

"Ai---" Sam pressed his hand firmly over her mouth. Words were Mia's biggest weapon but without them she was helpless, she wanted Aiden. This wild look in Sam's eyes scared her, she knew he would go to any lengths to have her.

"Rich boy won't save you this time beautiful, I like that look on your face right now. Are you afraid? I bet you are." Mia squirmed as he began kissing her neck, she was screaming out for Aiden in her head. Sam moved away his hand letting her breath before forcefully kissing her. In a bout of bravery Mia bit down on his lip and tried to break away from his grasp but Sam was a strong built man compared to her little frame. Mia was no match for him. Sam grabbed her and slammed her back against the wall hitting her head. Mia felt the whole room shift as a wave of dizziness came over her. Sam pressed his hand on her leg slowly moving it's way up.

"Sam, please stop I'm begging you." She cried out desperately. Sam ignored her and kept going covering her mouth once more. Mia was just about to lose hope when the bathroom door slammed open. Sam was caught of guard when his hair was dragged off her. Mia watched in terror as Aiden began hitting him with everything he had. Every punch echoed throughout the bathroom. Mia felt helpless, seeing Aiden lose control.

"A-Aiden stop you'll kill him!" she ran over and wrapped her arms around him begging him to stop. Aiden shook with anger breathing heavily. Sam was out cold, he never even knew what hit him. Aiden didn't want to stop after what he had done to Mia, he wanted to kill him. Mia was the only thing grounding him right now.

"Listen to me, he isn't worth it…please Aiden." Tears streamed down her face falling onto Aiden shoulder. Slowly, he realized he should e consoling her not making the situation worse. Aiden spun around and held her close. Mia couldn't help herself, she was overwhelmed with shame and guilt. How could she have let it turn out like this? Aiden decided there was too many people here to make a scene, so he took Mia by her hand and fled outside.

"Mia look at me, did he hurt you?" Mia cried and shook her head. It was a lie, she definitely had a concussion but didn't want to trouble him more. Aiden held her again, stroking her head. He had let her down, from the minute Lang Hai approached him he should have realized something was off.

"Come on, let's get you home." He held her hand a led her back to the car. Mia sat in silence the whole ride, she was traumatized. Sam had assaulted her, and she didn't know how to deal with what she was feeling. Mia was frustrated, she worked with people in these sorts of situations all of the time. She was a Mental Health Clinician for god sake, why couldn't she console herself.

"Mia, I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner." Mia felt an anger come over her. Aiden wasn't to blame for this yet he insisted on it.

"Please don't blame yourself it only makes me feel worse. It's my fault for letting my guard down." Aiden looked at her with such sympathy, why was she blaming herself. Aiden took her hand trying to reassure her but it was no use the damage had been done. Mia dragged her feet through the front door and headed straight upstairs.

"Mia, what are you doing?" he asked in concern, she could barely walk.

"I'm taking a shower." Her words were blunt and empty Aiden could see this had taken a heavy toll on her. Mia undressed locking the bathroom door and sat while the hot water rushed down her face. No matter what she did all she ever caused Aiden was trouble and she hated herself for it. All he'd ever done is shower her with adoration and in return she had made him lose it.

Aiden waited patiently downstairs making calls to every connection he had to ensure Lang Hai and Sam would never hurt her again. He also called Chu and explained what happened, so he filed a police report for him through private investment. Aiden didn't want the police to overwhelm her, this situation was more dangerous than he'd anticipated. Lang Hai wasn't someone you wanted to piss off. Mia got changed and made her way downstairs hearing Aiden on the phone she walked into the kitchen and began making some Chamomile tea to calm her nerves. Whilst in the bathroom she noticed hickeys on her neck and felt physically sick.

Aiden heard the kettle boiling and ended the call prematurely, Mia needed him right now. He walked over seeing her staring off into space.

"Mia?" Mia took the kettle with shaking hands and poured them both some tea. Gently she slid the cup over to him and sat down at the table studying the cup in her hands. Aiden sat opposed gripping the cup waiting for her to say something.

"Y-Your hands…" she said despairingly seeing his knuckles were red raw and bleeding.

"Don't worry about me it's fine." Mia nodded and sipped her tea trying to take deep breaths.

"It's not fine. None of this is fine, you always get hurt because of me…" she said quietly trying to hold back her tears.

