
Chapter 5 Master Huang, I Can't Hold on Much Longer

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Wang Lan's dedicated coach, it was essential to have a detailed understanding of his strengths, not only to be intimately knowledgeable about them but also to recognize his advantages and shortcomings clearly, and to devise specialized training accordingly.

So, based on Huang Feilong's judgment, his kick should have been able to strike Wang Lan's chest and send him flying. Of course, the force had to be held back, just as action movies show fierce kicks but without real power.

But in the next instant, Huang Feilong suddenly felt his foot kicking into thin air. Startled, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye of Wang Lan inverted, supporting himself on the ground with one hand.

A thought exploded in Huang Feilong's mind at that moment, Damn it!

Wang Lan's foot, coming from below, fiercely kicked up at Huang Feilong's chin, sending Huang Feilong flying into the air.


A dull sound echoed as Huang Feilong fell backwards onto the ground, tumbling in disarray.

Of course, a common person would have been severely injured by such a blow, but for Huang Feilong, a Star Martial Warrior, other than a bit of pain in his chin and a somewhat numb tongue, there wasn't much of a problem.

Wang Lan approached Huang Feilong and helped him up.

"Mmh mmh mmh mmh..." Huang Feilong's tongue was somewhat unresponsive, and although he was attempting to speak, Wang Lan couldn't make out the words clearly.

"Master Huang, are you sure you're a Star Shine Stage Star Martial Warrior?" Wang Lan asked with a hint of skepticism.

"What's wrong with being sure?"

"I'm a Starlight Stage warrior and I can take you down, surely you weren't bluffing me before, were you?"

"That's because I underestimated you... With your combat level from the day before yesterday, you definitely couldn't have made that move... The way you dodged, counterattacked, and executed your moves was extremely fluid and impeccable... Have you had an epiphany in the last two days, wait, what did you just say?"

"Me? I asked if you were bluffing me before."

"No, the sentence before that!"

"You, a Star Shine Stage warrior, were taken down by me, a Starlight Stage warrior?"

"You're Starlight Stage? When did you reach Starlight Stage?"


"Come on, open your Star Palace for me to see..."

Wang Lan trusted Huang Feilong a great deal; the man was straightforward and had been teaching Wang Lan for five years. Besides, opening the Star Palace was the most direct proof for a Star Martial Warrior, and there was nothing to hide for a Star Martial Warrior.

Opening the Star Palace came as naturally to a Star Martial Warrior as instincts; no learning was required. Wang Lan summoned the Star Power within his entire body, causing it to surge and circulate powerfully. Waves of shimmering light immediately radiated around him.

Above his head, within a flickering void ripple, a radiant starlight gem was embedded.

Watching this scene, Huang Feilong was anything but calm, "Mr. Lan? You're sixteen years old?"


"Two years ago, did you undergo Soul Resonance Stimulation? Even that couldn't awaken your Star Martial Art talent, yet now you've managed to awaken it on your own?"

"Ah, what about it? Awakening is just awakening, there's no need to be surprised. But you, shouldn't you be adjusting my training plan now?"

'No need to be surprised?' That's too stiff an act, thumbs down! Huang Feilong roared inside.

Soul Resonance Stimulation has been scientifically certified to help 99.8% of those with Star Martial Art talent to successfully awaken, with the remaining 0.2% just to keep them from getting arrogant. But for those who can't be stimulated by Soul Resonance to awaken their Star Martial Art talent, it's generally considered that they have none.

Since the advent of the Soul Resonance Instrument, those who underwent Soul Resonance without awakening had no precedent of awakening later. Even a hundred attempts would be futile.

Talented individuals don't need Soul Resonance assistance; they usually awaken on their own before the age of thirteen. Those who awaken through Soul Resonance tend to have relatively mediocre talents, but what in the world is this situation?

Soul Resonance couldn't make him awaken, yet damn if he didn't just bloom like an iron tree flowering?

