
I Got Reincarnated as a Goat In a Dark Fantasy World!

Im tired of emotional, character driven stories. This will be my escape from trying to write narrative nuances, peculiar plots and stellar storytelling. This story is simple! It's about a guy, who dies, gets reincarnated as a goat and must survive on a planet that is suffering from the aftermath of a cataclysmic war. ... now that I think about it, this may not be as simple as it seems. Oh well. I'll be uploading chapters whenever I feel like it! UPDATE - Here's a more serious synopsis since I'm actually quite invested in the story now: The story is about Raily. A normal, although rather nihilistic guy who dies and gets accidentally reincarnated into the body of a goat. The world he finds himself in is called Edenton and its a world that's struggling to heal from the wounds of a Great War. Raily, or Katsíki as he's known in Edenton, must abandon his old nihilistic ways to help those he can. On his journey, he will meet a colorful cast of characters. One of which is Yna. A woman with a mysterious past. Perhaps a dark secret is hidden behind her golden gaze. UPDATE FOR THE SECOND ARC: [SPOILERS AHEAD!] With some hard work and a lot of determination, Katsíki and Yna have made some allies in the Dark Expanse. However, their allegiance will soon be tested. Whispers of a coming war travel with the wind. Is Katsíki ready to witness what might very well be a repeat of the Great War? One where the skies blacken and the rivers run with blood... find out more in the [Black Summer Arc]!!!!!! UPDATE FOR THE THIRD ARC: War has come for the Expanse and Katsíki must lead his allies against an army led by demigods and their lord, the Golden Prince. Is history doomed to repeat itself? Is there a way for Katsíki and hid allies to win against an army that brought down the very dragons themselves and does this war mark the beginning of a new age? Find out in [Defending Hope Arc]!!!!!!!

The_Akondor · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
142 Chs

51. Bathed In Blood

Calëb fell to her knees and lowered her head.

"L- lord Katsíki…" She said through gnashed teeth.

"Don't worry. You're free to do with him as you please. Oh and you can raise your head."

Calëb sat up before nodding.

"Nannies!" She barked and three elderly women walked up to her side before deeply bowing.

One of them handed her an ornate dagger. A simple steel blade with a hilt and handle made of what looked like bone.

I didn't want to think about where the bones came from and so I didn't.

Calëb walled up to the ring from which Petrus hung as tears ran down her eyes.

"Do you have anything to say before we flay you over and over and over again?"

Petrus raised his face which was covered in dry mud. He then weakly smiled while looking straight onto Calëb's eyes.

"I… have yet to receive this year's batch."

Calëb nodded before looking at me as tears ran down her face.

"Forgive me for asking, but can you create a dagger like this one for everyone woman here?"

I did as she said.

Countless dark daggers materialized in front of every woman in could see.

"Thank you. Oh and can you lower him?"

I did as instructed and dropped the ring onto the ground making Petrus face the night sky.

Yna raised her hand a created a spot light above him.

This also meant that Calëb was shrouded in darkness and only her bright green eyes could be seen clearly.

"Come, sisters." She whispered.

My eyes widened as all of the women behind her walked towards Petrus, who raised his head.

"Come on, Yna. Why won't you just kill me? Why fight along these mud crawlers?" Petrus asked as the horde of women got ever closer.

"Its not like your hands are clean! If anything, they're bloodier than mine!" He screamed as one women raised her dagger above his stomach.

She the plunged the dagger into his stomach, but since her arms were weak, the blade didn't go all the way through.

Another woman stabbed Petrus's crotch before another stabbed his thigh.

"YNA! KILL ME! AAHH!" Petrus screamed as countless daggers repeatedly impaled him.

Calëb then raised her hands and thin streaks of green light went from the old women by her side and into Petrus's body as he was getting stabbed.

I watched in horror as the women all gleefully bathed in Petrus's blood.

Adorning their faces were twisted, tearful smiles.

Some of them even laughed deliriously as they ripped Petrus's body apart.

Yna and I then noticed that he was trying to teleport away again and so I sent a cloud of darkness into his lungs and created a bed of spikes that rooted themselves into the ground meaning as the space around Petrus distorted and he disappeared, his lungs remained on the ground and it wasn't long before he reappeared, allowing the women to resume their stabbings.

