
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Urban
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18 Chs


Hazel felt violated with such an insult but couldn't find a perfect come-back at his words. " How dare you insult such a beauty queen like me Alexander Markwill? " She thought annoyingly.

"That plump mouth sure knows how to spout harsh words Mr Perfect " , She added in her mind.

" OKay let's talk business here. I want us to go on a contract marriage. Something of a year and after that we are free to part ways . We could tell our families that it didn't work out between us , so we shouldn't force things any longer. We atleast tried to get married but we didn't say there won't be a divorce ", She suggested while gazing intently at Alex.

" Atleast your brain isn't that dumb , that's the most useful thing you have ever uttered since I 've known you", Alex said smirking.

" Hey! am not stupid okay , your brain isn't functioning enough to decipher what's right or wrong", She countered feeling elated with her strong come-back .

" Gotcha.. " She whispered . Alex smirk was wiped off in seconds while She in turn smirked at his enraged face.

"Speak I don't have all the time to entertain your lousy mouth", Alex muttered.

"You really don't get short of come-backs, "She murmured while glaring at him.

" well since we don't have a choice nor say in the wedding , why not do it our own way?" Hazel said enthusiastically.

"Aren't you a little bit too excited for someone who is been forced into Marriage?" Alex questioned amazed by her sudden behavior.

" Well aren't you too relax for someone who is been forced in marrying this spoiled princess? Cause I definitely don't consider you as a friend nor husband. " Hazel countered.

" Is it a Yes or No? " She insisted.

" It's a brilliant idea. I would get the documents ready for our contract. My Personal Assistant would get to you when everything would be ready ,"Alex said indicating that their conversation was over.

Hazel couldn't imagine how easy it was to convince Alex. He was so difficult to cope with so what happened? He suddenly accepted her proposal like it was nothing. She had already prepared herself on how to convince him incase he keeps resisting so his sudden response was baffling. She later regained her composure then muttered " It's a deal then. I would be waiting for the contract so be quick", She added smugly.

After having such a good conversation with Alex, her mood was lightened up. She kept on smiling at everyone which seemed alittle bit weird. Everyone was looking at the duo suspiciously and wondered what they discussed about .

"The young miss Marino didn't have that smile on her face when her guests came in, so what changed?" A maid asked her fellow maids who had witnessed the sudden change in their mistress' facial expressions when they came to serve some refreshments.

" I don't know but it surely isn't good. She only grins that way when she is plotting something horrible in her mind", the other maid responded.

" Perhaps she's pretending to be happy so as to not lose face infront of the Billionaires", Another maid murmured.

" Those men are so beautiful and dashing. I instantly got wet when I saw them. They made me so weak in the knees that I almost tripped and fell , if not for Mara who stood by my side. The other man looked so hot and devishly sexy while his brother looked so majestic and charming yet dangerous. I could feel his aura where I was and it certainly wasn't one to mess with" The maid called Tessy said dreamily.

" Alright, you guys should head back to your duties rather than gossiping on who is the most handsome here. You wouldn't want your salaries to get deducted at the end of the month for your incompetency right?" The headmaid Martha Threatened. Though she was in her early fourties, those dashing young men succeeded in making her feel things like never before with their eyes. They possessed beautiful and magnificent eyes talkless of their lips , body .

" Damn am so wet. Those men really possess the charm to bend any woman on their desk and fuck to oblivion. Oh god please save me , I have become a pervert ", She whispered.

"Mr Marino we would be heading back home now. Thank you for the warm welcoming and the delicious dishes. My family and I truly enjoyed ourselves ", Albert said expressing his gratitude.

He might be extremely rich but he is a humble man and thus knows how to appreciate simple gestures done for him.

Everyone bade each other farewell and moved to their respective cars.

The sight alone was majestic. They were all driving the latest edition and most expensive cars in the world like it was nothing.

" Damn the other guy is sexy as hell. One would think Anastacia is his girlfriend if not for the family name. They sure know how to flaunt their wealth and Power. Girl that's total oppression right here" Gema said grinning stupidly.

" Shut up, am not ready for your stupid talk this night" Hazel annoyingly said.

" Don't think you would escape cause I definitely saw you grinning like a maniac when you came in with your hubby", Gema probed smiling.

" Well we didn't talk much so stop giving me that face cause you won't get any information from me", Hazel said rushing to her room.

" Hey miss you can run but you won't run forever", Gema said glaring at her cousin's back. She so much wanted to know why her cousin's demeanor suddenly changed after her little conversation with Alex.

" That brat is plotting something terrible ", She thought sighing.