
I got reincarnated as the Dragon of Death: (IGRAAS, Overload, WIGRAAS)

DarkDragon2261_GC · Anime und Comics
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Meeting Hinata Sakaguchi and The First Test - Potential

==== Time Skip - 5 years Luna Pov ====

==== Holy Empire Ruberios - Western Holy Church Headquarters ====

==== Luna's Pov ====

Five years have passed for me since my mother gave birth to me. My appearance changed that much when I was born. The only difference is that if I have grown two black dragon horns on top of my head, they go up and curve to the back of my head. My hair has grown out to shoulder length. Also, I have a sharp blade that has grown on the tip of my tail.

I am being chased around the Wester Holy Church's headquarters by a few Crusaders and Temple Knights members for playing a prank on them during their training sessions. During their training session, I used my [elemental manipulation] skill to cause a rainstorm to downpour rain on them. All the Crusaders and Temple knights were completely drenched in water, and a few were stuck by lightning. When they spotted me, they knew that I caused the rainstorm. Then, a few Crusaders and knights started chasing after me. And now that brings us back to now.

I am flying toward the mess hall, laughing at how slow the knights are. They could not catch up, and I was not even going at my top speed. 

"Hehe... Try to catch me if you can." I said in a teasing voice.

When I flew into the mess hall, one of the knights chasing after me yelled to the other knights in the mess hall.

"Someone stops the princess before she causes more trouble."

When I heard the knight say that a few of the knights at some of the tables got up and tried to catch me as well; I used my [elemental manipulation] to form a sheet of ice on the floor that everyone slipped on. The older knights just watched as all the younger knights failed to catch one girl, and they laughed at them because the younger knights were making fools out of themself.

"Hehe... you, youngsters, are just making fools out of yourself." The old man knight said, the young knight that just fell on my ice just in front of the old man.

"That hurts. I don't see you doing anything to stop her. Why don't you give it a try." The young man retorted back at the old man.

"Ya, not happening. Why do I need to try to stop her when the captain should be able to take care of Lady Luna? I'm just going to sit here and enjoy the show." The old man said.

Then the old knight looked around the mess hall and realized I was not there anymore. I was flying down the hall to part of the church I had never been to. I was unaware that I was not allowed in this wing of the church. 

The hallways started getting darker as I descended the halls and stairs.

Then, I landed on my feet and looked around my surroundings curiously. Then I found a door that was creaked on and was shining some light into the dark hallway. When I approached the door, I could hear a Luminous voice coming from the other side. I approached the door, seeking a peek at what was happening. What I saw through the crack was my mother having to meet with some other person by some magic projection device. The only I heard was something about another country called Eastern Empire. 

I tried to listen more to the conversation, but suddenly, someone picked me up by the scruff of my sliver mane. The person turned me around and made me face them. The person holding me was a human girl with short black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a steel armor cheat peace and a white coat.

She looked at me with no emotions on her face.

Then she knocked on the door to the room.

"Lady Luminous, it's Hinata. May I enter?"

"Yes, you many."

Then Hinata opened the door to the room while still holding me by the scruff of my mane. She entered the room. When she entered the room, Luminous eyes were fixated on Hinata. Then, her eyes fixated on me.

I looked nervously at her and said, "Hi mom."

==== Luminous's Pov ====

I heard a knock on the door and listened to a person speak.

"Lady Luminous, it's Hinata. May I enter?"

After hearing it was Hinata, I told her she may enter. When she entered the room, I usually examined every body part in her uniform. When my eyes reached her right arm, I could tell she was holding something when I looked at what she was holding. The expression on my face was filled with disappointment at what I saw. In Hinata's hand was my daughter Luna; she was being held by the scruff of her silver mane.

She looked at me with nervousness in her eyes. Then she sailed, waved her hand at me nervously, and said, "Hi, mom."

I leaned my head back against the sofa, facing the ceiling with my hand over my forehand; I felt a big headache coming just from fixing all the problems my daughter had just caused.

'I don't want to deal with this problem. Sign, whatever, I will just let Lunis deal with it.' I thought to myself while my eyes landed on Luna again.

"Hinata, can you let go of her and make sure she doesn't run away after you let her go."

"Alright, I will make sure she doesn't run away, miss."

Then she let Luna go from her grabs. 

After that, Luna walked over to me and stood right before me. I then pulled her into my lap, facing the same direction I was. I put my head on her left shoulder and started brushing her long silver hair with my feigners.

"Luna, you know you need to be punished for what you did. Right?"

"Yes, mom."

