
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasie
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70 Chs


Lin En looked down at the staff. At the top of the staff, there was a cluster of faint purple fluorescence.

   It actually has its own indication effect, but it is too obvious, and not suitable for an upright person like myself.

  Lin En sighed secretly, if he can make himself a staff in the future, he must make one that can hide fluctuations and special lighting effects.

  Which honest wizard still has an indicator light before making a move?

   Walking to the window, he took two steps back, and Lynn disappeared into the darkness.

   Finding the right angle, Lynn raised his staff and pointed it at the people near the gate in the yard.

  The next moment, the staff in his hand was activated.

  Accompanied by mana fluctuations, a purple light burst out from the top of the staff.

  A large number of elements in the air fluctuated and converged, quickly condensing a ball of purple-black liquid the size of a basketball in the air.

   Are you sure it's just a zero-ring spell?

  Lin En was a little surprised. The acid missile was bigger than he imagined. He originally thought it was only the size of a bullet, and at worst it was about the size of an apple.

   It turned out to be as big as a basketball, and the visual effect alone is very eye-catching.

   Aim at the enemy and think about it.

  The acid missile flew out at a speed not slow, comparable to the speed of a bow and arrow.

  With such a short distance, they landed in the area behind the courtyard where everyone from the town security team was located.

  It's a pity that Lynn didn't control the distance well, and the place where the acid missile hit was slightly off.

   Originally, he aimed at the knight, but this time he missed it slightly.

   Grabbed the knight's right arm and flew out.

  Matthew reacted very quickly. The high-intensity tempering from knight training allowed him to develop a good reaction speed. He pulled out the broadsword in his hand like a straw and swung a slash to cut the UFO open.

   Whatever it is, don't even think about it—

  Acid missiles are like a water-filled balloon being cut open in an instant.

  As the sword cut open, feeling the strange impact from the broadsword, Matthew secretly felt that he seemed to have made a wrong decision.

  The acid missile exploded with a bang.

  Dense water droplets scattered and splashed.

  Matthew closed his eyes, and slammed the broadsword in his hand, covering his cheeks.

  Lin En knows that this is the characteristic of the acid missile. When encountering obstacles or external damage, the acid missile will explode, causing secondary damage.

  Everyone around became the target of the acid-missile attack in an instant.

  A large amount of acid spreads and rains down on the group.


  The acid liquid fell on the leather armor, making a sizzling sound and emitting pungent white smoke.

   Soon a big hole was sprayed out of the leather armor.

  These acids are extremely corrosive.

   It fell on the leather armor quite well, but some acid fell on the exposed skin, and the flesh and blood were corroded, revealing hideous flesh and blood.

   Painful people rolling all over the floor.

  This is different from the frost magic trap just now. The biting coldness of the frost has a certain analgesic effect.

  The pain of acid corrosion is unbearable.

   Knight Matthew witnessed a drop of acid the size of a walnut fall on the face of an ordinary person next to him.

In just a split second, it was like a drop of black ink dripping on white paper. The black ink quickly soaked and spread, and the acid corroded a big hole in his face. The man fell to the ground and convulsed. All the facial features of the body have been corroded, leaving only a large black hole, and even the bones inside have been corroded a lot

  At this moment, the front blade of the broadsword in his hand slammed down.

Just now, the broadsword was lying in front of him to block the acid that flew toward his position, but the acid also corroded the broadsword, leaving only an empty hilt and a blade extending less than two or three centimeters from the hilt. The length of the broken blade.

  Matthew's face changed slightly.

  This ghost thing is too corrosive, what the **** is it?

  According to the intelligence, there may be a wizard hiding here, but he has not dealt with wizards before, they are just a group of guys pretending to be ghosts.

  Although he can do some juggling magic, it is basically not powerful, no different from the magicians who perform acrobatics in the circus.

   Could it be that this is not magic, but a new type of alchemical achievement made by those alchemists?

   Just when Matthew was shocked, his head suddenly sank, as if he had been hit hard in the head with a big hammer!

  He was dizzy and dizzy, and all the scenery in front of him became blurred as if the world was spinning, and even his own body was hard to control.

not good! Was plotted against!

  Matthew didn't notice how he was attacked at all.

  Behind the window on the second floor not far away, Lynn, who was hiding in the darkness, looked at the knight who was staggering in place, trying to maintain his stability.

  The power of spells is even more powerful than he imagined, even zero-ring spells are so powerful.

   It seems that I underestimated the strength of the wizard and overestimated the strength of the knight.

  Lin En raised his staff and pointed it at Matthew.

  A group of acid missiles gradually condensed.

   Accurately hit the knight who was staggering on the spot after being hit by a mental shock in the night.

  With the experience of the first time, Lynn shot very accurately the second time.

  Acid hit Matthew in the head.

  Matthew twitched and rolled on the ground, seemingly no different from ordinary people who had been hit by acid.

  The only difference is that he lasts a little longer.

   It took a few more seconds before the convulsions stopped. Most of the iron armor covering the body was corroded, and the rest of the corpse was also pitted and corroded a lot.

   Casting three spells in a row, Lynn felt that the soles of his feet were a little weak. It seems that in the future, he should pay attention not to use up his mental power casually.

  The rest of my mental power can support me to cast a spell once.

   Casting four zero-ring spells in a short period of time is almost his current limit.

   Lynn looked at the group of people lying down near the gate of the yard.

   Not everyone fell to the ground, there were still four standing.

  Some were far away, and some acid missiles missed exposed body parts, or other companions in front acted as human shields to block the acid.

  Seeing Matthew fall, the rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

  The four people who were still standing immediately scattered and fled down the mountain.

   Only one person can stay at most. Unless someone is willing to cut the acid missile, just like the kind knight just now.

   Just as Lynn was thinking, the four of them had already run quite a distance.

  Now even if the acid missile explodes and attacks, it may not be able to leave four people behind.

   Lynn extinguished his mind.

  The hunter saw that everyone behind him was dead, so he turned to retreat.

  The hunter saw this scene, how dare he continue to enter the house in front of him.

  In his opinion, this wooden house is a terrifying devil's lair.

  The hunter backed away slowly.

  Lin En's eyes are gloomy, and he still has the last spell release qualification, so don't waste it. Just now he heard the hunter's voice leading the way from a distance.

   "Acid Missile."

   Finally raised the staff.

  The hunter wanted to dodge, but the distance was too close, and he was hit directly by the acid missile.

  A big living person was corroded in front of Lynn, not even bones left.