
I got reincarnated as the Dragon of Death: (IGRAAS, Overload, WIGRAAS)

DarkDragon2261_GC · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

7 Demons, a Dragon, and a Vampire.

==== Time Skip - 2 Weeks ====

==== Frozen Continent - Ice Palace ====

==== Third Pov ====

A teenage-looking vampire with one red and one blue eye walking toward a palace made of ice. She enters the castle and heads toward the throne room. 

When she got closer to the throne room, the doors of the throne room started opening slowly. Then, two female voices spook out lowed in unison. 

"Demon Lord Guy Crimson greats our guess. Lord Guy Crimson announces the rival of Demon Lord Luminous Valentine, the queen of nightmares."

Luminous enters the throne room that is filled with demons on each side of the carp that lead to the throne that Guy Crimson was sitting on.

The two demon maids that opened the looked at the child on Luminous's shoulders with interest. Then, they make their way to the throne and stand behind it. Then Luminous started walking up to the throne and stopped right before it.

'How interesting it rare for Bleu and Vert to take an interest in something. But that is not important right now.' He thought to himself.

"Luminous, it's scarce of you to come and visit me."

"Yes, indeed, Guy. It is scarce. But I have questions that need to be answered, and you are the only person who can answer my questions."

"Hmmmm... OK, I see. Follow me then."

Then Luminous, Guy, Bleu, and Vert made their way to the upper part of the Ice Places in an open room that held a small round table with two chairs made of ice.

Luminous and Guy took a sit at the table. Luminous put the girl that was on her shoulders on her lap. At the same time, Bleu and Vert serve wine to Luminous and Guy.

"When I heard you were coming for a visit, Luminous. I knew that you weren't coming to visit an old acquaintance. I knew you were going to have questions for me when you visited. But I have a question first. How is the kid? I noticed that she caught the attention of Bleu and Vert. But now she is closer to her; I can feel she has a lot of magic coursing through her veins." Guy said while taking a sip of his wine.

"She is the reason I came to visit you, Guy. Her name is Luna, and she is my daughter."

When Guy heard the last part, he did a spit-take.

"How can that be possible? You are a vampire, an undead. How can you give birth to a child? And why does she have traits of a dragon?"

"For your first question, one of my experiments went awry, and from the result, I got pregnant with her. For her having dragon traits, I don't know. I know she is a dragon. A Lesser True Vampiric Dragon."

"Ow, I see; wait, did you just say a Lesser True Dragon? That means she will become a True dragon in the future, and that also makes her the younger sister of my partner. This is going to cause some problems with her and her sister."

"How can that be a problem?"

"You see, Velzard and her sister Velgrynd are the eldest of the True Dragons after their brother Veldanava died. Also, out of all the true dragons, they're the only female ones. So, because Luna is a Lesser True Dragon and a Female, they're going to try and spend as much time with her because, one, she is the first True Dragon to be born in 1,000 years, making her the youngest of the True Dragons, and two, she is a female, making her the new female true dragon. So, they're going to doubt her. The main problem is Velgrnyd. She is our enemy now because she is married to that hero emperor of the Easter Empire."

"Now speak of the devil; here she comes."

A girl with blue eyes and white hair flowed from the sky and landed next to Guy.

"Hope you were not talking about poor old me behind my back, Guy," Velzard said, looking at Guy.

==== Velzard Pov ====

I am flying in the sky from my home. I few to the Ice Place that I created for Guy. I spotted him talking with Luminous, the vampire demon lord. I was curious what they were talking about. So I flew down to them.

"Hope you were not talking about poor old me behind my back, Guy," I said to Guy while landing next to him.

"I would never," he said to me.

Then I looked at Luminous and spotted the little dragon-looking girl on her lap. Upon seeing her, I felt conations with her. I felt like I was being drawn to her.

From what I can tell, the girl was the daughter of Luminous due to their matching eye colors: blue and red. The girl had silver hair like her mother's, but her skin was pale white like the color of the snow, but a little bit darker than the color of the snow. The girl had two dragon wings and a tail. Both were covered in silver scales. Her wings, her enormous dragon wings, came from her back. Her seat had silver fur on the top of it like a mane, and the tip of her tail had a sharp blade at the end of it. Also, the girl hands two silver horns on top of her head. Also, she was wearing a gothic-like dress. For some reason, I can tell she is five, but why does she look like a 10-year-old girl?

Then, all of a sudden, I quickly moved from my position, picked up the girl from Luminous's lap, and started rubbing my cheek against her cheek.

"You are so cute. I very much thought another True Dragon would be born yet."

"Ha, watch what you're doing with her frost breath. She is my daughter."

"I know, bloodsucker, she is weaker than me, and I wouldn't dare try to hurt my new baby sister," I said while putting Luna in my lap and hitting my ice chair.

