
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasie
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37 Chs


We appeared in a dimly lit room. I could barely make out the shape of a throne.

"Um...Can you please turn on the lights?"

The Dark Lord laughed.


With a flash, the place was filled with bright light.

To my shock, the room was even bigger than I had originally imagined! We were standing in what looked like a throne room. It seemed to me that we were in some kind of castle.

Everything was made up of diamond and gold except for the throne that sat in the middle of the room. The throne was huge and majestic and instead of being adorned with jewels like one may think, the throne was made from skulls and bones.

"The bones of my enemies." He simply said. I looked at him in horror.

The Dark Lord laughed when he saw my look of horror.

"Kai, let's talk, shall we?" He asked as he sat down on his skull throne.

I gulped.

"I know you came from another world, Kai." He said.

I looked at him. "How did you know?"

He smirked at me. "Because I know who brought you here."

The person who brought me here? Before I could say anything, he held up a hand to silence me.

"The person or I should say the God that brought you here was the author of the book "The Gold Knight."

Wow, what the heck?! A god? A literal god?!

"The Gold Knight was not just some random book. It was the record of what happened in the Kingdom of Asten.

A record?

I looked at him and asked, "Who are you?"

The mysterious man smirked. "Me? I thought I told you. I'm Jace, otherwise known as the Dark Lord or the God of Death."

I gawked at him. I thought he was joking. Why was the Dark Lord visiting me? Shouldn't he appear 5 years later when I get injured by a demon?

He ignored me and continued.

"Many don't know this, but there are a hidden affinity, the 6th and the most powerful element: darkness. The only one known to wield the power of the night was the first Demon King Ryder but unfortunately, he was sealed away in the Icehearth mountain by the first hero and King of the Humans, Cedric." Jace said.

I nodded my head. So what did this mean? Why was he telling me this?

"The original Kai was supposed to become the Demon King but you see, his soul sucked into a time rift, and the original Kai, who had already gone through his life up until his defeat by the hero Asher, ended up reincarnating directly into the present Demon King's body, thus leaving his original body empty, that is how I was able to bring you here to this world and have you inhabit the original's body."

"What the heck?" I was so confused. "So you mean to say that the Kai from the book had already gone through the hardships, got killed, then got reincarnated into the Demon King who is sealed in the Icehearth mountain, leaving an empty body and when because I was killed by the fire, you saw that as a perfect chance to transport me into the original's body?"


"Even though the original Kai was supposed to become the Demon King 5 years later, he is now the demon king?"

Jace nodded his head.

"But how is that possible? All because a time rift opened up? Don't tell me that there was not a soul inhabiting the Demon King's body, to begin with?"

"You're right. The Demon King has been locked away in the mountain for 1000 years. The seal serve as torture. After 1000 years, the Demon King finally couldn't handle it. He perished this year which left an empty body that was preserved due to the seal."

I felt light-headed all of a sudden. I couldn't wrap my head around this.

"But why did you chose me to inhabit his body? I'm just a weeb from Earth."

Jace stared at me blankly. "So?"

All of a sudden my eyes widened when I thought of something. "Is my mission to destroy this world?!" I asked.

Jace chuckled at me. "No, it is not. Quite the opposite. Your mission is to SAVE the world. The world you are currently in is now on its 100th play. Meaning someone interfered with this world using a time rift which caused a ripple effect. Thus, although the original Kai was originally destined by the God of this world to become the Demon King 5 years later and ultimately try to destroy the world, it is not possible because the original Kai's soul is now in the sleeping body of the sealed demon king."

"The original succeeded in destroying this world 99 times already because of the time rift. Thus, this world is on repeat."

"Before, during the 99 plays that this world was on repeat, there was no one to inhabit the original's body. The God of this world requested my help and when I heard a voice from another world that was so deeply attached to this world or otherwise known as the book, I transported you here, in the body of the childhood best friend of the hero that gets abandoned." He said.

I nodded my head that I understood and then proceeded to listen to the last bit of what he had to say.

"So your mission is to find the discrepancies which take the form of demons and "purge" them by absorbing their essence."

"Is that why you blessed me with the power of darkness?" I asked.

He nodded. "You will need it to purge the demons and defeat the Demon King."


With that, I was back at the stadium and was met with shocked faces.

The priest's faces were frozen in shock and fear.

"Um, hello?" I waved my hand in front of one of their faces.

That snapped them out of it and then they started to run around crazily muttering things such as, "That's not possible."

"Not just one commoner, but two?" They said as they huddled together in a group.

Someone grabbed my hand and I turned and looked. It was Asher and he looked up at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

I patted his head and smiled.


Although just a few minutes ago, when I first transmigrated into this body, I was the same height as him, I now stood a head taller than Asher.

The priests finally stopped huddling together and turned towards us.

"Let's go, do you guys need to bring anything?" A old priest asked us. "The Holy Church will provide the basic necessities."

Asher and I looked at each other.

We did not have anything to bring. Asher and the original Kai were both orphans. Since they were 12 years old, they managed to live on their own. Plus, we barely had any clothes or items to bring. I figured that we could always buy some new clothes.

"No," We both said in unison.

The priest nodded at the two of us.

"Thornclaw Royal Academy officially starts in two weeks, during that time, you will stay with us, at the Holy Church. Then when school starts, you will then stay at the dorms at the school."

We nodded our heads in agreement.

Soon, they casted the teleportation spell and together, we walked into the portal to begin our new lives.