room? " As she is surprised, she immediately looks at herself. " Wait... Why am I naked? " She quickly covers her body with a blanket she's holding. Scared, nervous. Her heart beats animatedly, her breathing is snappy, and she feels like she just runs from a marathon. I hope it wasn't what I thought. She gradually turn her head to his left side. Eyes wide open. Surprised, no. She was shocked. A handsome young man laying beside him, naked. She screams. " Ahhh...! " The young man who was peacefully sleeping got woken up by the sudden shrieks of a woman. " What? What happened? " To his surprise by the sudden scream, he sits up on the mattress with his two arms supporting his tired body, clueless. His eyes examined the room. " This isn't my room. Where am I? " " You... " A young-looking woman spoke. Her eyes fixed on the young man who had just woken up. The young man turns his head to where he heard the voice. " What did you do to me? " The man with gray wavy hair stares at her. His expression was priceless. In a second, his gaze diverts to the lady's neck. " Mosquitoes here sure are big. " He said whilst pointing at the red marks on Rene's neck. Frustrated, Rene picks up a pillow laying near her and throws it at the young man who looks dumbfounded. " You damn mosquito! " She yells. The fine young mosquito let the pillow hit him. Rene wraps herself using the blanket and runs towards the bathroom. Before she enters, she turns around, giving a death glare to the mosquito who still can't believe what just happened. " Is this a dream? " Nate asks himself. He slaps his face to confirm if he's dreaming or not. " Ouch! " He exclaimed. " Why does it hurt? " He glances at the unoccupied space at his side. " It's not a dream. " A red stain is vividly visible on a white sheet.

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