==== Third Person Pov ====

"So, Guy, about my question, do you know anything about the seeds of death?" Luminous acted Guy after Velzard sat in her chair with Luna.

"I know a little about the seeds of death. But not that much." Guy said while putting his hand on his chin, thinking.

"What I do know is that there were only 3 seeds of death: one for the demons, one for the angels, and one for the spirits."

"The seed of death for the domes can only be held by the rule of the Underworld, but the seed was lost during the first war between the angels and the demons and was seen again. I believe the Primordial Gray was one of the three Primordials who died during that war. There used to be 10 of us, but three of them died by taking three of the 10 Angles of Origin with them. For pit seek, there are only seven Primoridals left. The angel seed of death was held by the angel of death, one of the Ten Angles of Origin, but she and Gray killed each other during that battle. But I don't know that much about the abilities that come from those seeds. But for the spirit, the death seed is held by the grand spirit of death Psychopo. Why do you ask?"

"Luna is the holder of all three seeds of death."

When hearing that, Guy's eyes were wide.

"What does that mean?" said Luna.

Guy looked at Luna.

"It means that you, little Luna, are the incarnation of death itself. It seems that the world will decide to create a new pillar of death after the three main pillars were destroyed after the death of the previous holders of death."

The Guy started going to going into deep thought. 'That means the world will decide to create the new pillar of death into one of the true dragon pillars of the world. This is very interesting.'

"Luminous, is there anything else you want to ask or tell me?"

Luminous thought to herself for a few minutes.

"Yes, there is. Luna also has a demon lord seed."

"What? Wait, when I think about it, that makes some sense. After all, she is your daughter. This means when your daughter awakens all the seeds of death and when she becomes a True Demon Lord. She is going to become a powerhouse. Also, when I think about it, she might become stronger than me. When I think about it, that might be interesting. It has been a while since I had a strong person to fight."

'Also, she will be a great asset to have as an ally when you get that strong.' The guy thought to himself.

He looked back at Luminous with a face of seriousness. "Luminous, we will need to keep her existence a secret."

"I know; I already made preparations to keep her existence a secret."

Then Luminous looked over at where Luna was sitting, but she wasn't there.

"You got to be kidding me!" Luminous yelled out loud with anger.

===== Ice Palace - Library ====

==== Luna's Pov ====

I got bored listening to the meeting between my mother and the Guy fellow. So, I slipped away from the session, explored the palace, and found the library.

I found and read some of the books in the library. Some of the books I read talked about all the continents and what is seen on them. Another book talked about all the current and past demon lords around the world, and out of all the demon lords I read about, four caught my attention. Demon Lord Milim Nava, Demon Lord Frey, Demon Lord Izis, and Demon Lord Ariel. Out of all the demon lords, for some reason, I felt like I wanted to meet this Demon Lord and get to know them better for some reason. 

Then I just pushed that thought to the back of my head. Then I found out about my mother. I was given new insight into how my mother is. Also, while reviewing her information, I found a name mentioned many times: Chloe Aubert. 'Hm, I may ask my mother who this is after she finishes the meeting.'

Then, I found a book about demons. It explains the level of demons and what powers a demon may have.

The book also talks about going to summon a demon. It said that you needed something as payment for summoning a demon.

[User's Demon Summoning skill is unlocked.]

I just stared. 'OK, that happened. So, I can summon demons now. Let's try this out.' 

I looked around the room and found a golden horn. I bit into my hand and put some of my blood on the horn to use as payment for summoning a demon. Then, I read the next step to summon a demon. I need to say something.

But just then, when I thought about summoning a demon, a glowing circle surrounded the horn and made it disappear. Then, three new circles appeared. I felt three intense magic pressures coming from the circles. Then, three female demons appeared.

The first demon was a female that looked to be in her 20s. She had long white hair and blood-red eyes. She was wearing a white dress.

The second female demon had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked to be in her late teens. She was dressed like a pop star with black clothing. She was also wearing a white fur jacket.

The third and last female demon had purple hair and yellow eyes. She looked to be about 15 years old. She was also wearing a purple fur coat.

All three of them looked around in confusion. 

The purple-haired demon spoke first. "OK, that's a first. Being forced to summon somewhere."

"You can say that again. I was joining my sweet time beating up some lesser demons." Said the blond-haired demon.

"It seems like you two never changed. Violet. Jaune."

""Shut it Blanc!"" both Violet and Jaune yelled in unison.

Then, all three of them spotted me in front of them.

"Cute!" Blanc said while picking me up and holding me in her arms.

"Is that a true dragon? We got summoned by Baby Dragon. This is so ridiculous," complained Violet.

"I think it interesting that this little dragon summoned us. So little one, what's your name," said Jaune.


"That's a cute name like the moon. Ehehe... you even have the same hair color as me. Also, one of your eyes is blood red like mind." Said Blanc.