"Mia it's okay, don't blame yourself for that assholes actions. You've done nothing wrong." Mia let a humorous breath escape her lips. Nothing wrong huh? If so then why did she feel so guilty?

"That's not true. Everything about this is wrong…You don't have to suffer because of me anymore. "Aiden felt a pain in his chest.

"What do you mean?" he asked in a panic. Surely, she didn't mean…

"I'm done Aiden. I'm tired." She bit her lip painfully, she was more than tired. This was exhausting for her, she didn't want to put him through anymore trouble.


"Don't!" Mia clenched her hands tightly.

"I can't take it! Every time we finally find happiness it gets ripped away. This is too cruel to endure." Mia finally let loose and began sobbing uncontrollably. Aiden got up out of his seat and wandered over. Pressing her head against his chest he cradled her like a child.

"Please don't say that. I can't do this without you Mia. I can't do anything without you. I can't take it away so just let me help you. I love you." Mia gripped his shirt and pulled him closer. Even though it would probably be better for them to end this, he made it so much harder after saying he loved her. Mia didn't want to let him go at all, it was just her emotions overwhelming her.

"I'm sorry." She said softly wiping away her tears.

"It's okay. Don't worry I'll never let him near you again. Come on let's get you to bed." Aiden picked her up and carried her upstairs. He changed and hopped into bed with her wrapping his arms around her waist. Mia snuggled up to him, he was precious to her.

The next morning Mia got up early and made breakfast, Aiden heard the frying pan sizzling downstairs and was quite surprised. Mia never got up before him, she mustn't of been able to sleep. He got ready and made his way downstairs, sure enough Mia looked tired. The bag under her eyes said it all, she'd barely gotten three hours and had a twelve hour shift that day. Aiden walked up behind her and kissed her head, Mia turned around and gave his a smile before setting out the breakfast. Aiden couldn't help but be weary with her, Mia was acting like nothing had happened.

Mia stated looking through her case reviews as she ate, Aiden tried to focus on the stocks but couldn't help looking up studying her. Mia was never this quiet.

"Maybe you should take the day off today?" he said kindly. Mia glanced up giving him a daring look.

"I can't I have a family meeting today it's important. Really I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Aiden sighed, she was hopeless. Why did she always put others first?

"Of course I'm worried about you. You went through a lot last night." Mia clenched her work in her hands, she didn't want to be reminded.

"Aiden." She said sternly, he soon clammed up seeing the sad expression on her face. It was a painful reminder that Mia would always work when she was distressed and he had no right to take that away from her. Nodding in understanding he returned to his stocks.

Aiden dropped her off at work, in the car she hadn't said a word. She kept staring out of the window and occasionally shaking her head as if trying to get rid of the traumatic image engraved in her mind. Mia was trying with everything she had to stay focused. It was her profession to help people through trauma, so why couldn't she help herself. Aiden didn't want to upset her further and kept quiet.

Mia thanked him and exited the care, running into work. Aiden watched her leave and pressed his head against the steering wheel. Sam was going to pay for this, he didn't care what it took. Scaring him Ch knocked on his car window. Aiden sighed and rolled it down.

"What is it?" Chu whistled seeing the bags under Aiden's eyes, he was furrowing his brows too making his forehead crinkle. Chu could always tell when he was in a foul mood.

"How about we grab a drink after work, my treat." He said happily. Aiden didn't really know what to say, it wasn't a bad idea. He could sure use a drink after everything but what about Mia.

"Joni, was the one who suggested it before you start worrying. I swear." Chu put his hand in his heart. Aiden watched the doors where Mia had left, he felt really conflicted.

"I'll check with Mia and get back to you. I don't want her being alone right now to be honest." Chu scratched his head confused. He had no idea what had happened last night.

"Something up?" Aiden gripped his steering wheel recollecting the events.

"I'll tell you tonight, I'm late. Be safe." He waved before speeding away. Chu gave himself a pat on the back, Aiden was always fun to drink with back in the day even though they were minors. Chu turned around staring at the center wondering what was going on. From the sounds of it, it looked like the god and goddess were fighting yet again. Chu sighed, every relationship came with conflict after all.

