
I, Lord Void, join the chat group

SCP, Cthulhu, Zerg. Ye Du traveled to a strange world of Lu Li, and he also gained a unique chat system. What would happen if residents from different worlds joined the same **chat? Is it endless torment? Or become sand sculptures together? The man known as the strongest creature on the surface meets the empire's strongest general; The boy who vowed to kill the evil spirits met the wicked man who regarded human beings as bread; The dark knight who maintains peace in Gotham City meets the mafia who aspires to become a Yangko STAT... What kind of sparks will they make? And at this moment, Ye Du, who possesses the power of the Void Lord, joined the ** chat!

Black_Saga_0295 · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 24: A Threat That Can Devour The World

"It's been a long time since I went out, so just exercise your muscles and bones."

Ye Du got dressed and opened the door to go to a nearby supermarket.

Even if you travel to another world, you still need money to trade and shop.

Ye Du was penniless when he first came to this world. In order not to starve to death, he had to go out to work and save a little money.

Although this world is full of dangerous abnormal monsters, the life of the people in the city is relatively safe because of the presence of supernatural beings and the police force.

But in the recent period, for unknown reasons, abnormal activities have become more and more frequent and rampant, which makes the police unable to cover everything. Countless buildings have been destroyed, and the number of residents who died in the disaster is no longer a few. Even Ye Du used to work as a part-time job. 's shop was also destroyed in a strange earthquake before, which is one of the reasons why Ye Du has been living at home.

Not only because of the loss of the original job, but also to avoid being involved in abnormal events as much as possible.

At this time, Ye Du had gone downstairs and came to the street. It was daytime, but the sky was dark purple, and there was a faint blood red hidden at the edge of the clouds.

The streets are sparsely populated, probably hiding at home for fear of the recent unrest in the city.

"Fortunately, the supermarket is not far away. Hurry up and go home after shopping. Although you have the power of the void, you still don't want to encounter any abnormality!"

Ye Du was talking to himself, and unknowingly, he had reached the door of the supermarket.

He noticed something strange.

The door of the supermarket is gone, the door that should normally be pushed open by customers has disappeared at this time, and there is no cashier working at the cashier.

"Strange? Is it decoration?"

Ye Du became puzzled. The lights in the supermarket were on, and the refrigeration equipment was in normal working condition. It should be in normal business.

But Ye Du didn't think about it. Although the probability of encountering anomalies is relatively low, and he also has the power of the void to protect himself, he still wants to go home early, so he quickly picks up food that can be eaten for at least a week or two. and other supplies, put them in the bag, put the money on the cashier, and left in a hurry.

As soon as Ye Du stepped out of the supermarket, he was keenly aware of a strange sound coming from the bushes next to him. After possessing the power of the void, not only his physical fitness, but also his responsiveness and insight were improved. leap.


Ye Du stepped forward slowly and alertly, reaching out to push the leaves away.

It's an ordinary rabbit.

It's all white, with symmetrical spots on its back, and it looks very cute.

"Let me worry for nothing."

Ye Du opened his shopping bag, took out the carrot he just bought, broke off a small piece and placed it in front of the rabbit. The rabbit seemed to be hungry for a long time, and immediately swallowed the large piece of carrot.

"Looks like you're starving."

Ye Du smiled and teased the rabbit, who was also very well-behaved, lying on the ground motionless, letting Ye Du feel his fur, and seemed to enjoy the feeling.

"So cute, is it a pet rabbit that has been raised by someone? Maybe it was abandoned by the owner, so I will adopt you with great mercy."

Ye Du picked up the rabbit, he has been living alone, it is also very good to find a pet as company, which can add a lot of fun to the monotonous life.

Back home, the rabbit who had been lying in Ye Du's arms seemed to have fallen asleep, and gently touched his teeth.

Ye Du used the power of the void to create a small nest for the rabbit, gently placed it in the nest, then sliced ​​the carrot into a bowl and placed it next to the sleeping rabbit.

"What name will I give you? You are all white, so let's call you Xiaobai."

Ye Du squatted beside the nest and said softly with a smile. The sleeping rabbit seemed to hear it and murmured.

"It's getting late, hurry up and prepare dinner."

Ye Du stood up, put his wallet on the side of the rabbit's nest, then picked up the ingredients he just bought and walked into the kitchen.

. . . . . .

unknown laboratory.

A man paced the room anxiously, with a sad face.

"Dr. Cai Feng, we lost our target."

Beside him, several people in research uniforms also had nervous expressions on their faces.

"The final location is the poorest tenth district."

"Walter ate his tracker too..."

The veins on Cai Feng's forehead burst out, almost digging out of his own skin.

"What's going on recently? How can this kind of docile abnormality suddenly break through the storage, all abnormal activities during this time are extraordinarily active, just like the previous indestructible evil lizards... Let them run Going out will have terrifying consequences!"

"Dr. Cai Feng, could this be because of that prophecy, the King of Crimson..."

Before the researcher next to him could finish speaking, he suddenly fell to the ground, and after twitching for a while, there was no movement at all.

"It's really stupid to say such taboo words, knowing that there is an automatic obliteration device in your body."

Cai Feng also unconsciously placed his hand on his heart, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and at the same time, several people in full armor walked in and dragged the body of the institute away.

"In any case, no matter what the cost, we must bring Walter back, it will cause more serious consequences than the inexhaustible lizard."

Cai Feng raised his head and looked at the big screen in front of him.

"Otherwise, it will eat the whole world, because it is an existence that even the inextinguishable evil lizard is afraid of - the gluttonous rabbit."