She stated, brushing my hair.

"Luna, there you are!" I hear my mother yell.

I looked behind me and saw my mother, Guy, Rain, Misery, and Velzard. 

"Fuck Violet, Blanc, and Jaune, it did expect you guys to be here. Hahaha... If Noir were here, it would be like a family reunion. But I need to ask you to let go of the girl."

"No way, she some us, and she is charming. I am not letting her go." Said Blanc.

"So be it. Rain. Misery." 

When Guy said that, Rain and Misery turned into their combat forms ready for a fight.

Then Violet, Blanc, and Jaune also got ready.

The first to charge was Luminous and Velzard. 

Then they both yelled in unison.

"Let go of my daughter/sister!"" 

Luminous went after Violet for some reason. While Velzard went after Jaune. Rain and Misery went after Blanc. Then Another demon showed up and attacked Guy. The guy had black hair and black-yellow-red eyes.

But before anyone was able to get a single hit on each other, a bright light stopped all of them in their tracks. The light was coming from me because I was evolving due to all the primordials being present in the same area. Because one of my seeds of death was weakening due to all the primordials around me.

[Starting user evolutions.... complete]

[User has evolved into a Vampiric Demon Dragon]

==== Luna's Status ====

[Name: Luna Valentine]

[Past Life Name: Satoru Kurumi]

[Sex: Female]

[Age - Physically 14 years]

[Age - Mentally 21 years]

[Class: Necromancer/Reaper]

[Race: Lesser True Dragon - Vampiric Demon Dragon]


[Vampire - (Royal High Blood - Progenitor)]

[Dragon - (True Elder Dragon - Progenitor)]

[Succubus - (Succubus Progenitor)]

[?????? - (Locked)]

[Heath Level: Inf]

[Magic Level: SS]

[Stamina Level: SS]

[Danger Rank: Catastrophe]

[Magic Tear Level: Tear 10]

[Martial Arts Level: ?????]

[Skill Level: A]

[Adventure Rank - Per Continent]

[Magic Continent - None]

[Frozen Continent - None]

[Golden Continent - None]

[Northern Eastern Continent - None]

[Sothern Eastern Continent - None]

[Kasanagra Continent - None]

[Daztrudia Continent - None]

[Unkown Continent - None]


[Reincarnated - Your soul survived the transmigration between worlds, and you were reborn in the new world.]

[First of Kind - You are the first of your kind of your species.]

[Princess of Nightmares - You are the daughter of Luminous Valentine, the Queen of Nightmares]

[Vampire Princess - You are the daughter of one of the heads of the four royal vampire clans.]

[Daughter of Lust - You are the daughter of the actual holder of the sin skill Lust.]

[True Demon Load Daughter - You are the daughter of one of the True Demon Lords. So, you are also now a holder of a Demon Load Seed.]

[Child of Pupils of the Ancestor - You are a child of one of the Pupils of the Ancestor]

[Heir of Twilight - You are the Granddaughter of the Lord of Twilight (The Ancestor)]

[Heir of Hades - The Throw of the underworld Hades (Hell) sits empty. The world's will has designated you as the heir to the throne.]

[Heir of the Night - The actual throne of the Night sits empty, and you are one of the throne's heirs.]

[Demon Lord Seed (Locked) - You are a Holder of a Demon Lord Seed]

[True Dragon Seed (Locked) - You are a lesser True Dragon. So, you are a holder of one of the 12 True Dragon Seeds.]

[Seed of Death and Protection (Locked) - You are the holder of the Arc Angle of Death Seed Azrael.]

[Seed of Death and Apocalypse - You are the holder of the Grim Reaper, a horseman of the apocalypse.]

[Seed of Leviathan (Partially Unlocked) - Holder of the seed of the deadly sin of jealousy]

[Seed of ?????? (Locked) - Holder of the Eighth Missing Deadly Sin]

[Seed of ?????? (Locked) - Holder of the Lost Original Deadly Sin]

[Magic Adapt Type - Elemental Magic] 

[Fire] - (S)

[Earth] - (S)

[Water] - (S)

[Air] - (S)

[Magic Adapt Type - Compound Elemental Magic] 

[Lightning = Fire + Air] - (S)

[Lava = Earth + Fire] - (S)

[Ice = Water + Air] - (S)

[Elemental Summoning = All] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Spiritual Magic]

[Rite] - (S)

[Soul] - (c)

[Necromancy] - (s)

[Life] - (C)

[Death] - (S)

[Resurrection] - (Locked)

[Spirit Summoning] - (Locked)

[Spiritual Seal] - (Locked)

[Spiritual Unseal] - (Locked)

[Grim Reaper - Spirit of Death] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Beast Magic]

[Venom] - (C)

[Wild] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Body Magic]

[Mind] - (S)

[Body] - (Locked)

[Blood] - (S)