Some of them even began singing and those who had grown tired were escorted to a safe place by some warriors.

Speaking of which, some of the warriors had gathered by Calëb's side and they tended to the old women who's bodies had grown smaller and frailer. Their once beautiful black hair, now white.

As for Calëb, she closely watched the blood bath as it took place.

Her eyes wide and her face covered in tears.


I heard a gurgled scream fill the air meaning Petrus's lungs had healed.

At this point, many of the women had grown tired and so they were escorted back into the Oasis.

I then watched as Petrus's body slowly healed.

Although it looked as though his newer limbs were much smaller than his old ones.

I assumed that it was because his augmented ones were destroyed. His body was just returning to its natural state.

Strangely enough, none of the women had touched his head, meaning it was the only part of his body which remained large.

He had become a blood covered bobble head of sorts.

Calëb pointed her dagger at the disfigured Petrus.


The air was filled with rage filled cries as all the Foph men ran towards Petrus, who was still bound.

I just adjusted the ring that bound him to match his new body.

Unfortunately for me, I no longer had it in me to watch any of what followed.

My eyes fell as screams filled the air.

This world truly was a cruel one.

But wasn't Petrus suffering because of me?

Hadn't the Foph suffered because of him?

I guess it all made sense in some strange way that escaped me.

I noticed that plumes of black smoke were pouring out of my mouth.

I quickly sent them away before looking up to find that barely any of Petrus's body remained.

All that was left was a large head, a spine, some ribs and a few pieces of flesh, but even in this state, he received the life energy that Calëb was sending him.

His body eventually healed and as the blood covered warriors made space for the approaching Calëb.

I heard the warriors all chant something that didn't even sound like speech.

It was they were all barking and snarling as Calëb removed her fur jacket.

She then undid the leather straps around her arms and legs before reverse mounting a fully healed Petrus.

His body awkwardly convulsed as he laid in a pool of his own blood.

Wait a minute!

He no longer had his Cavumium bones and his other augments… wasn't he no longer immortal?

I glanced at Yna to find that she simply stood next to me with crossed arms.

Her eyes weren't even glowing that brightly.

I returned my gaze to Calëb who closed her eyes as the countless Rendaro around her filled the air with their barks.

She then turned to face me and mouthed the words "Thank You" to me.

My eyes widened as she raised her dagger. Her body barely illuminated by the light of the setting sun.

She then stabbed Petrus right where his penis attached to his body and the Golden Knight howled out in pain as Yna repeatedly stabbed him.

She let out what I assumed was a giggle as her body was covered in blood.

She then rotated herself before facing the screaming Petrus.

Her eyes rolled back as she raised dagger once more.

She then lowered her blade, but didn't stab him.

Instead, she cut several deep marks into his skin before removing his ears, eyelids, mouth and tongue.

She tossed aside his organs before pouring the last light from the old women into his body and only once his body healed, did she stand.

She then walked towards me as the growls faded, allowing me to finally hear the whispering wind.

She knelt before me once more before giggling rather loudly.

Her giggle then turned into a scream which turned into pained sobbing.

"Stand." I said.

Calëb did as instructed.

I looked into her shaking eyes and realized that although she and the Foph had brutalized the man who tormented there village, nothing could undo the damage he'd done.

"I'll leave him here with you-"

"W- won't you stay the night?" Calëb asked weakly.

"Err… no. I have work to do in Coh-"

"Of course we'll stay!" Yna said while wrapping her arm around my neck.

"You just gave these people the means to get their revenge. The least you could do is let them treat you to a night of kindness." Yna said with a grin.

I knew she definitely wanted something in the Oasis, but I was also too tired to argue with her.

I hadn't slept in a while and my legs were aching from all the walking we'd done.

"Fine." I sighed before Yna picked me up.

It's here that I realized that I'd never really been inside the Oasis.

Calëb led us down the hill as one of her warriors brought her clothes which she held onto.

She then led us into the Oasis which was a settlement of countless huts that varied in size.

Guarding some of the huts were duos of Foph warriors.

Calëb took us toward the largest hut and we entered it to find that even its interior was heavily guarded.

We walked down a narrow guarded path and into the tent's inner part.