"To be able to awaken on your own at sixteen? Such an extraordinary event would certainly make the news, wouldn't it? 'No need to be surprised?' I might not be surprised, but the folks at Star Martial Research Science Institute should be thrilled to invite you to join their research.

Your existence proves that Soul Resonance Awakening isn't infallible and might even lead to a second method of awakening being discovered through you, possibly even achieving mass awakening. Heh heh heh..."

Wang Lan shuddered, "Don't scare me, we scientists are humane, after all."

"Hmm, but it would be worth the sacrifice of one person for the everlasting benefits of human civilization," said Huang Feilong with a sly smile, seemingly having genuinely frightened Wang Lan before patting him on the shoulder, "Never mind, I'm just scaring you. Although your case is special, it's not enough to shake the foundations of science; they won't do anything to you.

Since you've already awakened successfully, it's time for me to adjust your training. Come, let's have a real Star Martial Warrior fight."

The two stood five meters apart, both bowed with clasped fists.

"Master Huang, please advise me generously!"

"Mr. Lan, please advise me!"

Swish, both figures moved simultaneously. As soon as they engaged, fists and feet flew at lightning speed, their movements too fast to see clearly. If captured with a high-speed camera and slowed down by three times, one could make out each move and technique.

Huang Feilong's combat skills were quite solid, or else he wouldn't have been chosen by Wang Lan as a personal coach. Being kicked into the air by Wang Lan was due to his momentary lapse in concentration, coupled with Wang Lan upgrading his free combat skills from Black Iron to Bronze.

Bronze-level skills were professional-grade, signifying an exit from the learning phase; any progress henceforth could only come through practice and enlightenment. After sparring quickly for two minutes, Huang Feilong suddenly accelerated his movements and his power climbed another notch.



Wang Lan's defense was broken open by Huang Feilong with a single Bagua Chop, leaving his chest wide open. Huang Feilong stepped in, sending Wang Lan flying backward with a palm strike.

Wang Lan hit the railing of the arena, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He took a few deep breaths, climbed down from the railing, and said, "The gap between Master Huang and myself is still so apparent."

"Mr. Lan, although I don't know if it's because the amplification from your awakening as a Star Martial Warrior was too great or because you experienced an epiphany, your combat ability has indeed reached an advanced level.

I dare say that even those so-called geniuses who have undergone strict training from a young age and became Star Martial Warriors much earlier than you might not have a higher level of combat ability."

"Is that so?" expressed Wang Lan calmly, his face remaining impassive, not showing the joy of a young person upon receiving praise.

Seeing that Wang Lan showed little reaction, Huang Feilong thought he didn't care and his face became serious.

"Of course, although you were an ordinary person before, your training has always been in accordance with the standards of a Star Martial Warrior. I do not know how high Mr. Lan's talent is or what Star Martial Skill you've awakened.

But I've told you more than once that talent and Star Martial Skills can only determine how far a Star Martial Warrior can go, whereas Basic Skills are what guarantee at least how far an absolute Star Martial Warrior can proceed.

In the world of Star Martial Warriors, especially before reaching the Galaxy Stage, the primary means of combating enemies is still Basic Skills. Combat, sword skills, movement techniques, strength, and endurance are the fundamentals for a Star Martial Warrior to survive on the battlefield.

Mastering Basic Skills does not guarantee becoming a powerful Star Martial Warrior, but a powerful Star Martial Warrior must have mastered Basic Skills. You must not underestimate Basic Skills just because you've awakened your Star Martial Warrior talents."

"I understand," nodded Wang Lan, "But Master Huang, what is the most important among Basic Skills?"

"Naturally, it's the martial arts techniques for killing enemies. Star Martial Warriors are not for show; they fight against Exotic Beasts, and when necessary, against their own kind. Hand-to-hand combat is important but too inefficient for killing. Among the martial arts techniques for killing, the sword is the most practical."


