
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (Rewrite in Progress......)

Getting a new ability every day, I’m really awesome. [Ability to acquire: Mind Power] [Ability to acquire: Immortal body] [Ability to acquire: Body multiplier] [Ability to acquire: Body of Steel] 【 Acquire ability…】 Villains: “For Gao Teng’s ability, we have formulated a careful battle plan, and we will definitely be able to kill him!” In the hands of… “Huh? It’s an ability I haven’t seen before!” “Don’t panic, we all know his weaknesses, and he will die today!” “Huh? How come you still have an ability you haven’t seen before?” “Don’t… don’t panic! We still have a chance!” “No! How can he have so many abilities, this is impossible!!” ... This is not my novel, I am only translating the real author name is Lord Tauren. And also, cover image is also not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Bücher und Literatur
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53 Chs

Chapter 52 Meeting is Destiny

Chapter 52 Meeting is Destiny

Shan Xiao's death made Fang Meng's mood a lot easier, but thinking that the culprit was Wuyoujiao, her murderous aura emanated from her body again.

"I will work hard to cultivate, and I will never let Wuyoujiao go, and let them pay their debts with blood!"

Gao Teng patted her on the shoulder, "Ok then, I'll give you a certificate if you win, and I'll choose the best tombstone for you if you lose."


Fang Meng looked at Gao Teng with an indescribable look.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Gao Teng said, "I have no grievances with Wuyoujiao, they don't come to provoke me, why should I provoke them?

I just said that today, I just saw that people like Shan Xiao, and that made me unhappy. In fact, in the final analysis, they didn't provoke me, but they were sprayed with blood by me. "

"You have no feelings!"

"That's what you said wrong." Gao Teng corrected, "It's not that I have no feelings, but that I have no feelings for you."

Fang Meng stared at Gao Teng, her eyes spitting fire, "You are a stone that can't be covered!"

"Oh hoo hoo..."

"You are so nasty!!" Fang Meng turned her head and left, shaking her hair.

Gao Teng caught up and walked side by side with her.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Go home."

"Yes!" Fang Meng stopped, looked at Gao Teng and said, "Pack up your things and get out of my house!"

"I will not."

"You shameless!"

"Didn't you already know?"

"What!!!" Fang Meng stomped her feet in anger.


There was an explosion in the distance, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

There was screaming in the commercial street, and pedestrians fled everywhere.

Gao Teng built a pergola with his hands and looked into the distance, "Isn't it so exciting? When you go out, you encounter a riot?"

Soon, there was the sound of fierce fighting, and it seemed that someone with the ability had already stopped it.

"Hey!" Fang Meng called out.

"What are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? You think you're on the phone or something?"

"... You give me some seriousness!"

Gao Teng put away his hippie smile, "You said."

Fang Meng's expression was a little down. She said, "Uncle Qin's matter complicates my mood now. I don't know if I can protect these people and others in the future, so I especially want to know, what do you think?"

"Are you sure you want to ask me?" Gao Teng laughed, "My thoughts are all deviant."

Fang Meng couldn't help laughing out loud and patted Gao Teng's arm, "I want to know your thoughts even more, just say it."

"Of course, I will protect others, because a stable order is important.

As for people's hearts, they won't be disappointed if they don't expect anything in return.

Qin Zhan just lived an ideal life. Although his death had a lot to do with Wuyou Sect, in the end, he couldn't find the meaning of living.

Because he lived for others all his life, so when he couldn't open up when he encountered betrayal

As for you, don't be confused.

Shan Xiao was a bad person, but she only had something to say.

Society is a huge machine.

So, when we come across broken parts, all we have to do is dismantle them. We can have a good life only if the machine works properly.

I don't want to live in a chaotic world, I want to go shopping, eat out, watch movies normally…"

As he was talking, there was another violent explosion, and a figure flew over.

This man has an unshaven beard and messy hair. His left arm appears to be broken, slightly deformed, and bleeding profusely.

"stop!" Gao Teng raised his hand, and a powerful force appeared out of thin air.

This figure seemed to hit a wall, flew out like a broken kite, and hit a small stall selling cheap jewelry.

"What should I do if I hurt the children in the commercial street? Do you still have any merit?"

Hearing Gao Teng's words, this man immediately struggled to get up, but a heavy force enveloped him as if being suppressed by a mountain, unable to move.

"Damn! Let me go!!" This man roared like a wild beast, with billowing flames all over his body, and he possessed the ability of the element of fire.

"Fang Meng, do you think this scene is particularly familiar? It seems like deja vu?" Gao Teng wondered, "Did it happen in a dream?"

Fang Meng said speechlessly: "You won't forget it, will you?"

"?" Gao Teng put a question mark on his face.

Fang Meng held her forehead and said, "Liuhun Street! Didn't we rob someone else's mission? You even beat the person you found to near-death."

"Yes, yes, I would have forgotten if you didn't mention it.

You take your mobile phone and take a picture of his face to identify who he is, this time we are picking up the task for nothing. "

Fang Meng took out her mobile phone and was about to scan it when two figures chased after him.

One male and one female.

"Huh? It's you!"

The man had dyed yellow hair, all his hair rising into the sky, and was wearing a black T-shirt with a skull printed on it. It was Li Gangqiang, the boss of the tyrannical clan.

As for the woman, the upper body is a white shirt, the lower body is a blue and white plaid pleated skirt, and she is wearing a pair of small white leather shoes and white socks. She is Miss Wang Ya who is unreliable and wants others to rely on her.

"Long time no see, are you on a mission?" Wang Ya said hello first, her sweet smile made people feel like a spring breeze.

Gao Teng pointed at the restrained sociopath and said, "To be precise, he made us pick up a task for nothing."

"He's my prey!" Li Gangqiang's eyes suddenly became wild, staring straight at Gao Teng.

Gao Teng smiled and thought something interesting came.

He has no other hobbies, he just likes to bully people.

"What you say is yours?

Does he have your name engraved on his face?

Did you leave your blood in his body? "

"Don't force me to do it!" Li Gangqiang's attitude is very tough, and he has the style of the boss of the tyrannical clan.

Unfortunately, the tone is big, and the ability is a little small.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Wang Ya stopped between the two of them, and then said softly, "Gao Teng, he is the mission target we have been staring at for several days. After completing this mission, we will Can become a full members of the security bureau, can you give him to us?

Otherwise, if we miss this mission, the time will be too late, and we will not be able to complete another ten missions. "

"..." Gao Teng looked at Fang Meng, "What do you think?"

Fang Meng snorted coldly, "If a beautiful girl says a few kind words, you will soften your heart, don't you?"

"There is no way, I really can't refuse the beautiful girl's request."


"Don't talk to him, I'll take the prey back!" Li Gangqiang is the kind of tough guy who will defend his interests in his own way.

"Can you stop talking, brother." Wang Ya was particularly helpless.

Li Gangqiang actually shut up, snorted heavily, and turned his head to the side.

"You hand him over to us, how about I invite you to dinner?"

Gao Teng patted Fang Meng's shoulder, "I'm used to Fang Meng's meals, and if I eat anything else, I might not like it and feel uncomfortable."

"I invite you to Crote."

"What is that place?" Gao Teng asked Fang Meng curiously.

"The most expensive restaurant in Beijing."

"Oh... Actually, it's okay to change your taste occasionally. After all, life is so short, it's good to try more."

(end of this chapter)

TN: Check out My New Novel, "Another Young Justice Story".


Lord Tauren: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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