[Bone] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Arcane Magic]

[Illusion] - (S)

[Rune] - (Locked)

[Alteration] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Comic Magic]

[Space] - (Locked)

[Eclipse] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Demonic Magic]

[Darkness] - (S)

[Demonic] - (S)

[Demonic Summon] - (S)

[Demonic Seal] - (S)

[Demonic Unseal] - (S)

[Chaos] - (S)

[Destruction] - (D)

[Sin - Lust] - (S)

[Sin - Envy] - (S)

[Sin - ?????] - (Locked)

[Original Sin - ?????] - (Locked)

[Apocalypse - Death Magic] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Angelic Magic]

[Light] - (E)

[Holy] - (E)

[Order] - (Locked)

[Azrael - Death] - (Locked)

[Azrael - Protection] - (Locked)

[Angelic Summon] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Fallen Angelic Magic]


[Dark-Light] - (S)

[Fallen Angelic Summon] - (Locked)

[Magic Adapt Type - Abyssal Magic]

[Corrupt] - (C)

[Skills - Attack]

[Blood Raise - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Drain - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Blood Drain - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Frost Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Fire Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Thunder Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Death's Breath - Intrinsic - Self] 

[Blood Flame- Intrinsic - Self]

[Soul Flame - Intrinsic - Self]

[Envy - Intrinsic - Self]

[Lust - Intrinsic - Self]

[Soul Eater - Intrinsic - Seeds of Death]

[Skills - Defense]

[Dragon Skin - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Magic Resistance - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Physical Resistance - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Thermal Fluctuation Nullification - Intrinsic - Elemental Dragon]

[Spiritual Attack Nullification - Intrinsic - Holder of Seeds of Death]

[Poison Immunity - Resist]

[Death Immunity - Intrinsic - Holder of Seeds of Death]

[Vampiric Dragon Self Regeneration - Intrinsic - Self]

[Skills - Miscellanies]

[Vampiric Dragon Eyes - Intrinsic/Ultimate - Self]

[Shadow Motion - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Ultrasonic Waves - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Paralyzing Breath - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Poisonous Breath - Common]

[Telepathy - Common]

[Thought Communication - Common]

[Charm - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Transform - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Elemental Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Shadow Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Death Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Darkness Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Dark - Light Manipulation - Intrinsic - Self]

[Child of Lust - Intrinsic - Mother Holder of Lust]

[Draconic Strength - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Blood Moon - Intrinsic - Vampiric Dragon]

[Raise - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Magic Sence - Intrinsic - Self]

[Iron Stomach - Intrinsic - Self]

[Dragon Form - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Dragonnoid Form - Intrinsic - Dragon]

[Draconic Bat From - Intrinsic - Vampire]

[Bond - Intrinsic - Self and Group]

[Skill Share - Intrinsic - Self and Group]

[YGGDRASIL toon transformation (Locked)]


==== Luminous's Pov ====

After my daughter stopped glowing and told me she had just changed, she looked like a 14-year-old. Her silver hair has grown to her shoulders. Her silver horns have turned black. Both of her eyes are now glowing red. Sher wings got more considerable, as well as her tail.

Also, the outfit she wore earlier has changed into a gothic-style hoody with gothic-style black panties with chains on the part of it. She was also wearing black boots as well. But now she was holding a bone scythe in her hands.

==== Luna's Pov ====

 I looked at everyone around me with no emotion on my face.

"No more fighting! Do you get that!"

"Eheheheh... I like this girl." Said Jaune.

"Not bad, kid; you just got nine people who are stronger than you by a landside to stop in their tracks. I think being around you will be entertaining," said Violet.

"You see, I told you she was cute." Said Blanc.

"Hum, this child is exciting, but I should get going." Then, the black-haired demon left.

Luminous ran over to me and hugged me. "Luna, are you alright?"

"Yes, Mom."

While my mother was hugging me I saw Violet, Blanc, and Jaune making some truce with Guy and the others.

Then, my mother stopped hugging me. At the same time, everyone came over to where we were at.

"Be great, full dragon. I am allowing you to give this great one a name," said Violet. 

"Don't listen to her. We three would be honored if you had our names."

"Ya, what, Blanc said."


"Us three think it would be fun to be around you. So we hope you would accept us as your subordinate or your allies."

"Ok, your names are Ultima, Testarossa, and Carrera."

Then everything for me went black.

===== Time Skip 3 days later =====

I wake up in my mother's arms.

"So, you are fully awake, Luna."

"What happened to me."

"You used up all your magic while naming those three demons."

"Oh, I remember that."

"Any mom since you are here. I have a question for you. How is Chloe Aubert."

When I said my mother's faces darkness.

My thought upon seeing this 'Shit, this isn't going well.'

I can't come up with a good name for the scythe. Pleace leave a commoent if you have any idea. For the name for Luna's scythe.

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