
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantasie
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41 Chs

space vaccum and mysterious old man 2

Deepjoshi files a complaint about the Jing family member at the police station.

Deepjoshi: This man is attempting to rob the elderly man, officer.

Policeman: Okay, tell me the name.

Old man: Sir, let me introduce myself. My name is Anand Choudhary. I was trading some potatoes when that man grabbed my neck and demanded that I give him all of them. You are aware, sir, that vegetables are worth more than this old man's life.

policeman asked the Jing family member, "What is your name and why would you do that to an old man?" Law Jing replied.

Jing family member to police officer: My name is Law Jing, and I am a member of the illustrious Jing family and officers. I grabbed this old man's neck to recover the potatoes he had stolen.

Elderly man: What kind of potatoes do you have? That is the result of my five years of hard work. What makes these potatoes yours?

Law Jing is asked by a police officer, "Do you have any evidence that this old man stole your potatoes?"

Law Jing: I have. My eyewitness is with me. (He made a call, and the person arrived in five minutes.)

Law Jing asked the person in question.

Law Jing's man: Hello, sir. My name is Raj, and I witnessed the elderly man stealing potatoes.

Policeman: So, Mr. Anand, do you have any evidence that you did not steal potatoes?

elderly man Anand: I have a pot where I've grown potatoes, yes, sir.

Officer of the law: bring them in.

The elderly man instructed his granddaughter to bring the potato pot when he called.

She showed up a minute later; her name is Milli Choudhary, and she is a very attractive woman in her 20s with a white face, a voluptuous body, and a five-foot height.

When she saw Law Jing and Deepjoshi, she started to feel a little lost. when Everything was explained by the elderly man.

She hands the policeman that pot.

There are still some potato roots in the pots that the elderly man is cultivating, as the policeman can see.

Law Jing was arrested by the police after robbing an elderly man.

Using the portal, the elderly man, Milli, and Deepjoshi returned to the marketplace.

Law Jing made a mobile phone call to someone. That individual arrived at the police station twenty minutes later and yelled

Who is the policeman who arrested a member of my Jing family?

Policeman: That robber was arrested by me.

Jing relative: As the Jing family's chief butler, I ask you: Why does my young master need to steal from people?

Police officers become nervous. Because the Jing family is the majority family in Balama City, they have many connections that can ruin anyone's life, so when he claimed to be the Jing family's young master. He released Law Jing, and I said sorry I don't know he was the young master of the Jing family if I thought he was some sort of cheater.

He smiled as he was released from jail and said, "Old man, you have a nice granddaughter." Oh,

As a thank you, the elderly man gave some of the potatoes to Deepjoshi.

Deepjoshi: Old man, what are you doing? I was curious about how you grew those potatoes, so I helped you. And that's it.

Old man: I still got help from you. The elderly man gestured for Deepjoshi to follow him to his small hut, told him to take a seat, and said of his granddaughter's ability to purify anything. His granddaughter Milli was a high priest who was enrolled in Lola University, the best university in Balama.

That surprised Deepjoshi, who said, "Old man, can you give Milli to me?" (He spoke quickly, so it was a little deceptive; he told the elderly man this because high priests are extremely uncommon; by hiring her, he will be able to attract more customers to his mall.)

elderly man Anand: What? It's too early for that young man. I understand that emotions can arise unexpectedly, but that is excessive, and I will not intervene in the affairs of young people.

What are you saying, grandfather? Milli blushed a little and her cheeks turned red like a tomato. (Millie developed a mild attachment to Deepjoshi after seeing him at the police station because of his attractive personality, white face, six-pack abs, and 6.1-foot height.)

It took Deepjoshi Joshi some time to realize what he had said, as he was left perplexed. I didn't mean that, old man; I was just., he explained to the old man about he opened the mall and it required to be run by someone he could trust. With Milli as the high priest, the business will prosper.

However, he had a question for the elderly man, asking how Milli had acquired her powers before the awakening ritual and how she had been able to use them before making her first kill.

Old man: She is a unique instance in which her ability is spontaneously awakened without the need for a ceremony or initial kill. It's an extremely uncommon occurrence since some people—known as natural hunters—can awaken their abilities without a ceremony or any kills. (They are very weak in their abilities before a ceremony, but they can use them; after the ceremony, they become strong.)

Deepjoshi is starting to understand everything, and in one month the ceremony will take place and she will receive her university certificate.

Since he was aware that the mill did not have hpoints, Deepjoshi gave her 350 hpoints and stated, "This is your advance payment for the work."

"Milli blushed and thanked Deepjoshi".

Deepjoshi teleported back to Aroma City to level up. He killed C-class spiders and finally reached level 91


Potential: s+(....)

Class: space type

Experience percentage: 0/100%




Mana(energy): 3500

Active Skills: portal, teleportation, space eyes, storage, collector, nebula drops, telekinesis, space vacuum.

Passive skills: mana regeneration, connect, weapon mastery, lock eyes.

He then teleported back to his home, where he had dinner and then retired to his bedroom to sleep.

He saw Milli when he was strolling around the streets early the following morning.

Deepjoshi: What are you doing here, Milli?

With a slight flush, Milli revealed that she was out shopping.

Furthermore, Deepjoshi Joshi vanished into yet another D-class dungeon.

This time, the dungeon is situated in a grassland. He moved in the direction of the 3-foot-long creature he had seen in the dungeon from a distance.