What used to be the most meaningless thing for Wang Lan became the most important thing immediately after becoming a Star Martial Warrior. Fortunately, Wang Lan had already improved his sword skill to the Bronze level, which should be no less than his free combat ability, right?

"Then let's practice sword skills."

Wang Lan took down two training swords from the rack. Their weight and style were exactly like real swords; the only difference was that these swords hurt when they hit but couldn't kill a person.

Huang Feilong secretly felt relieved. It was a good thing that Mr. Lan hadn't focused on learning sword skills before; there was still a lot to improve. Otherwise, I would really have nothing left to teach Mr. Lan.

Although it'd be an honor for me if Mr. Lan stood out from others due to my teachings... seventy thousand a month... If I've got nothing left to offer, wouldn't I be out of a job? In a moment, I must use all my strength, determine the winner with one stroke, and show Mr. Lan that I've still got true skills that could keep him learning for years.

With this thought, Huang Feilong gripped his sword tightly, "Mr. Lan, come at me."


Sword skills are straightforward: it's all about the chop. The so-called chopping, slashing, flicking, and shaving are just ways to utilize the blade's edge. Unlike the sword, whose main damage comes from thrusting.

In a clash between the sword and the sword, it's impossible for the sword to meet the sword head-on. The sword carries accelerating force, while using a sword like a sword could result in it being broken in minutes.

Wang Lan charged at Huang Feilong with large strides, slashing downward at a 45-degree angle—a most common opening move for those who wield a sword. It's hard to tell the level of skill from the first move; what makes sword usage good lies in the subsequent response.

If Huang Feilong were to use his sword to block this blow, it wouldn't show any level of skill. Therefore, Huang Feilong immediately switched grips and sliced towards Wang Lan's wrist. If Wang Lan continued to slash down, his whole hand would have been severed.

However, since the swords were fake, there was no fear of truly severing Wang Lan's hand, but it would certainly hurt quite a bit.

But in an instant, Wang Lan changed his move. Although his sword still came slashing down, it rotated ninety degrees in his hand and stabbed towards Huang Feilong's wrist in a straight thrust.


Huang Feilong was instantly startled and hastily changed his move.

"Clang—" The two swords collided with a crisp sound.

"Clatter clatter clang—"

In a blink, the sword light burst forth from Wang Lan's hands like fireworks, with the slashing, chopping, flicking, and shaving unfolding magnificently, each strike aggressive, sharp, and leaving no openings.

At least in Huang Feilong's eyes, Wang Lan's changes were able to keep pace with his rhythm.

"This is monstrous—" Huang Feilong parried Wang Lan's sharp onslaught calmly, but his heart was in utter shock.

He had taught all of Wang Lan's fighting skills, and he knew perfectly well the level Wang Lan was at. There was absolutely no such proficiency in sword skills, but then...

Suddenly, Huang Feilong felt his position was seriously challenged. Wang Lan had learned sword skills from someone else—it must be... Damn it, what scoundrel dares to horn in on my turf? They have no sense of integrity at all.

With that thought, Huang Feilong couldn't afford to hold back anymore. He unleashed all his profound skills at once, and with an aura of killing intent complemented by sharp sword skills, he instantly subdued Wang Lan's attack and launched a counteroffensive.

Clang clang clang—


A crisp sound, and the swords in their hands suddenly broke on cue.

Fake is after all fake; under the trial of their genuine fight, the blades ultimately couldn't withstand and fractured.

The two men looked at each other, panting, after five minutes of intense engagement. It was a spectacular display of sword skills with no tactics, just continuous thrust and parry, a confrontation as sharp as a needle to wheat.

Wang Lan fought with exhilarating vigor, while Huang Feilong was on tenterhooks.

The one who taught Wang Lan his sword skills was substantial; not just for show, but with genuine expertise.

"Master Huang is truly deserving of his reputation, formidable! If it weren't for the sword giving out, I was about to give out..."


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