----------------------------Mia's shift----------------------

Mia had done her rounds and was filling out paperwork before the meeting with Mika and his parents. This was intended to be a family therapy session but Mia couldn't help but feel overly agitated today and kept doubting if she could really keep it together.

"Doctor James?" Hao stood at the door with his arms crossed tilting his head, she had been off all day and he was concerned about her. It wasn't affecting her work which was good but he didn't like seeing her struggle. Mia looked up from her work giving him a questionable glare.

"Everything alright Hao?" he sighed and closed the office door.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, you've been really quiet all day. Is it the work?" Mia put her head in her hands. She wasn't as good at hiding what she felt especially with other professionals around. Hao was perceptive and picked up on body language which is why Mia hired him he was a valuable member. Yet, now all she could feel was regret.

"No it's nothing I'm fine. How's Mika?" Mia hadn't seen Mika yet so switched the subject before Hao started questioning her further, if she had to think about last night she'd surely break down.

"Um, yeah he's fine. Mika had been asking about you a lot." Mia nodded and stood up.

"No problem I'll go and see him." Hao was about to ask again but Mia ad already gone. He sat pondering for a while, something had her shook up. She had avoided majority of the staff that day and just did her own thing. Even when Lisa Wei made a mistake she told her not to worry about and carried on. Mia wasn't like that usually.

----------------Mika's room-------------------------------

Mia knocked then entered slightly out of breath after rushing away from Hao. Mika's face lit up seeing her big blue eyes.

"Morning Mika." Mika sat up and crossed his legs putting aside his sketch book. Mia noticed the vibrant colors peaking from the pages.

"You like drawing?" Mika picked up his book, he seemed slightly shy about it.

"My mother does too, apparently it's really therapeutic." Mika sat at the end of the bed studying her, she was slightly different today but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Um, yeah you could say that. Um, Doctor James are you alright?" Mia stiffened up, now her patients were noticing, this wasn't good.

"I'm fine. What about you? Your parents are scheduled In an hour are you feeling anxious at all?" Mika stared at her with a worried expression.

"Not really, I'm more nervous for you than myself. They blame you for apparently keeping me here as if I have no say. It's pathetic really." Mika was more angry than anything, in his last conversation they had slated Mia into the ground, saying she was manipulative and using him for publicity which made no sense in the slightest. For some reason Mika got riled up when they were saying bad things about her, all she had done was help him. The scrutiny she was receiving wasn't just at all.

"You don't have to worry about me I can hold my own. Remember your in control, not me, not them. You. If you feel yourself getting agitated or anxious just give me a look and I'll know, then we'll postpone it for a while until you feel stable again." Mika nodded and smiled, she always knew how to reassure him.

"Thanks. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but have you slept at all?" Mia was struggling to worm her way out of this one, he was persistent almost as persistent as Aiden.

"Really, I'm fine. I'll see you at the meeting just rest easy until then." Mia gave him a forced smile before exiting. Standing In the corridor she took deep breaths. It was her break which was perfect, she needed to mentally prepare herself for the meeting, it was going to be tough.

Mia settled In the staff room and began texting Yu, she hadn't spoken to her for a while being so caught up with everything. Yu was moving in three days and Mia wanted to see her before she left. Thankfully, Yu understood and they started chatting about the usual gossip. Mia felt a little better, Yu was always good at unintentionally cheering her up. As her break was about to finish she got a text from Aiden.

"Mia, would it be alright to have a few drinks with Chu tonight?" Mia felt her heart drop, he was going to leave her alone. Mia hit her head as she realized this was her idea and Chu probably asked Aiden after what Mia said. Mia didn't want to be alone but was happy Aiden was going out for once and living like a normal man. He needed to let off some steam too running a billionaire company.

"Of course, just be careful and don't get too drunk." Mia sent the text and returned to work. Like a stampede was bowling her way, heavy footsteps barged their way towards her. It was Mika's parents and they looked pissed.

"Shall we get this over with then?" His father was a plump, bald man with a frightening frown etched into his forehead, Mia felt unnerved just looking at him. His attitude wasn't very appealing either, he acted as if Mika illness was a burden and it pissed Mia off.

"Take a seat in my office we'll begin shortly." Mia looked at Mika's mother who was scowling at her, looking down on her like trash. Mia rolled her eyes and made her way towards Mika's room with a heavy feeling in her chest.

"Mika it's time."

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