
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

Let him know the dangers of society.

 "A person with water powers is watering my vegetable garden?" This kind of thing sounds incredible, but when it is said in Ye Yin's mouth, it actually feels like Versailles literature.

  "Forget it, I don't care about you weird people anymore," Zhang Mengyu felt that it would take a long time for him to digest these things. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he would even doubt whether there was something wrong with his brain. .

  "Wait, when did you start protecting me?" Zhang Menglong suddenly thought of this question, "Before you were 10 years old, it was my father who protected you. Since then, it has been me." Ye Yin said.

  "Have you been by my side for more than ten years?" Zhang Mengyu opened his mouth wide. A living person had been guarding him for more than ten years, and he didn't even realize it.

  "Yes, does Mr. Zhang still remember the car accident three years ago?" Ye Yin asked.

  "Three years ago?" Zhang Hazy's thoughts immediately returned to his freshman year. Suddenly, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes, "Did you protect me?"

  "Yes." Ye Yin nodded.

  "No wonder! I thought some ancestor showed up to protect me in the dark." Zhang Mengyu finally showed a look of understanding.

  Three years ago, this was the first time he came to Jiangnan City to study. Because he came to this city full of novelties, Zhang Menglong often played around in groups with his roommates.

  Once they came back very late, because everyone was very tired, so their attention was a little distracted, and at an intersection, a truck rushed towards them at a speed of at least 80 yards. If they were hit, none of them would be injured. Impossible to survive.

  But the miraculous thing was that the car actually flipped into the air two meters in front of them, passed them and hit the ground. Zhang Mengyu even felt the strong wind caused by the powerful impact.

  Later, the driver was found guilty of drunk driving, and they narrowly escaped death, but this scene has remained in Zhang Mengyu's memory so far.

  "Isn't this too exaggerated?" Only now did Zhang Mengyu realize that it was Ye Yin who saved him, but looking at his stature that was not as tall as his own, it was hard to believe where he got such power.

  Is it really like in the novel "Infinite Terror", where he developed the potential of the human body and gained some power beyond ordinary people's understanding?

  "It's outrageous!" Zhang Mengyu slapped himself on the face, and when he felt the burning pain, he was convinced that this was not a dream.

  "Wait a minute, you've been with me for more than ten years, so I...don't you know everything?" Zhang Menglong is still a little virgin, but there is nothing like that that he is afraid of being seen.

  But since junior high school, ahem, as a young man full of masculinity, Zhang Mengyu has studied a lot of physiological knowledge. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has read countless films. Won't Ye Yin have seen all these scenes?

  "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I will never say anything you shouldn't say, and I promise, I will never see anything you shouldn't see."

  "Who is my favorite teacher?"

  "Momonogi Kana!"

  "What was the last movie number I watched?"


  "Why the hell did you say you didn't see it?"

  "I don't know why you're blushing!" Zhang Mengyu saw two blushes on Ye Yin's face and knew that he had seen everything. No, even if he didn't see it, he must have heard it.

  "Mr. Zhang, Ye Yin's family has been with your family for more than three thousand years, so you can rest assured of his loyalty." Hong Yi, who was standing next to him, looked embarrassed, but still vouched for Ye Yin's coming out.

  "I'll give it to you. It's been more than three thousand years?" Hasn't that meant that their family has been following their ancestors since the Western Zhou Dynasty? This is simply a veteran.

  "No wonder he looks at me like this," Zhang Menglong seemed to understand.

  "Okay, don't read anything you shouldn't read in the future, do you understand?"

  "Understood." Ye Yin nodded, and his figure gradually faded in front of Zhang Menglong.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really amazing. If only I could be so awesome," Zhang Mengyu sighed.

  "Mr. Zhang, you will have such a day."

  "Ah?" Zhang Mengyu was confused.

  "None of your ancestors are ordinary people, and you are no exception."

  "I almost believed it," Zhang Mengyu curled his lips. If there were any secret books at home, his parents should have given them to him before they left. Could it be that he could somehow mutate his genes and become a superman?

  "Mr. Zhang, we are here," Magic City is only about a hundred kilometers away from Suzhou. For this helicopter, it is only a few dozen minutes away.

  "I want to see what kind of thing dares to commit a crime against the wind." Zhang Mengyu's pressure suddenly dropped again. Since the incidents of unscrupulous teachers in schools have occurred frequently in the past few years, the supervision of relevant departments has become more and more strict. Logically speaking, all those teachers should keep their tail between their legs, but I never expected that there would be such bold people.

  "Mr. Zhang, do you want to deal with it?"

  "When did you become so violent?" Zhang Mengyu glanced at Hong Yi. This was the first time he knew that Hong Yi still had such a side, ready to kill people at every turn?

  It's not that Zhang Menglong is indecisive. A person living in a harmonious society, even if he has the right to live and die, would not challenge social and moral standards so quickly, right?

  "Then what are you going to do about it?"

  "Do you have any information about that person?"

  "Yes," Hong Yi seemed to have memorized all the information in his head, "Bai Shengwu, a professor of pop singing at the School of Music of Suzhou University, is 44 years old. He has taught at Suzhou University for 15 years and has a total of Harassed hundreds of female students."

  "Beast!" Zhang Mengyu couldn't help but cursed, "No one reports this kind of person?"

  "This Bai Shengwu usually chooses very timid girls to attack, and they are all undergraduates and graduate students. In his hands, he usually has some tricks, so most of them will eat some limbs or I don't dare to take advantage of my small language deficiencies."

  "No one did anything to him?"

  "Yes, there were seven of them in total, and they were even taken photos or videos. You know, the girl's family's reputation is more important than anything else, so they chose to die in their stomachs rather than let others know about these things."

  "Good guy, he is still a habitual criminal." Zhang Mengyu hates this kind of person the most. Obviously, this kind of beast is even more outrageous than Ding Yuxi's behavior. Is this kind of person worthy of being a role model?

  "How is Yiyi?" Zhang Menglong asked again.

  "Miss Lu is fine. When Bai Shengwu was about to cause chaos, the person responsible for protecting Miss Lu had already knocked him out. Of course, Miss Lu will not find out how he fainted."

  "That's good, don't let Yiyi know about these things for the time being."


  "However, killing is not allowed, but it is necessary to let him know the dangers of society," Zhang Mengyu said, "Ye Yin, I have something for you to do."

  When Zhang Mengyu finished talking about this, Hong Yi couldn't help but blush. Zhang Mengwu was not only insidious, but also so shameless!


  "I understand, Mr. Zhang." Ye Yin's voice sounded faintly next to Zhang Mengyu, "But isn't this a bit too perverted?"

  "To deal with perverts is to use perverted methods. After this is done, I will give you a salary increase, go ahead!"
