
I Eat Energy To Grow Stronger

The life of humans on earth has always been viewed as boring by Xianth Evander. He wished that his life would be different and more thrilling and fortunately, his wish came true. For a reason unknown to him he suddenly found himself in a completely new different world and the first entity he met was the legendary Golden Lightning Phoenix whose existence brought fear to almost everyone on the Osmeon Continent. This Phoenix was a great help to Xianth from the start and let us watch as our protagonist explore and reach the top of this world by eating all kinds of energy he encounters!

KenceRussel · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 1: Entering The Osmeon Continent

In the endless expanse of space, a blackish-red light was traveling at a speed beyond mortal comprehension. Any asteroids that are in the path of this light would turn into tiny specks of dust

At first, one would think that this light was some sort of a mysterious celestial body but that is not the case

If one has enough capabilities to clearly see what this red light really was, they would find out that it was actually a humanoid creature

This creature has a human head with five ashy gold horns in total. Three horns were on its forehead, two of which were at the side and the other one was in the middle. The two remaining horns on the other hand were on the sides of its mouth. It has a muscular neck and chest but below that was a large and bulging stomach. The size of this creature's stomach does not match its body at all

On its back were two pairs of disgusting and dreadful wings that are seemingly made from living flesh. The muscles were even throbbing from time to time, giving it a more fear-inducing appearance

After an unknown amount of time, this creature finally stopped flying as it stretched out its hand showing off its black sharp nails.

The creature uses its nails to scratch on an empty space and it was as if the space itself was ripped apart.

The space distorted and flickered for a moment before a realm where trillions of organisms live was revealed. If not for this creature's doing, no one would realize that a realm would actually be in this place.

"Gaia, come out" Using its hoarse and monstrous voice, the creature spoke, its eyes glowing with a shimmer of cruelty.

This demonic being was not left disappointed. It didn't take that long before purple motes of light appeared not far from it and these lights condensed into a female humanoid creature and their appearance couldn't be any more different.

The male one looks like a demon from hell, its appearance disgusting and frightening while the female one has the beauty of the fairies and angels. It was as if its mere presence alone could bring light to the universe.

"Lord of the Sin of Gluttony; Beelzebub, how may I help you?" The woman named Gaia spoke with a calm tone yet her heart harbored a storm.

At that question, the Lord of Gluttony smiles deviously. "It is time for you to be eaten by me. You have always been obedient and even after I ate your father, you simply hid yourself. I believe that you would not make things hard for me, am I correct?"

Beelzebub spoke while licking his lips as he stared at the beautiful woman. He does not care for her appearance in the slightest as he sees her as nothing more than food.

With a sigh Gaia replied. "I will do as you want but I hope that you will at least let my creation survive" she said pertaining to the billions of humans living on her earth realm.

After hearing her words, Beelzebub stared at the realm behind Gaia before moving in front of her. "I fear I have to disappoint you. You know how careful I am. I would cut up any possible future threats. Since they are your creation and I would eat and consume you, it would be bad if even at least one of them grew to be powerful enough to rival me no matter how infinitely low that chance is. I won't let any possible future threats live"

The Lord of Gluttony's words were clear, he would not let the mortals living on Gaia's earth realm continue to live.

Gaia could only let out another sigh as if she resigned to her fate. She didn't bother resisting which was not a surprise for Beelzebub. They are both aware of the power difference between the two of them.

Seeing her obedient demeanor, Beelzebub approached Gaia even closer in an attempt to eat her but soon, his eyes glowed with displeasure.

Gaia actually raises her hand and from it, a purple light shot out like lightning. She actually dared to resist yet even with that kind of sneak attack, she did nothing more than to create a small cut on Beelzebub's arm, and droplets of blood leaked out from the wound before they flew towards Gaia.

"You actually dared to resist? Too bad that even if you use your everything there is no way you could possibly defeat me" Beelzebub said in disdain and the resigned look in Gaia's eyes turned into that one of bravery.

"If you agreed to leave my creation alone, I would have let you eat me without resisting. From the time that you ate and killed my father, I hid and devoted all of my time to watching my creations. They are the only thing that I care about and I won't let you kill them" Gaia said with a firm tone causing the demonic Beelzebub to laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha! You won't let me kill them? How? Could you even defeat me?"

It was as if Beelzebub heard the funniest joke in the world but he was the only one laughing, Gaia was not the least bit amused.

"It's true that even if I used my time to train instead of watching my creations, I still couldn't hope to catch up to your power. However, do you really think that I didn't prepare some measures? I didn't hope to survive from your clutches, the only thing I wanted was for my creations to survive and I at least have the ability to ensure that"

As she speaks, Gaia backed away causing Beelzebub to raise his eyebrows. "What could someone like you even do?"