"Good, but first, it is about time I took you to my inner sanctum on top of the sacred mountain. I need to see how strong you are. After all, you are my daughter, and I need to see the extent of your abilities. So, I will test you, Luna, with three tests."

"What kind of test are they going to be?" Luna asked me questioningly and curiously, with her eyes sparking with curiosity.

"Why should I tell you? It won't be a test if you know what I will test you on." I say teasingly to my daughter.

"Alright now, let's get going. Shale we Hinata, Luna."

*Sigh*"Fine, I will come long. Also, I am curious to see how strong your daughter is, lady Luminous."

Then I, my daughter Luna, and my subordinate Hinata start to my sanctuary on the Sacred Mountain.

==== Time Skip - 6 hours ====

==== Holy Empire Ruberios - Sacred Mountain - Inner Sanctuary - Luminous's Personal Training Room ====

==== Third person POV ====

In the training room, Luna stood in a magical array with a short stone pillar at the epicenter of the magic array with a crystal ball that sat open. The post stowed in front of Luna.

Luna looked over at her mother, confused. 

"So, Mother, what am I supposed to do? Because I got no clue what to do."

*Sigh* "For your test, put your hand on the crystal ball to test your potential. This test is similar to how the Adventures and the Knights test to see their strength. But the difference is that this test will also show me what physical strength and magic affinities you have, so I know what the outcomes of Classes are you might get when you get a little older. Also, it helps me to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. So, Luna places your hand on the crystal ball." Luminous says with a bored expression on her face.

After hearing her mother's words, Luna put her hand on the crystal ball, but upon putting her hand on the ball, nothing happened.

Luna looked at her mother. "Um ... Mom, I think this thing is br..." Before Luna finished her sentence, the room was covered in a bright crimson blood color. Also, briefly, everyone felt a cold chill go down their spines except for anyone strong enough as Hinata or more robust than she only felt a slight chilly breeze.

After the bright light finally subsided, Luminous exited her seat and walked over to the magic array. She stepped into the array, looked at the crystal ball, and looked at Luna's status.

======= Luna's Status ========

[Name: Luna Valentine]

[Class: Locked]

[????? Class: Locked]

[Race: Lesser True Dragon - Vampiric Dragon]

[????? Race - Locked]


[Vampire - (Royal High Blood - Progenitor)]

[Dragon - (True Elder Dragon - Progenitor)]

[?????? - (Locked)]

[?????? - (Locked)]

[?????? - (Locked)]

[Heath Level: Inf]

[Magic Level: S]

[Stamina Level: SS]

[Danger Rank: Disaster]

[Magic Tear Level: ?????]

[Martial Arts Level: ?????]

[Skill Level: ?????]

[Adventure Rank - Per Continent]

[Magic Continent - None]

[Frozen Continent - None]

[Golden Continent - None]

[Northern Eastern Continent - None]

[Sothern Eastern Continent - None]

[Kasanagra Continent - None]

[Daztrudia Continent - None]

[Unkown Continent - None]


[Reincarnated - Your soul survived the transmigration between worlds, and you were reborn in the new world.]

[First of Kind - You are the first of your kind of your species.]

[Princess of Nightmares - You are the daughter of Luminous Valentine, the Queen of Nightmares]

[Vampire Princess - You are the daughter of one of the heads of the four royal vampire clans.]

[Daughter of Lust - You are the daughter of the actual holder of the sin skill Lust.]

[True Demon Load Daughter - You are the daughter of one of the True Demon Lords. So, you are also now a holder of a Demon Load Seed.]

[Child of Pupils of the Ancestor - You are a child of one of the Pupils of the Ancestor]

[Heir of Twilight - You are the Granddaughter of the Lord of Twilight (The Ancestor)]

[Heir of Hades - The Throw of the underworld Hades (Hell) sits empty. The world's will has designated you as the heir to the throne.]

[Heir of the Night - The actual throne of the Night sits empty, and you are one of the throne's heirs.]

[Demon Lord Seed (Locked) - You are a Holder of a Demon Lord Seed]

[True Dragon Seed (Locked) - You are a lesser True Dragon. So, you are a holder of one of the 12 True Dragon Seeds.]

[Seed of Death and Protection (Locked) - You are the holder of the Arc Angle of Death Seed Azrael.]

[Seed of Death and Apocalypse (Locked) - You are the holder of the Grim Reaper, a horseman of the apocalypse.]

