
I Can Turn Into A Dragon!

Devin Merridale was fishing in a river in the woods, when he suddenly pulled out a...

Lord_Vancheltz · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Shattering Records, Divine Tier?!

Feeling my blood pumping quickly in my veins, I followed the headmaster out of his office as we headed to a large gymnasium like room. In the center of the room was a crystal clear obelisk that stands about 80 feet tall. Zyrus Fexis gestured towards the obelisk and told me to go over and touch it. This thing shall measure my talent level. Walking forward nervously, I heard my grandpa and grandma cheering behind me. Taking a deep breath after finally reaching the obelisk, I reached out my hand and touched it. Suddenly, the thing began vibrating and at first took on a green light before cycling rapidly through all of the colors of the rainbow and stopping on white. Suddenly a booming voice sounded from the obelisk. "GOD RANK TALENT!" I heard someone collapse behind me and turned around to see the headmaster on the ground looking at me in utter disbelief.

"Im-impossible! no one has ever had a God Rank talent in the academies history, not even the Dragon King has a God Rank talent, he's at Demigod! Test again!" I touched the obelisk again as instructed and the voice boomed the same answer as before. Zyrus looked at me and said, "You're not a monster, you're a calamity! L-lets move on to the combat knowledge test!" Following the headmaster again, he led us straight across the gymnasium to a door which led outside. In front of me, I saw a perfect replica of the Roman Coliseum except it was made of pure emerald green jade! Jogging over to the arena, when we got inside there was a woman with the same hair and eye color as Zyrus.

"This is my sister Cecilia Fexis. She'll be doing your combat test. Surely you're not a combat master too..." Following Cecilia out into the center of the arena she leapt back 20 meters before speaking. "Don't hold back and show me your full strength. I will match your strength and speed as well as your cultivation level." Feeling the woman powering down in front of me, I quickly got into the 12th combat stance known as Dragon Takes Flight, and rocketed towards Cecilia. Rotating my body 720 degrees, I launched a full roundhouse kick towards her left side, which she blocked before flying back 10 meters. Gasping in shock, a wicked grin came upon her face before she laughed and said, "That's enough! The fact that you knocked me back so far even though I matched your cultivation, puts you at Grandmaster level for combat knowledge. Perfect marks!"

Looking like he lost his soul Zyrus approached me in the arena and grabbed my shoulder before saying, "Now for the bloodline purity test... I'm terrified on what the results will be. Just don't cause me to stroke out okay?" Walking out of the Coliseum, we all turned into our dragon forms before flying high in the air towards a floating island. Once there, we landed and reverted our forms. Zyrus led us over to a group of men and women in white robes with green sash standing in a circle around a golden dragon statue that had a bowl in front of it and a dagger floating in the air next to it. One of the robed figures spoke and said, "For the final test, simply cut open your palm and drip blood into the bowl. After this wait for the results of the test."

Gulping a little, I looked at my grandpa who nodded at me with a smile, and I walked forward, grabbed the dagger and in one swift motion cut open my palm and dripped the blood into the bowl. 3 seconds later the bowl has a pure golden light and the dragon statues eyes glowed blood red before the dragon statue shouted in a mighty voice, "DIVINE BLOODLINE!". I heard someone collapse behind me again, and I was sure that this time Zyrus fainted. Sure enough when I turned around he was laying on the ground with his eyes rolled back. Grandpa smacked him in the face a few times and he jumped up wide awake. Looking at me in awe and fear, the headmaster said, "S Class it is, and you're also now the Class President for S Class. That uniform you're wearing won't do, we'll prepare one for you befitting of S Class. Tomorrow you'll begin your classes and we'll have your new uniform ready tonight. Now let's bring you to your private dorm room. Oh here's your key."

Taking the key from the headmaster, I noticed the robed figures were bowing to me as we left. This is troubling. Flying back towards the academy, I was led to a small mansion in the back of the academy. Zyrus smirked at me and said, "Here we are, this entire mansion is yours. Surprised? You didn't really think I'd let a future Dragon God stay in a mere dorm did you? Preposterous. Go on in and make yourself at home. Lunch will be served for you shortly. I'll walk your grandparents out." Saying my good byes to my grandparents, I walked into the most luxurious home that I've ever seen and headed up the large spiraling staircase looking for the master bedroom. Before long I found it.

The past month has been crazy. I became a dragon, learned how to cultivate, and now I'm going to an academy for young dragons and to top it off I'll be in the best class in the school. I'm excited for tomorrow!

Monster keeps me alive fun fact.

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