
I love him so munch

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What is I love him so munch

Lesen Sie den Roman I love him so munch des Autors Tristan_Hill_3744, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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My Academia Start... Log Of Love

If I don't grow I will be dead soon, if I don't earn I'll starve to death, if I don't run I will be killed and if I don't kill I will have nothing left for me...... was the few thoughts that had me hanging in the game of so called life, but who knew the fate was laughing and mocking at me whole this time... Knowing that it might be last act of my life, I wish nothing more but to scream, to destroy everything in my life... Keep your a.. up bastards and run like your existence depend upon them, the only factor you bastard are really well worth off. Don't simply f**k the line for dinner, you scu***gs... These thing keep ranging in his mind as he kept on running in the direction of unknown, whilst voice of steps continues on closing to him, as boy eyes reveal strains of darkness and hopelessness however his frame kept on dragging his frail body, which appeared to be about to break fall anytime soon. Soon before he ought to understand his leg landed on air as his stability crumbled which throw his body towards a abyss, at that second the boy face had a hint of smile given for some reason he felt his chest relaxing and all his anxiety diminishing as his head hit some thing cold, His consciousness faded before he could scream in pain, the final factor he remembered was starry sky which once represented hope for him. "Ah! F*ck! I got scammed! Aish! My head hurts!" Allan walker sat up as he used both his palms to rub his temples. "Al, you have finally woke up. You scared your mom to death! If some thing had been to happen to you, what should your mom do?!" He sat up from his bed and before he was able to apprehend what was going on, he was hugged by a lady who was weeping. follow the journey of this boy as he enjoy his VR life... As an greatest Mercinery of Virtual Reality... Hello guys if you all are bore of all those VRMMOrg which had protagonist with future knowledge and is fucking OP in the VR gaming then read this one it might taste the best where Harem in game is also possible... Image used in the cover belongs to Imgur.com from pinterest. I am only using it as an fan.

Wandering_Sgaaa · sci-fi
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穿书+宠宠宠   叶七七穿书了,穿成了暴君的亲闺女。   初见时,她才五岁,小小的身子跪于大殿中央,坐在皇位上一身龙袍的俊美男人眼神极淡的瞥了她一眼:“哪来的丑东西,给朕拖下去砍了。”   北冥君王夜姬尧,人称大暴君,性格暴虐,手段毒辣,狠起来连自己的亲女儿都砍。   叶七七不想刚穿过去就一命呜呼,于是乎心一横的誓要抱紧暴君父皇的大腿。   “父皇~抱抱。”   看着抱紧自己大腿的某只软团子,大暴君眼神微眯,觉得宫中养个这个小东西,似乎也不是不可以。   于是乎养着养着,竟让她成了北冥最受圣宠的七公主。   后来,七公主长大了,大暴君寻思着要给她寻个好夫婿。   可万万没有想到,自己养了十七年的亲闺女,竟然被某个狼子野心的敌国太子给惦记上了。   ——   西冥太子燕铖,年少时便被大暴君给灭了国,处心积虑伪装数十载,誓要取下大暴君夜姬尧的狗头。   可他千算万算没想到自己竟对仇人的女儿动了真心。   再后来,一身龙袍的燕铖将某个出落的亭亭玉立的少女堵住墙角,嘴角笑的邪肆:“七七呀,你逃什么?不是说最喜欢燕哥哥的嘛?” (软萌可甜腹黑小萝莉vs病娇心机阴暗少年)

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