
Project Teaching Without Teaching

Lila quickly put her hand around the back of Zari's head and tilted it back while pressing her body against Zari. Zari's mouth opened when her head was tilted back so far. Lila placed her lips just over Zari's, and some white sticky fluid came out.

It hung suspended from Lila's lips, over Zari's tongue that had begun to reach for it. It got thinner and thinner until it broke.

The clump fell into Zari's mouth until it hit her tongue; as soon as she tasted it, she was snapped back to reality.

Lila was shoved away from her and splashed into the water, and she bolted out of the hot tub, around Alexis, who had been massaging her shoulders, back into the house and towards the front door.

I thought she might run outside in her bikini and would have to be stopped, but she seemed to realize it and turned around, going up the stairs to the extra room where her clothes were.

She hurriedly put them on over her bikini and ran back down the stairs and out the door.

She never spit it out the whole time and only realized it when she reached her bedroom at home and lay on the bed.

She seemed to be struggling to decide what to do until glancing both ways like she was afraid someone would see before I saw her throat move in a swallowing motion. I thought she would spit it out but was quite surprised and a little happy she did not.

I'm not worried about her never coming back; she might have been scared off now, but she'll ride with us again tomorrow morning. She's begun to enjoy my company. She'll just pretend nothing happened.

It won't be long until she's very willing to join in the fun, however before that, I want to tell her who I am.

I'm also a little worried about breaking her if she's not stronger. I think I have a way to fix it.

I call it 'Project Teach without Teaching' because I have to teach her without actually getting out the chalkboard and explaining it.

Her cultivation talent was good; her current talent is more than good enough for quite a while into the immortal realms Eventually, I would improve it though, Kitty told me there is a way.

I plan to use the ability of divine sense to implant an 'epiphany' while she's dreaming where she will 'miraculously' understand cultivation. It will have to be so strong that she just knows it will work and actually does it.

Of course, to keep her from telling others, I'll spell her so she would temporarily forget it if she tries. I don't think she will though, she's not nice enough to tell others how to become stronger than her again.

Then after she gets the hang of it for a day, she can 'find' some lesser energy stones that will speed up her cultivation. If I can get it right, it should only be a few days until she hits Qi Refinement.

This also has the added benefit that I won't have any lingering worries about her going into shock or something when she learns who I am. I don't think she would anyway, but this will ease the little point of worry.

I waited for dark and left Luna and Lila sleeping on the beach, then teleported next to Nyla on the roof. Nyla was eating a sandwich while leaning against the chimney.

"Hello, Sir."

"Nyla, I'll be here all night if you want to sleep in a bed tonight, or go find the other 3."

She silently stood up, "Thank you, sir, see you in the morning." She teleported into Alexis's room.

I sat down and used my divine sense to start whispering in Zari's mind as she slept, one simple word, "Cultivation." I whispered it over and over. I know she knows what cultivation is, so while this keeps getting injected into her mind over and over, her dreams will shift in that direction.

After an hour or so, I started switching to guiding her into learning one of the basic, but good methods. How to sense lesser energy, take it in, properly guide it into her dantian, and circulate it through her meridians.

After 7 hours of drilling it into her mind over and over, it was almost morning. I started her thinking on the idea that lesser energy could condense into stones of some sort and drilled that in for an hour with all kinds of plausible sounding theories.

She woke up, and I began whispering like I was a little devil on her shoulder, "I should actually try it as it might actually work. If it doesn't actually work, I don't lose anything."

After a few minutes, she sat up on her bed and leaned against the wall trying to concentrate. She sat like that for a few minutes, and I knew she was trying too hard.

I whispered again, "I'm trying too hard; I need to relax."

I started helping her 'imagine' some relaxing music was playing, and it helped. I also converted some energy into lesser energy and sent it into the room, making it thicker and easier to detect.

Slowly but surely, she began to sense something in the air; she tried pulling it in but didn't succeed. I whispered some help again, "I need to guide, not pull." Lesser energy could be pulled in, but that was more advanced.

It took a little while to separate the concept of guide from pull, but eventually, she was able to get a wisp down into her dantian where it stayed. She smiled and laughed, "It's real! I did it! I'll live forever!"

