

Like always, Kakashi was late by more than 2 hours, making Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke who came back fresh after a shower, wait for him, bored out of their minds.

Naruto was annoyed at the constant noises made by Sakura, while Sasuke was trying to hold in all his annoyance from the distracting fangirl.

'I just found out that my clan was massacred for greed, and this girl just keeps testing my patience.' Sasuke tried to ignore the girl, hoping Kakashi would come soon and save him from this hell.

"Guys, want to prank the new sensei, you know, get back at him for making us wait," Naruto asked, bored out of his mind.

"Shut up Naruto. Don't involve us in those stupid pranks of your own.

I really wonder how your parents raised you. Oh wait, you don't have any." Sakura retorted snarkily, seeing as he distracted her from her precious 'Sasuke-kun'.

"""The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this BITCH.""" Right on cue, three voices yelled out at the same time.

"Oi, Sensei, you heard the bitch, is it possible for us to switch our teammates. I am not doing any missions with this little shit." Naruto, who would not show it, but was kinda hurt, yelled towards the now open door.

"Yeah. I too would not like to work with her." Sasuke chimed in as well. After all, he wouldn't stand by and watch as someone mocked any orphans, much less his new friend.

"Sakura, is it? Tell me, why do you want to be a ninja?" Kakashi, seething with anger as well, looked toward the girl while thinking about the two boys.

"Uh.. Sensei, well, to be with … eeeeeee" Sakura, put on the spot, blushed hard as she looked towards Sasuke.

"So, a fangirl, I see. Sigh.

Naruto, Sasuke, meet me at the rooftop." Shaking his head, Kakashi disappeared from the spot stunning Sakura and Sasuke with his speed, while Naruto calmly walked out and went up to the rooftop.

Soon, Sasuke and Sakura arrived as well, but when Sakura entered, Kakashi just looked at her weirdly.

"Sakura, why are you here?" He asked.

"What do you mean sensei? Didn't you call us here for our team briefing?" Sakura asked in confusion.

"No, I asked Sasuke and Naruto to follow me, I don't recall telling you to meet us here," Kakashi replied with a very expressive single eye.

"What does this mean sensei? Are you going to talk with me separately because I'm a Kunoichi?" She asked.

"No. I called these two here because I don't want to talk to you." Kakashi replied back briefly.

"Anyway. If you wouldn't mind closing the door on your way out. Thank you." His words didn't leave any room for objection, as Sakura dejectedly walked out of the rooftop.

"Now that it's just our Team, let's start with our introductions. Blondie, you go first." Kakashi said as he pointed toward Naruto.

"Before that, sensei, does this mean that Sakura won't be on our team?" Naruto questioned.

"Yes. I will talk with the Hokage about this .. development. If she is only becoming a ninja to be a fangirl, she is not suited for the job. Also, I do assess the characters of my potential students. And hearing what she had to say, I am afraid, she won't be fit for my team." Kakashi explained.

"That's a relief. From what I know of her, she is only good at memorizing the contents of the book. Physically, she is the worst, tactically, she is the worst, her only redeeming quality is her control over her chakra, which is only because she has so little of it. If not for her ability to create a simple clone, she would be no different from a civilian with no training, maybe even worse." Sasuke apparently had been observing his surroundings closely, it seems.

"Yes. Good analysis. Now, back to the introductions." Kakashi nodded, as he thought, 'why was she even sent to this team. Naruto is obvious since I have some relations with him, and Sasuke is also obvious because of my borrowed Sharingan. But why her? Just to fill the numbers?'.

"Here goes nothing. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like to do a lot of things, and I hate being controlled by others. I want to become stronger, strong enough so that no one can take away my freedom." Naruto declared.

'So, his motivation is freedom. Surprising. I thought it would be recognition, but I guess he has grown up from the last time I met him face to face. Oh, how he still had the innocence of a little baby. Damn this accursed world, that you stole the joy from this little kid.'

"Now you Emo." Kakashi pointed to the Uchiha.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and what I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I will have my revenge on those that pushed my clan to the brink of extinction, and I will make them pay for what they did. You have my word." Sasuke replied with suppressed anger.

'Why do I feel he isn't talking about Itachi.' Kakashi wondered. His instincts were almost never wrong, but this confused him too much.

"That's good. Tomorrow, meet me at Training Ground 7 for your first assignment at 7 in the morning. And remember, don't eat breakfast."

"What's the assignment?" Just as Kakashi was about to leave, Naruto asked.

"It's a survival training exercise. See ya." With that Kakashi was gone with the wind.


"Hokage sama. I would like to recommend a student be removed from the Shinobi program." Kakashi entered the Hokage office and bowed.

"And why is that?" Hiruzen asked without looking up from his paperwork.

"She is not fit to be a ninja. She will be a liability that I do not wish to burden myself with. Not anymore." Kakashi sighed with sadness.

"Is she like her?" Finally, Hiruzen looked up to meet the eye of a broken man.

"I wish she was even a tenth of her, Hokage sama. Sakura doesn't have the necessary mentality or courage to continue down this path. Also, it would not be fair to the others in her team. Her personality and mentality clash completely with all on the team."

"You included?" Hiruzen asked, picking up the key point.

"…Yes, Hokage sama." As much as Kakashi tried to keep it down, the anger and hate he felt at the girl's words were otherworldly. How dare she talk down to them like that. Who is she to mock them?

"Sigh. Very well. I'll see what I can do.

Sigh, this is going to be problematic. Her mother is the civilian council head." Nowadays, Hiruzen had caught himself sighing a lot.

"Thank You, Hokage sama." With that, Kakashi left. Soon after, a nervous lady with yellow hair entered.

"I regret to inform you, but Sakura Haruno will not be promoted to a genin. Her qualifications will read as an Academy Graduate, but will not pursue a career as a ninja." The Hokage replied gravely, feeling sad for seeing a girl not able to follow her dream.

"N-n-no problem, H-Hokage sama. I will let my daughter know of the changes. Thank you Hokage sama. I will take my leave, Hokage Sama." With fear and trepidation in her voice, Mebuki left the office in a hurry. It seems she mistook the grave tone of the Hokage as something else. After all, she still remembered her previous visit with the 'Hokage'.




A few simple words.


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