
I create the great old myth

Traveling through the parallel world, Lu Jian just wanted to make some movies to make money, but he awakened the system, as long as he completes the task, he can get rewards. Great! Wait, look under the bed at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night? There are piano sounds in the theater that has been abandoned for twenty years? The painter of the art exhibition is missing? When Lu Jian completed these tasks, he realized that there really seemed to be ghosts in this world! Something is wrong with this system. He discovered that the system not only allowed him to explore various forbidden places to die, but also filmed all his experiences of dying and turned them into video materials. Later, he even threw Lu Lian directly into an indescribable different world! "Hey, If I edited these videos into a movie, wouldn't it be the best horror movie?" Lu Jian gradually understood everything. Thus, in the foreign lands, legends of the Old Ones and unspeakable horrors began to circulate.

3rdRate_Translator · Horror
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52 Chs

Chapter 24 024. Sanity Reduce to Zero

  [Sanity: 0]

   Good guy.

  When Lu Jian saw this attribute, he called it a good guy.

  My sanity became zero after just one night of effort.

  According to the understanding of the attributes, if the sanity returns to zero, it means that the Lu jian has no sanity anymore.

  Rationality, logic, thinking, these things that make human beings human will all be gone.

  In other words, if the sanity value becomes zero, Lu Jian should immediately fall into a madness that can never be recovered, how can he still maintain his current appearance.

   Is there any deviation in this?

  Lu Jian feels that he is currently very healthy, both physically and psychologically.

   Even, due to the experience last night, Lu jian thinks that his mental state is better than ever. After all, being able to sleep for a few hours without being disturbed is a great help to restore energy.

   "I need see a psychiatrist later."

  Lu Jian thought.

  It was already past six o'clock, and it was almost noon. Lu Jian took a final look at the dilapidated Jiangcheng Grand Theater, packed his things, and walked out of the gate.

  After taking the bus to the subway and returning to the urban area, Lu Jian was not in a hurry to go home, but was transferred to Jiangcheng People's Hospital first.

  Put the backpack and crowbar in the public locker, Lu Jian registers, sits on the hospital bench and waits for the doctor to call him.

   "Sir, it's not good for you to do this. Smoking is prohibited in the hospital."

  Lu Jian saw that the old man sitting next to him was holding a homemade cigarette in his hand and was lighting it tremblingly, so he quickly extinguished it with his fingers.

  The old man glanced at Lu Jian, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and the dark red blood vessels under his pale skin were pulsating.

  Lu Jian noticed that the mother with a silent child not far away was looking at him in horror, and turned the child's head away to prevent him from meeting Lu Jian's eyes. He smiled.

   "Please go to the No. 2 consultation room, please go to the No. 2 consultation room."

  Hearing his name, Lu Jian adjusted his clothes and came to the consulting room.

   Opposite is a male doctor in a white coat, about forty years old, wearing a frameless square glasses, looking very kind.

   "Hello, my surname is Hao, you can call me Dr. Hao."

  He introduced himself and shook hands with Lu Jian.

   "Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere in your heart, or have any emotional problems?"

  Dr. Hao held a record board and a pen in his hand, and put the medical record that Lu Juan had just received, and asked in a soft tone.

  Hearing what Dr. Hao said, Lu Jian thought for a moment before speaking quietly.

   "I think I might be crazy."


  Dr. Hao was taken aback.

  He looked up and down the Lu jian, and adjusted his glasses again.

   "You mean, you think you have a mental problem?"


  Lu Jian nodded.

   "Are there any symptoms?"

  Dr. Hao has been treating patients for so many years, and has seen all kinds of mental patients.

  Some became depressed because they practiced the sword skills they saw online, there were big bosses who always felt that someone was trying to harm them, and there were "killers" who took a potted plant as a friend and wore sunglasses at night.

  After most mentally ill patients sit down and face Dr. Hao's inquiry, the first sentence is usually: I am not sick.

   It's quite rare for someone like Lu jian to say "I'm crazy".

   Of course, not completely.

  For example, there was a kid from a rich family before, who repeatedly crushed someone after driving to death, and finally found a psychiatrist and strongly demanded that he be diagnosed with mental illness to get rid of the crime.