I immediately reminded her of something else which cooled her excitement, "Now I have to go to class."

"Oh no, I have to get ready for class." Her face turned red, and she jumped up from the bed.

I know I could influence her on other things, but I just don't want to; it wouldn't be real to me then.

I stood up, and Nyla teleported back beside me, "Good morning, Sir."

"Morning, Nyla."

I teleported to the dining room table where Luna and Lila were eating.

Shortly after, we got in the car and drove into Zari's driveway where she hurried out of the door and got in the back seat. Her face was red but excited, she said nothing except a good morning which we returned.

She was dead silent, and I could see her wondering why she even got in the car and why we even came to pick her up. After getting to university, she was silent all of classes and on the ride back home.

We pulled in the driveway, and Lila said a few words to her as we got out of the car, "I'll get my swimsuit on, meet you in the hot tub!"

Lila ran ahead, and Zari turned towards her house, "I'll be back in a minute."

I got in the hot tub, and she returned shortly with Lila placing her in the same spot again; she was slightly hesitant but easily gave in.

Lila decided not to do anything too wild today and just chill on my lap while making obvious wiggles with her butt that Zari noticed but didn't run away from. It could be seen from her face that she was having internal dilemmas on what to do but eventually settled on pretending we don't exist while leaning ever so slightly closer.

Lila soooo needs punishing later for making me endure this.

I decided to tie her up and make her watch Luna and me without getting anything herself.

Zari's body leaned closer and closer over time, at a pace unnoticeable to the naked eye. She didn't realize what she was doing but after some time she was gently leaning against me. I was afraid to move as it might make her realize what she was doing.

My head was resting against the cement; I carefully turned it to the side, looking at the profile of her face. I was smiling at her; she was just staring off into the middle of the tub.

Suddenly, she turned her head in my direction and stared into my eyes only about a foot away. Her face turned pink, and her lips played at a smile. Then, as if realizing what she was doing, straightened herself, no longer leaning against me.

I put my arm over her shoulders; she stiffened, "If you want to lean, you can. You don't have to do it so slowly. Sometimes it's just nice to lean against another human."

I pulled her closer, so she had no choice but to lean against me. This was the point she would either run away or accept it. Once she accepted it, she would never be able to leave. She might tell herself she will only lean for a few seconds, but then it would be a few more seconds doesn't hurt, then a minute until it had been so long she had to go home.

She didn't run, and I was very happy. She was stiff, but eventually, she would relax.

It took a while until she began relaxing, but once she did, she rapidly melted into me. Her mind seemed to calm down, and her expression turned sleepy. Unfortunately, she had to go.

I sighed, "Zari, you probably have to go if you still have homework."

She sat upright and quickly got out of the hot tub; her conflicted expression was back. She nodded and hurried back to the house for her clothing.

Before she got to the door, Luna called after her, "See you tomorrow."

Her head nodded as she walked into the house and out of the pool room.


I'd decided not to punish Lila yet since she was helping me get Zari ready for the future. It was night again, and I left the beach where the two of them lay and teleported onto the roof of Zari's house.

Zari had done some more cultivating after her homework; she had some trouble, mostly with the guide not pull concept but managed to get another 5 wisps before she was too exhausted to continue and went to sleep.

I sent Nyla to have her fun again tonight and began another night of teaching Zari to cultivate better; I helped her with any point she was slow with and made her think more about lesser energy stones.

In the morning, she started cultivating again; this time she set a timer so she had plenty of time to get ready. She put into practice all the 'insights' she had while sleeping and managed 3 wisps, much more for the amount of time than last night.

I think she is ready to 'find' some lesser energy stones. My plan for that was to have Alexis glamour herself into a kid and sell some 'cool rocks' she found at a stall in front of the university building we had our first class in.

The 'rocks' would cost $0.50 each, and to keep some nice person who just wanted to help the kid by buying some, spells would be placed so anyone except Zari would unconsciously have an aversion to the stall. Zari, however, would now know these 'rocks' at a glance and buy them all.

Alexis already knew the plan and had everything ready, so it was as simple as me telling her to do it.

Nyla teleported to me, and I teleported to the dining table where I told Alexis to act on the plan.


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