
I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Argon got Isekaid to another world, and also got a system that can help him build a dungeon in a cultivation world, where people can get amazing treasures inside. And for our mc to get enough resources for upgrading the dungeon he also needs to kill the people that will enter his dungeon to get soul coins that will help him upgrade the dungeon. In a world where cultivation is the key to power and strength. Argon has the power to create dungeons - underground labyrinths filled with powerful monsters and valuable treasures. Using his unique abilities, Argon creates a dungeon in the heart of an unknown forest, hoping to attract powerful cultivators and increase his own strength. But as his dungeon grows in size and power, the top powerhouses in the world realized the danger of the dungeon, since the dungeon would pour out unknown monsters that will wreak havoc in the world. To survive in this new world, Argon must use all his cunning and strength to navigate the treacherous world of cultivation and defend his dungeon from those who seek to destroy it. ------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/rRznGw45WS

BLACKangelmarl · Ost
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490 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginning

Argon couldn't help squinting his eyes as he looked at the transparent screen in front of him.

[Does the host want to continue?]

(Y) (N)

Argon couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. He had been transmigrated to another world. Getting isekaid was not foreign to Argon since it had been a popular concept in his past life, although it had only been in stories and anime.

Looking around, all he could see was pitch blackness where light couldn't even shine. The amazing thing was that he could see his whole body clearly. He couldn't help but marvel at it.

As for how he died, Truck-kun didn't get him; it was the almighty Train-sama. Thinking about it, Argon's face became ugly. At that time, it had just been his usual day-to-day life. He had been waiting for the train to arrive, and as the train was coming, someone pushed him onto the train tracks, and the rest was history.

"Sigh," Argon couldn't help but sigh in helplessness at his unfortunate death.

Looking back at the transparent screen, Argon contemplated. He didn't dare choose the x button; who knew what would happen if he chose that. It didn't take long for him to choose the (Y) button, and shortly after, a mechanical voice sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host for choosing the right answer.]

Hearing it, Argon's mouth twitched, and before he could say anything, blackness engulfed him. Shortly after, Argon opened his eyes.

"Wait a minute, am I floating?" Looking around, he realized that he was indeed floating. Argon inspected his body with a racing heart, and he grimaced when he saw his transparent, ghost-like body.

"Systems, why the hell am I a ghost?" Argon said with a little anger. Wasn't he supposed to be reincarnated in someone's body or something?

[Congratulations to the host on activating the Dungeon Maker system. If the host wants to use the system, the host just needs to think of 'status' in his mind. As for the host's body, the host doesn't need to worry, since the host can change your body with the system... I hope for the best for the host, goodbye.]

"Wait a minute, system!" Argon kept calling the system, but nothing happened. That soulless mechanical voice didn't respond.

Argon couldn't help but accept his fate, and just as the system's instructions...

'Status.' A transparent screen popped up in front of him.

But this time, the content was more detailed. There were icons for status, buildings, shops, and more, but they were locked. He couldn't really tell since all it said was 'locked.'

"It really is similar to the game systems in his past life." He couldn't help thinking if this system was made by the same countryman.

Suddenly, Argon's eyes were drawn to the glowing small mission icon at the top corner of the system. After clicking it, the mission popped up.

[Find a location for your dungeon.

Reward: 100 soul coins.

Mission failed: death.

Mission duration: 9 days.]

"A soul coin? It must be a currency of the system." As for how much the 100 soul coins were worth, he didn't know. As long as the coin reward was enough for him to have a starting point, Argon wished that the system could answer him right now. Seeing the consequence of the mission failure, Argon wanted to beat the system.

Such an irresponsible system, it ran off without giving him any context of what the hell was going on. He could only explore everything by himself.

Without any delay, Argon started his journey to find a location. As for where he was, he found himself in the middle of a forest. The good thing was that he could fly. He flew up to see the place clearly, and although it was his first time flying, he didn't feel any discomfort at all. Then suddenly...


A shrill screech sounded that made his soul shiver. Argon looked back and was terrified to see a huge hawk-like bird as big as a commercial plane flying towards him at full speed.

He wanted to run or do something, but he couldn't control his body. It was as if something was holding his body in place. It was like his body wasn't responding to his commands. "What the hell? Am I going to die this early? I just got here."

However, the huge creature passed through him. He wanted to scream instinctively but stopped because he didn't feel any pain at all. Looking at his body, Argon sighed in relief. The creature went right through him as though it couldn't see him.

"Damn, I thought I was going to die. That frightened me." Without any delay, he descended several times faster than he ascended.

He didn't want to experience that feeling again, that feeling of impending doom with no control over the situation.

Argon stopped thinking about it because it only made him more frightened. He continued to find a place and complete the mission.

It had been about an hour, and Argon had been wandering in the forest. He could only say one thing: this place was extremely dangerous. He saw all kinds of dangerous beasts. It was a good thing that those beasts couldn't see him; otherwise, he would have died several times.

"Now that I think about it, if I heard it correctly, the name of the system is Dungeon Maker. The system must want me to make a dungeon." At that time, Argon's brain was kind of muddled because of what was happening, and he couldn't think clearly.

"Then, if that's the case, I should put my dungeon near enough to people for them to discover it." Of course, it wouldn't be too close to any intelligent inhabitants.

After thinking about it, Argon began his journey. But shortly after, he stopped.

"Wait... which route should I take?" That's right, he didn't even know where the exit of the forest was.

'Sigh.' Argon couldn't help but just go with his intuition. Wherever fate took him. And from what he observed during the past hour of nonstop flying, he didn't even feel tired. Was it because he was a ghost and didn't have a physical body?