  "I have encountered ghosts one after another recently. They want to kill me and torture me. I also saw monsters in the starry sky. As long as they open their eyes, human beings will perish."

   Facing the doctor's question, Lu Juan told the truth.


  Dr. Hao asked patiently as he followed Lu Trian's words, and at the same time wrote a few words on his record board.

   Paranoia, ghost direction.

   "Yes, there are at least two ghosts in my family."

  Lu Jian nodded.

   "Do you think they will harm you?"

   "One will, and one may not."


  Dr. Hao wrote a few more words on the recording board.

  Delusion of persecution, mild, schizophrenic tendencies are suspected.

   "I see that you seem to be calm, aren't you afraid that those ghosts will harm you?"

   "I can smash them with a crowbar, and I can blow the suona to drive away evil spirits."


  Dr. Hao paused.

   Suona exorcising evil spirits, it seems that there are many problems, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, I have a suona. If I play it, I can see a dark yellow planet in the universe. On that planet, there is a great existence dormant. Can affect humans and drive humans into madness"

  Lu Jian described what he saw in detail.

  The system of the Quiet Place does not have the principle of confidentiality, and even specially gave the mission video to Lu Jian, obviously not concerned about confidentiality.

  But normal people would not believe Lu Jian's words unless they had experienced it for themselves.

  Dr. Hao wrote another sentence on the paper while listening to Lu Jian's narration.

  Thinking disorder is extremely serious, and has formed its own set of world theories. It is recommended to take a film for observation, and organic lesions may have occurred.

   is still not seriously ill.

   "I see that you wanted to say something just now, and you kept glancing at me. Is there any problem?"

  Dr. Hao asked again.


  Lu Juan replied immediately, and then looked away from the doll with a funny smile on Dr. Hao's shoulder.

   "Okay, I have understood your situation."

  Dr. Hao finished his notes and continued.

   "I think your situation may be caused by too much pressure, it may come from childhood experiences, or it may be stimulated by something recently. You'd better maintain a normal state of mind to look at these things."

   "For example, ghosts. Of course there are no ghosts in this world. The reason why you think there are ghosts may be due to excessive delusions."

   Mentioning this incident, Dr. Hao remembered what the nurses were chatting with this morning, it seemed to be some kind of supernatural video.

"A lot of ghosts you think are actually just special effects. I heard that there are some popular supernatural videos on the Internet, saying that there are ghosts. In fact, these videos are very fake at first glance. It can be seen that they are special effects. Why don't you find some ghosts? Have a look? I'll look for it. I have it."

  Dr. Hao took out his mobile phone, searched roughly, and soon found the video with more than six million hits. He handed the mobile phone to Lu jian.

   Lu Juan took the phone and saw the phone called [Don't open it at night! ! ! ], I saw my own room in the video, and saw myself lying down.

   "It's a doctor."

  Lu Jian's expression remained unchanged, and he pointed to the video on his phone.

   "The person in the video is me."


  A question mark appeared on Dr. Hao's head.

  He hurriedly pulled the progress bar of the video, and then saw that the man lying on the bed with dark handprints on his body and struggling with his eyes closed was really Lu Jian.

   "How about you go and get a CT scan, we'll see if there are any lesions then."

  He wrote a note and handed it to Lu Jian, and watched the kind and ordinary man leave the room. Instead of rushing to call the next patient, he watched the six-minute video in its entirety.

   After a long time, Dr. Hao, who almost dropped his phone, touched his shoulder, picked up the pen again, and circled his own conclusions on the board recording Lu Juan's condition, turning them into a diagnosis and treatment result.

  Severe delusional disorder, persecution delusional disorder, schizophrenia, has formed a complete and self-consistent worldview system, delusional behavior has been projected into reality, has slight self-harm and self-abuse tendencies, long-term observation is recommended.

  After finishing writing, Dr. Hao recorded these contents in the internal system of the hospital, in Lu Jian's file, and made a brief note on the system linked with the police.

  Remarks only have two characters.

[very dangerous! ]


  Please vote!

  (end of this chapter)