
000 - The Dawn of Beginning

The missing persons; in this case, vanishing from out of nowhere, recently hit the news these days. The news of the unknown incidents keep stacking up over and over, always making the appearance in mass media, decorated with speculates, over the tragically event.

For unbeknown reasons, the incidents always recorded at the same country for most cases. Japan, the land of rising Sun; the country that always been in spotlight with the story about the spirited away case - the missing individuals, neither a single person or the groups suddenly went disappear without any trace, in the supposedly safest place, in their house or school. By the way, the age range of the missing persons normally around 15 to 17 years old.

This incident always been recorded at least twice or thrice in a year, and still counting since the first case in 2020.

In the time when the world hit by pandemic disastrous, one person, a junior high school student, vanish in his room, only been known by his family when his mother called him for dinner. He been reported just arrive at home and changing his clothes before having dinner. But, he never come out for dozens of minutes to the dining room after that, making his mother worried before went to his room but only to find that her son is not there.

The police have been informed and began their investigation, but the effort was never fruitful. The special department have been established by the government to assist the police, but the cases still never found the answer.

Half year later, another case been reported, unlike the previous one, a group of student, while doing their club activities in their school, vanished like the air, once more, making the world stunned.

Afterward, another case happened in few months time, repeated again and again, in same timeline - and the rest are history. None of the missing persons return, or to be found. Not even one.

In the middle of the confusion, there is a speculation, about the chances, the victims will soon returning home, which came from the certain fan group. The anime fans, or the otaku group claims that those who been missing, summoned to other world, namely, the Isekai, and become the hero of that world. The speculations of those people does bring hope to the victim families, and surely one day, that there will be the reunion, among them again.

The hope and belief, none become true, thus the helpless feelings still lingering in their life. Even after ten years later, in 2030, the lost persons doesn't appear at all, not even one - making the claims remain untrue.

Another speculation appear - the alien kidnapping incidents, the hot stories that been viral by the social medias. The SF stories have been overstated by the UFO searcher society, making them popular and even receive patronage by the rich families, in order to find their missing child.

Nope, the society failed and even blamed as scammers, so the news chill down immediately.

This missing person cases, definitely not the normal human trafficking incidents, as some of the event have been catch in the CCTV - the victim gone puff, vanish with the sudden light. So, the cases still shadows by mystery.

The headline of the newspaper about those missing people : 'Summoned as Hero, or Kidnapped by Alien?' become the every day debates and discussions, even until today.

As for today, the incident did happen again, and right now, in the prestigious private high school, located in Tokyo. Usually, this occurrence happened at evening time, for most cases, but today, it happen after few minutes when the class started.

The victims, one teacher and 30 students, the junior elite class trapped in the bright light, before vanishing from the class


Because of the sudden bright light, the students and teachers in class of the opposite building side notice the phenomena and begin to make noise out of it.

The headmaster went pale on his face because the students whose fall in victim, are not the ordinary persons, but belong to the upper echelon sons and daughters.

This special class dedicated to the special students - talented or have high status in this country. The son of Prime Minister, the daughter of huge company president, the future world class athlete and other young talents, all together in that class - those kind of peoples who become the victims for newest case of the missing tragic.

"Headmaster, what we going to do now?" His vice, in panic mode, spilled those words to him, who also in shocked condition.

"Wait, what happened to the teacher in the class?" He said to his helper.

"Huh? Daimon sensei? He also went missing, vanishing together with the students. That's not the point sir! We need to think about the students!"

"F@ck me.... I totally dead meat...." The headmaster suddenly fainted, making the situation more difficult, and leaving his vice in question marks - confusing about the real cause of his superior fear and panic.


For those peoples who been missing lately, actually summoned into other world, not parallel one, but more like fantasy realms. The Isekai theory actually is the right answer for the mystery cases happened in the Earth, though remains unproven after none of the witness or victims successfully returning home. They been summoned by the other world dwellers, mostly as the heroes to save them from their problems.

In that world, called, Falak, is the place where the technology still undeveloped and most locations around this world are remains undiscovered, thus hoping the summoned persons to aid them in various ways. Especially, in that world, war always happened, against two side, and still continue until this date. The heroes is the key to win the battle and achieve a momentary peace, before it happens again.

For your information, the populations in Falak divided into three categories; Light Folks, Dark Kin and Chaos Dwellers.

Light Folks are the most civilized peoples, which dominates by four tribes, human, elf, dwarf and beastmen. There also hobbits, fairy and spirits, but none of this group from a kingdom like the dominance one. The human tribe always leads the Light Folks alliance, even though they actually inferior that those three. The elf excel in magic, the dwarf superior in health and steel production, and the last not least, beastmen, hails for their physical might and prowess. Yet, the human still in the front row, as their special ability, and main culprit of the raging news in the Earth; the hero summoning ability. The others tribe have to bow down to human tribe, as those heroes are the most important forces to beat the Dark Kin army.

Dark Kin, the nemesis of the Light Folk, are the species of intelligent humanoid such as the highest rank like vampires or Orge, and the lowest side like goblins and imp. There also the werebeast like Kobold and Sith, which actually a different species than the beastmen kind. The beastmen is like the human with ears and tails of specific animals, but werebeast liken to the bipedal animals that can talk and move like humans. The Dark Kin in war with the Light Folk, which lead by the Demon King that been summoned by them in every 200 years.

The last kind in life being of the Falak world is the Chaos Dwellers, were known as the mindless and fierce beasts. They more like the animal category; hostile to everyone, including their own species with exceptional of their family. Some of these beast can be tamed and domesticated for farming and poultry, just like ordinary animals. But most of them were hard to handle and even dangerous like the wild beasts. There are two kind of this category - one living in natural world, and other live in the dungeons. The one living in the wild, acting like normal animals, breeding, eat and sleep, while in the dungeons, they appear out of nowhere, inside the dark room, never leaving the place, only to attack the intruder, who wanted to loot inside the dungeon. When those beast died in the dungeon, they will left nothing but the magic stone, used as the fuel to generate the magic power.

By the way, the legendary beast like dragon and Phoenix are not categorized in this area, but listed as Light Folk, as they can transform into humanoid physical, which same type like beastmen. Well, most of them didn't prefer becoming the humanoid, because of their pride.

Back to our main story, the group of students and a teacher been summoned to one of the continents in Falak, unnamed one, but not all of them have reached at the same place. Well, all the summoned persons did reach at one location except one, the most right way to explain it.

Thus, the story of new legends in Falak world, will open it's curtain....

Hi, good day guys. This is my new work. Hope you enjoyed this and please be gentle to me. Sorry for the grammatical errors!

Peace and prosperity!

loliconistcreators' thoughts
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