
I Love you Devil

Chizaram_Destiny · sci-fi
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3 Chs

New Device

'' How long have been there?''

Bingbing raised her hand indicating ' five '

Gu ming gasps '' five h toours?!¿'' she exclaims

Bingbing shakes her head indicating ' no'

Tang ye decided to speak up for his wife; her EQ is getting worse day after day '' five minutes'' he pats his wife '' don't be a dimwit".

"hmph, I'm not being a dimwit,you old man, bingbing come let's go eat".

*Crab salad with peanut dressing,cherry apple lobster, sweet sauce roast pork, braised pork, pomegranate juice, Ceylon tea, chicken teriyaki, garlic battered salmon, frappes juice.

Tang ye laughs "So much food,my wife will never change."

Gu Ming huffs "what?"

"Nothing."Tang ye pours the Ceylon tea in a cup and sips "let's eat."

Gu ming's plate is already filled up with different dishes.

Bingbing takes out her favorite*Chicken teriyaki, cherry apple lobster and pomegranate juice.*she starts eating.

After dinner...

Grandma Gu is lying on the couch while her husband is sitting close to the couch and Bingbing is sitting opposite.

Tang ye breaks the silence"My dear, here, have this ."He hands her a box.

Bingbing stares at it.

"This will help you to communicate with people, I got the tab from the latest brand last week. I hope you like it".

Bingbing nods.

"At least, I want to see you smile, it's been long".

Bingbing feigns one, but it did not reach her eyes.