
i have nothing to lose

Kaia, who can never find love in her whole life. Her boyfriend cheats on her. Her crush fools her. Her best friend stops talking to her. After all these things an old enemy becomes her soulmate. But she is being followed by a man and she is unaware about it. let's enjoy Kaia's journey of life. sometimes laugh with her and sometimes cry with her. And let's see if she finds her love. book cover isn't mine.

logoo · Teenager
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30 Chs

As I am happy now

"Explain the situation Kaia." 

Kai was unexpectedly very calm and talked to her very calmly. 

"....mmmh.... I don't know why I said that. I told Louis that I like you and I like staying with you. He was asking me about us so I told him that. But don't ask me why I told him that. I know you don't feel that way. I am sorry for this. I can explain in front of everyone that it's not true but I need sometime to prepare myself, please I am really sorry."

Kaia could not look at him so she didn't know what kind of expression was he making, is he mad? or disgust. She was very scared to face him so she kept her head low then she heard a sound which sounds like someone is laughing. She raised her head and was very surprised to see Kai laughing. She was confused. (Why is he laughing? Is he okay? I heard that people laugh when they can't control their anger. I think it's true.)

" why..why are you laughing?"

Kaia couldn't hold her tears so it rolled down because she was actually scared and didn't know how to handle the situation. 

" Are you okay? I am scared....please..."

When Kai realized that Kaia was actually scared then he stopped and pulled her closer and smiled at her. " Do you think that I am angry with you?" 

Kaia nodded her head and said," appropriate reaction from you in this situation is anger but you are laughing and that is more scary."

" Listen to me now, Do you really want to date me that bad?"

"No!!!!! it's not like that..."

" I am giving you two options then....1. go and explain everything to everyone about us. and if you can't do that then 2nd option is let's date for real." 

" what??"

That was the most unexpected thing that Kaia had imagined. She couldn't react properly as she was very confused. 

" Date???... but you don't like me right?"

" That was the past, and now I think I can date you as well... It's not like I hate you. I can love you if we date."

" Are you saying this because you pity me? I don't need that kind of sympathy from you... and i don't want to date you anymore."

" No, it's not like what you think. I refused you because I use to like someone else at that time but now I don't like her and I stay with you 24/7 so I think now I am habituated of your presence. when you don't come to me when we eat or don't bother me for sometime, I feel like I am missing something. I don't like that feeling so, I want to keep you with me forever so, I don't need to worry much."

Kaia was too stunned to say anything. She didn't knew if she was ready for this or not. But she wanted to try. Maybe she wanted to use Kai to get Louis out of her head who was already engaged with someone else. It's also true that she liked Kai before so, it's not that difficult to develop feeling for him again.

Kaia took a little bit of time and said," Okay let's do it."

Kai smiled at her and hugged her. " umm, let's date!"

Kaia wasn't sure if this is good thing to do but she was giving a try. Maybe Kai is her happiness and she wanted to grab all the possible happiness before something happens to her.

" Kai, remember that I might not be with you forever, do you still want to date me?"

" I will protect you forever.... don't worry about future."

That sentence made Kaia so happy. After so much time she felt like she also have someone who will be by her side. She also have someone who will protect her.

Kai pulled her closer and hugged her. She could feel like now she is getting the actual happiness. Kai as a friend and as a boyfriend is very different.

(As a boyfriend, he is very mature and very handsome....hehe)

" Let's go to eat. What do you want to eat?"

" Anything...."

They went to the mess together. they were a little bit awkward as it was their first time eating as a love partners. Kaia was a little bit embarrassed so she didn't looked at anybody and directly went to sit. Kai took out two plates and served for himself and also for Kaia. Kaia didn't know about that so she stood up to bring food but Kai brought them for her. She was more embarrassed. Her ears turned a little bit red. Kai noticed that and touched it.

" It's so red.... Kaia are you not feeling well?"

" I am so embarrassed right now. Don't stay so close to me or everyone will know about us."

" They already know, remember?"

Kaia starts to eat. Kai looks at her and smiles. He finds her reactions funny.

Louis and Miri also notice that they grew closer than they were when they met them just a moment ago.

Louis: ( why are they so close)

Louis lost his appetite so he went out of the hall and sat on the bench near lake. He thought ( why am I feeling so uncomfortable looking at them. I don't feel the same when I see Miri with other guy.)


Kaia and Kai reach Kaia's room and Kai let her go inside her room. He look at her and can feel that she is still confused about their relation so he call her near him and kiss her on her forehead. he knows that she need to accept that they are together and he is always there for her. She feels very warm after that and look at Kai's eyes and hug him tight. She actually feels safe. She smiles at him and go inside her room.

Kaia can't forget about what just happened to her. Happiness came to her knocking her door itself. She was very happy. She could not sleep so she got up and looked out of the window. She looked at the sky there was half moon. It was half moon day. That was also very beautiful for her. Moon always depressed her but today she was happy looking at the moon. It was kind of romantic. She remembered Kai and finally understood why people think moon as a romantic thing. 

But when Kaia was about to go to her bed she finds a person sitting on the bench. That person looks lonely. But who can be that person? She was a bit scared. She thought of calling Kai but again thought that he might be sleeping so didn't want to disturb him. She looked at that person for some time. That person was just looking at the sky. She couldn't identify that person. She didn't want to go to check out that person so she just looked at them and sat near window. What that person wanted? Why were they sitting there alone. It's almost 12 am and still sitting outside. 

( The world isn't that happy as I use to think and I realized it as I am happy now. That person looks sad.) Kaia thought while looking at that person.

She fell asleep there while looking at that person. When she woke up and looked at the bench, there was no one.

Maybe that person went inside. Or was that just my imagination OR.....maybe a ghost....aHHHHH!!!! I swear to god I will never wait for some unknown person at night.