[Seed of Leviathan (Partially Unlocked) - Holder of the seed of the deadly sin of jealousy]

[Seed of ?????? (Locked) - Holder of the Eighth Missing Deadly Sin]

[Seed of ?????? (Locked) - Holder of the Lost Original Deadly Sin]

[Magic Adapt Type - Elemental Magic]

[Fire] - (S)

[Earth] - (S)

[Water] - (S)

[Air] - (S)

[Magic Adapt Type - Compound Elemental Magic]

[Lightning = Fire + Air] - (S)

[Lava = Earth + Fire] - (S)

[Ice = Water + Air] - (S)

[Elemental Summoning = All] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Spiritual Magic]

[Rite] - (E)

[Soul] - (E)

[Necromancy] - (D)

[Life] - (C)

[Death] - (S)

[Resurrection] - (Locked)

[Spirit Summoning] - (Locked)

[Spiritual Seal] - (Locked)

[Spiritual Unseal] - (Locked)

[Grim Reaper - Spirit of Death] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Beast Magic]

[Venom] - (E)

[Wild] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Body Magic]

[Mind] - (E)

[Body] - (Locked)

[Blood] - (S)

[Bone] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Arcane Magic]

[Illusion] - (E)

[Rune] - (Locked)

[Alteration] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Comic Magic]

[Space] - (Locked)

[Eclipse] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Demonic Magic]

[Darkness] - (S)

[Demonic] - (A)

[Demonic Summon] - (Locked)

[Demonic Seal] - (Locked)

[Demonic Unseal] - (Locked)

[Chaos] - (Locked)

[Destruction] - (Locked)

[Sin - Lust] - (E)

[Sin - Envy] - (E)

[Sin - ?????] - (Locked)

[Original Sin - ?????] - (Locked)

[Apocalypse - Death Magic] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Angelic Magic]

[Light] - (E)

[Holy] - (E)

[Order] - (Locked)

[Azrael - Death] - (Locked)

[Azrael - Protection] - (Locked)

[Angelic Summon] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Fallen Angelic Magic]


[Dark-Light] - (S)

[Fallen Angelic Summon] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Abyssal Magic]

[Corrupt] - (Locked)

[Skills - Attack]

[Blood Raise - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Drain - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Blood Drain - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Frost Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Fire Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Thunder Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Death's Breath - Intrinsic - Self] 

[Blood Fire - Intrinsic - Self]

[Death Fire - Intrinsic - Self]

[Jealousy - Intrinsic - Self]

[Soul Eater - Intrinsic - Seeds of Death]

[Skills - Defense]

[Dragon Skin - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Magic Resistance - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Physical Resistance - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Thermal Fluctuation Nullification - Intrinsic - Elemental Dragon]

[Spiritual Attack Nullification - Intrinsic - Holder of Seeds of Death]

[Poison Immunity - Resist]

[Death Immunity - Intrinsic - Holder of Seeds of Death]

[Vampiric Dragon Self Regeneration - Intrinsic - Self]

[Skills - Miscellanies]

[Vampiric Dragon Eyes - Intrinsic/Ultimate - Self]

[Shadow Motion - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Ultrasonic Waves - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Paralyzing Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Poisonous Breath - Common]

[Telepathy - Common]

[Thought Communication - Common]

[Charm - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Transform - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Elemental Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Shadow Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Death Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Darkness Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Dark - Light Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Child of Lust - Intrinsic - Mother Holder of Lust]

[Draconic Strength - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Blood Moon - Intrinsic - Vampiric Dragon]

[Raise - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Magic Sence - Intrinsic - Self]

[Iron Stomach - Intrinsic - Self]

[Dragon Form - Intrinsic - Dragon (Locked)]

[Dragonnoid Form - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Draconic Bat From - Intrinsic - Vampire (Locked)]

[Bond - Intrinsic - Self and Group]

[Skill Share - Intrinsic - Self and Group]


==== Luminous Pov ====

Looking over Luna's status, my boredom from earlier was replaced with curiosity.

'My daughter has a lot of intrinsic skills from her mixed bloodline. I also inherited some of my skills and some of my magic. Also, I never heard of this dark-light element before, so I wondered what it was. I can see what it is when she uses it in the next test. But I am most intrigued by the fact that my Luna holds a Demon Lord Seed and True Dragon Seed. It was the first time I had heard that a dragon could be a holder of Demon Load Seed. Also, what is this thing about the seeds of death? Is that something similar to the Demon Load Seed and a True Dragon Seed?'

I looked over at Luna and saw a surprised and shocked expression on her face after she looked at her status.

"Luna dear, it looks like you will go far in this world, but you still train to understand how all your skills work and when is the proper time to use them. Do understand Luna."

"Yes, mom."

"Good, now it's time for your second test."