
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Peter was having the time of my life playing with the Succubus boobs.

Succubus- "You can suck my boobs if you want."

Peter: "I CAN?" 'OHHH MAA GAAWD, I can't believe I'm about to suck her boobs.' "Gulp" Here I go."

As Peter was about to suck the Succubus boobs, the Ring Of Elements started shining.

Peter: "What is going on?" A voice started talking to him.

Voice- "Peter, you can't suck her boobs."

Peter: "HUH? Why not?"

Voice- "Because if you do, you'll fall under her magic forever."

Peter: "Wait a second. I know this voice. OLD MAN IS THAT YOU?"

Old man- "N...no, It's the Ring Of Elements."

Peter: "Were you spying on me this whole time? OLD MAN YOU BASTARD, YOU SAW EVERYTHING!!"

Old man- "Uhhh Gotta Go, but don't forget you must not suck the Succubus boobs."

Peter: "Dammit! Sorry ladies looks like our play is over. I have to kill your queen."

The Succubuses started screaming and attacking peter. But he managed to evade them and started running while they were chasing him.

Peter: "YOU CRAZY BITCHES! I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Wait! The sword the old man gave me is super effective against them. "

Peter drew the sword and it started glowing with light magic. The succubuses started screaming while covering their eyes.

Succubuses- "IT BURNS, STOP."

Peter: "HAHAHA, You crazy succubuses. TAKE THIS!" He jumped in the air and slashed the Succubuses. "AGHHHHHH DIE!"

Peter Killed the Succubuses thanks to the sword's light magic.

Peter: "Whew, Now to kill the queen."

Succubus Queen- "Tchh. Looks like I'm going to have to seduce him."

Peter Ventured Deeper and Deeper inside the castle, searching every room until he reached the main hall. he opened the door and Inside was the Succubus Queen waiting for him topless.

Succubus Queen- "Welcome Peter."

Inside's Peter Head: "OHH MA GAAWD, She's Hot and Her body is INSANELY INCREDIBLE and Her Boobs Are HUGE!"

Succubus Queen- "I know you want this peter. I know you want my body."

Peter: OH NO, SHE KNOWS MY WEAKNESS. Dammit! Peter resists, you can do it.

The Succubus Queen started walking towards him while holding her boobs.

Succubus Queen- "Do you want to touch them peter?"

Peter: AGHHHHH! I CAN'T SAY NO. "Yes, I want to touch them."

He couldn't resist her magic.

Peter: "I have to grab the Succubus Queen boobs and play with them. AHHAHAHA, They are so soft AHAHAH."

Inside Succubus Queen head: "Yes, you idiot keep playing with my boobs. I'm gonna use this opportunity to stab you in your heart ahahaha. Wait? why's his ring glowing?"

Succubus Queen- "HUH? What is going on?"

Peter: "DAMMIT! OLD MAN, Let me enjoy myself."

Succubus Queen- "huh? Old man? where?"

Old man- "Peter, you idiot. I warned you not to fall for the Succubus Magic, but fine, I'll have to do that then."

The Ring Of Elements Started Shining even more burning the Succubus Queen and revealing her true form. An Ugly, Very old Succubus with her face half-melted, Saggy boobs, fat stomach, and huge claws.



She started chasing peter around the main hall to kill him, but peter kept throwing stuff at her while running.

Peter: "Stay away, YOU UGLY HAG."

Succubus Queen- "I'LL KILL YOU."

Old man- "The Sword Peter, Use the sword."

Peter: "Ohhh yeah, I forgot again."

Peter Drew the sword and it started shining with light magic, burning the Succubus Queen's eyes.

Succubus Queen- "AGHHHH MY EYES!"

He used this opportunity to attack her with the sword.

Peter: "TAKE THIS AGHHHH!" He Slashed the Succubus Queen head off. "And stay down you ugly hag"

Old man- "Peter, Bring her head with you."

Peter: "EWWW! Why?"

Old man- "As a Proof. To show the king that you are the one who killed the Succubus Queen. I'll be waiting for you outside."

Peter grabbed the Succubus Queen's head and put it inside a bad. She was so ugly and smelled really bad.

Peter: "I'm gonna have nightmares because of you. Oh well, at least I got to play with boobs hehehehe."

Peter got outside to meet the old man and returned to the Water Kingdom to meet the king.

Peter: "Your Highness, I Peter, The Hero Of Nyland, have slain the Succubus Queen."

The king- "Can I see your proof?"

Peter: "Hehehe, HERE." Throws the bag with the Succubus Queen head inside. Everyone in the castle started talking loudly.

The King- "Enough!, Hero, Thank you for saving the men of the Water Nation. I will keep my promise."

The king called for the princess to come to meet peter. he was excited and nervous at the same time.

Peter: "Finally, I'm going to meet the princess."

The gate opened as the princess of the Water kingdom walked slowly in Beautiful Blue Dress.

Inside peter head: OHHH MAA GAWWD! She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her Hair is Shiny Gold, Her Skin is as white as snow, her eyes are ruby red and HER BODY IS INCREDIBLE WITH HUGE BOOBS, She's Perfect.

Peter: "Hello Princess, It's I, Peter the Hero Of Nyland, Slayer of the Succubus Queen. I have come to marry you."

Princess- "HUUUUUH? Marry? you? HAHAHAHAHA, you think I'm going to marry an ugly hero like you? AHAHAHA."

Peter: "Huh?"

Peter felt like he just got stabbed in the heart as he was falling slowly and dramatically to the ground with tears falling from his eyes.


"Will Peter Recover, Win the princess Heart and marry her or will he fail? find out in the next chapter."

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