We eventually arrived at a silky flap that led into what I assumed was Calëb's room.

It was rather messy.

Weapons, jars and various other things littered the floor.

"Pardon the mess-"

"Don't worry about it." I said before hopping out of Yna's hands.

I then placed my hand on my hip.

"Mind if it sit here?" I asked while pointing at a spot near the room's only furniture, a wooden table.

"Please do."

I plopped down, crossed my arms, dropped my head and closed my eyes as fatigue gnawed away at my consciousness.

"Umm… excuse me while I go clean myself up."

Calëb said before leaving the room which extremely sound proof thanks to all that cloth and materials that made up and filled the tent.

Yna sat next to me as my eyelids grew heavy.

"Why did you really want to come here?"

"I just wanted to spend more time with Calëb, is all."

"If you hurt her, I'll make you give me one of arms as punishment."

"You speak as though you'd ever hurt me-"

Yna stopped as the room grew dark.

"Calëb is a key part of our army. Don't break her any further." I said before returning the room to it's natural state.

Yna nodded before wincing.

"Why did you assume that I was going to hurt her?"

"Because you're a sicko." I said with a yawn.

I then finally closed my eyes and slept all while desperately fighting away any horrible images that tried keeping me awake.




I couldn't sleep.

Every time I slipped into sub consciousness, I'd be bombarded by scenes of death, blood and pain.

I opened my eyes to find a naked Calëb mounting a naked Yna.

I quickly closed my eyes and heard Calëb's muffled moans as she kissed Yna.

"There, there. Don't hold back." Yna said.

"But lord Katsíki-"

"Shh. He is in a deep sleep and even if he wakes up, we'll let him watch as I unravel you, layer by layer."

My curiosity got the better of me and I opened a single eye only to meet Yna's gaze as she passionately kissed Calëb, who's eyes were closed.

Yna turned her eyes to Calëb before grabbing her ass prompting Calëb to gasp.

"Tell me, how are you feeling?"

"I… I don't know. I thought hurting him would fix everything, but…" Calëb said with a lowered head.

Yna gently ran her hands through short and scruffy hair.

"Unfortunately, I cannot do anything to take the pain away… I can serve as a beautiful… distraction. I want you to give yourself to me- to Katsíki. All your pain, your grief and resentment." Yna said as she tried kissing Calëb again, but Calëb turned away.

"You and lord Katsíki speak of a coming war. Won't these… distractions prove meaningless once more suffering falls upon the Expanse?"

Yna pushed Calëb down, covering the Foph warrior in her long white hair.

"That may be true, but I'm not asking you to cast aside all your concerns forever. I'm asking you to look at me and share this moment wholeheartedly so that when the pain returns and it will, you'll have something sweet to think about as you close your eyes to sleep."

"I... alright."

"Good girl." Yna said before nibbling Calëb's left nipple.

Calëb tightly held Yna's head and tightly held her long white hair.

I closed my eyes and thought about Yna's advice.

I thought about every good thing that had happened since my arrival.

Getting to know the Ia was fairly pleasant.

It lead to me forming relationships with Farin, Shiru, Anda and many others.

The Foph were a pain in the ass in the beginning but I knew deep inside that there was hope for them.

Building Coh was one of my proudest achievements and getting to meet Yna was the catalyst to all that so I was also grateful for meeting her.

These were the things, the moments I was working so hard to protect.

And I would do that without rest.






Thank you for reading and sticking to Goat Isekai!

I don't think I can express just how much of a surprise this has been for me.

This all started as throwaway lore for a DnD campaign, but it quickly ballooned into an entire world full of stories to tell.

As it stands, Goat Isekai is going to be the biggest story I ever write in terms of how many characters there are, how many places I'll write about and how long the story will be in general.

It won't be TOO long and I plan on ending it in a few more arcs , but I will work hard to ensure that those arcs are entertaining.

The next Arc will be titled "Defending Hope" and it'll be divided into smaller segments which will cover various things.

Everything in the past two arcs has been building up to this point and I cannot wait to show you what's in store.

I want to talk more about my characters and certain events, but I feel as though I've already done that through chapters.

So I can only hope that you stick around to see the ends of their stories.

Once again, thank you for reading and I'll see you next time in Edenton as it is consumed by the Flames of war!