"Everyone knows I am weak fighting strength wise but I believe the people that knew me are still aware of my spatial gift"

Gaia pointed her hand at her earth realm as she used her power of space. Purple lights engulfed the realm as every living creature inside was suddenly surrounded by a mysterious force

"You... you can't possibly be thinking of sending them away to other realms! Hahahaha! In fear that I would find you easily, you cut off the realm's connection with the universe. I can sense that currently, none of your mortals possess a [Gift]. Even if you send them into other realms, they would be the most powerless. Their genetics deteriorated too far and even their children and grandchildren wouldn't awaken a [Gift]. It would require at least ten generations of breeding with species that didn't come from your realm for them to awaken a [Gift]. Hahahaha, Gaia, I know that you are weak but I didn't expect that you are also this naive"

Beelzebub didn't bother stopping Gaia, not that he had the ability to. He might be stronger power wise but he doesn't have Gaia's spatial [Gift]. Besides, he believes that these mortals with no [Gift] would simply just die after being thrown into an entirely different realm

"I know. That is the case normally but I have a solution to that and thanks to your blood, one of them would definitely be stronger than the others. At the very least, my mortals would not go instinct thanks to your blood"

As soon as Gaia finishes her words her body started cracking as if she was created from glass. It was a really bizarre scene to watch a person turn into fragments

"Divinity! What are you doing to your Divinity?!" Beelzebub raged but he was too late. Gaia turned into billions of fragments that flew towards the living creatures in the earth realm

"Gaia! No! Could it be!" Beelzebub's eyes trembled as he let out a furious roar that shook space


Earth Realm

"As students of Tourism Management, all of you must know what Tourism is first. Can anyone tell me the definition of Tourism?"

Today is the first day of the semester and many freshmen were excited that they are finally college students as that made them feel like they are adults. However, there are also those that don't like studying and they already miss their summer vacation.

In one of the classrooms, one student was neither excited nor hated studying. He was sitting next to the window and his bored eyes stared outside.

"Boring... my life... it's too boring. I will study for four years to get my degree and after that, I would definitely struggle just like the others to get a job. While studying or working, I might meet someone that I would marry in the future, have kids, watch them grow, and eventually die. My life is too predictable and it's too boring"

Xianth Evander is your average human and perhaps there is only one thing that differentiates him from the rest and that is he finds the way humans live to be boring.

Their lives are or more less the same. They study, find a job, marry, have kids, grow old, and die. He always hated how boring his life and this world not knowing that this is the day that would change.



"What the hell!"

"What the fuck is this!"

Every single student inside this classroom including the professor was surprised at what suddenly happened without any warning. They were suddenly surrounded by a purple light for an unknown reason

"What's happening? Whose prank is this?" The professor thought that this was some prank of his students and he was furious but how could the students possibly make everyone glow?

It was not only them that are glowing, everyone on earth was the same but before it could create much of an uproar, they felt something entering them

The sensation was hard to describe. It felt like something great, something out of this world... something Divine has entered them but before they could inspect whatever the thing entered them is, they already lose their consciousness


Osmeon Continent

"Argh... what's with this terrible headache? I feel like I just rode on a rollercoaster that broke through the sound barrier" Xianth Evander thought in his head as he started to regain consciousness but before he could even open his eyes, he heard an unknown person's voice.

"Oii human, are you still not awake? How long do you plan on sleeping, are you looking down on the Great me?!"

Xianth vowed that he never heard that voice before. It was not from the people he knows.

"Who is so narcissistic to actually call themselves 'the Great me'? That's so cringy!" Xianth thought and decided to check who the narcissist was, he slowly opened his eyes.

He doesn't know if it's because he just woke up and he was hallucinating but the thing that first greeted him was not a human face but actually the face of a giant bird.

If it was a normal bird he might not think much but the thing is, this bird is far from being normal!

Firstly, this bird is completely gold in color but with the possibly thousands of varieties of birds on earth, some of them might really be golden in color

However, on this bird's face and entire body, flashes of what looked like electricity or lightning were flickering constantly. If that in itself was not unscientific, the 'skin' of this bird is even moving like the waves of the sea. It gave people the impression that this creature is not made from flesh and blood.

"What the hell?!"

Xianth was flabbergasted at this sudden development and he moved like thunder. He stood up before backing away from this strange creature that is not scientifically possible to exist.

"Huh? Human, did you just curse me, the Golden Lightning Phoenix? Are you asking to be killed?"

Xianth opened his mouth to speak but he doesn't know what to say. Just like what the creature called itself, it indeed does look like the Phoenix from mythology aside from one difference.

Instead of having the element of fire, this Phoenix's attribute was that of lightning but it doesn't matter whether it was a fire or a lightning Phoenix. The important thing is how the hell could such a creature possibly exist. This tore the common sense of an earthling like Xianth!