
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Second war between The East and the North

The first Day of the War

As dawn broke on the first day of the war, the icy northern lands became the stage for a brutal showdown between the Aurion army and the barbarians. The air was crisp, and a thin layer of snow covered the ground, soon to be marred by the chaos of battle.

The Aurion forces, a mix of knights in shining armor and mages with their magic spells ready, lined up in formation, their breaths visible in the cold air.

The mages were prepped to unleash their magic, ranging from fireballs that streaked across the sky like shooting stars, to ice spells that turned the ground beneath the barbarians' feet into treacherous sheets of ice, and bolts of lightning that cracked down with a fierce energy.

Across from them, the barbarians stood undaunted, their rugged appearances a testament to their hardy nature. They were armed with swords and axes, many of which were surrounded by a mysterious white aura that seemed to pulse with power.

This aura was not just for show; as they charged into battle, the barbarians used it to enhance their strikes, making their weapons cut through the air and armor with a terrifying efficiency.

The clash was brutal and unrelenting. Arrows dipped in flames cut through the cold air, only to be swatted aside by the swings of aura-imbued weapons. Spells and swords collided in bursts of light and sparks.

The battlefield quickly turned into a gruesome scene, with the snow turning red with blood and the air filled with the sounds of metal clashing, spells exploding, and the cries of the fallen.

The barbarians, empowered by their aura, fought with a ferocity that seemed to catch the Aurion knights off guard.

Even the most heavily armored knights found their shields shattered and armor dented by the relentless aura-powered attacks. Limbs were severed, and screams of agony pierced through the din of battle as soldiers on both sides were cut down mercilessly.

Magic offered little respite. Fire spells that would normally incinerate foes on impact were absorbed by the glowing aura, leaving barbarians unscathed as they closed in for the kill.

Ice spells that froze the ground caused more than one knight to slip, leaving them vulnerable to a barbarian's finishing blow.

Lightning spells crackled through the air, finding their marks but often not enough to turn the tide.

By the time evening fell, the battlefield was a horrific sight. Bodies of the fallen littered the ground, with the snow stained a dark crimson.

The moans of the wounded filled the air, a grim chorus to the day's violent symphony.

Casualties were heavy on both sides. The Aurion army lost over ten thousand knights and 300 mages to the barbarians' relentless assault, while the barbarians suffered nearly as many losses, with around eight thousand of their warriors fallen.

Yet, neither side showed any sign of retreating, their resolve hardened by the day's bloodshed.

As darkness enveloped the battlefield, the survivors on both sides took stock of the day's toll.

They knew this was just the beginning of a long and grueling conflict, with the promise of more brutality to come.

The first day of war had ended, but the struggle for survival in the harsh northern lands was far from over.

Second day of the war

The second day of the battle dawned cold and bleak, the sun struggling to pierce the heavy clouds hanging over the icy battlefield.

The ground was now a macabre tapestry of blood-stained snow and fallen warriors from the day before, setting a grim stage for the conflict to resume.

As the morning mist began to lift, the Aurion troops, especially those from the church, rallied with renewed fervor. Clutching their weapons with determination, they chanted in unison, a battle cry that echoed across the frozen expanse:

"For the Supreme Deity!" Yelled one of commanders.

"For the Supreme Deity!" All the troops started to yell.

This fervent declaration of faith bolstered the spirits of the Aurion forces, infusing them with a sense of divine purpose as they prepared to face the barbarians once more.

The mages took their positions, ready to unleash their spells, while the knights tightened their grip on their swords, their armor glinting dully in the weak light.

The barbarians, undeterred by the show of zeal, responded with roars of their own, their aura-imbued weapons glowing even brighter against the dull morning light.

They stood ready, a formidable wall of muscle and metal, eager to defend their land from the invaders.

As the battle commenced, the Aurion forces charged with a desperation born of the previous day's losses. The church's troops were at the forefront, their cries of "For the Supreme Deity!" cutting through the clamor of the clash.

Mages launched fire and ice in rapid succession, creating explosions of steam where the heat met the cold, adding a surreal quality to the battlefield.

The barbarians met the Aurion charge head-on, their auras flaring as they swung their weapons with lethal precision.

The air was filled with the sound of metal on metal, the grunts of exertion, and the cries of the wounded.

The ground became treacherous with ice and blood, causing many to slip and fall, only to be trampled by the advancing lines or finished off by the enemy.

In the midst of the chaos, small skirmishes broke out, each a deadly dance of swordplay and sorcery.

The Aurion mages found new targets for their spells, creating barriers of fire to hem the barbarians in or conjuring gusts of wind to knock them off their feet.

Yet, the barbarians, with their unpredictable aura abilities, managed to deflect or absorb much of the magical onslaught, pushing forward with relentless aggression.

The battle raged throughout the day, neither side yielding an inch without a fierce struggle.

The snow around them was churned into a slush of mud and blood, littered with the broken weapons and bodies of the fallen. The air was thick with the stench of death and the sharp tang of magic.

As the day wore on, the casualties mounted. The Aurion forces, despite their initial zeal, began to falter under the unyielding assault of the barbarians, their numbers dwindling as the barbarians' auras seemed only to grow in intensity with each passing hour.

By the time the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the battlefield, the toll of the second day's fighting was clear. Hundreds more lay dead or dying on both sides.

The snow a grotesque testament to the day's brutality. The cries of "For the Supreme Deity!" had long since fallen silent, replaced by the weary groans of the injured and the mournful howl of the wind.

The second day of battle ended not with a decisive victory, but with the grim realization that this war would be a protracted and bloody affair, each side locked in a desperate struggle for survival in the unforgiving northern lands.

Third day of the War

On the third day, the sky was a dull grey, matching the mood of the Aurion troops as they prepared for another round of fighting.

The once pristine snowfield had turned into a grim landscape, marred by the chaos of the previous days' battles. Broken weapons and the bodies of the fallen were scattered everywhere, a stark reminder of the cost of this war.

The barbarians were the first to make a move, their confidence bolstered by the successes of the previous days. They advanced with a fierce determination, their aura-imbued weapons shimmering with a deadly light in the dim morning.

The Aurion forces, though wearied and diminished in number, rallied once more. The church's soldiers, despite the losses they had suffered, still raised their voices in a chant, "For the Supreme Deity!" Their faith, it seemed, remained unshaken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The battle began with the barbarians charging headlong into the Aurion lines. The clash was immediate and brutal, the sound of metal against metal filling the air. The mages, stationed behind the front lines, launched their spells into the oncoming wave of enemies.

Fireballs streaked across the sky, exploding upon impact and sending groups of barbarians flying. Ice spells froze others in place, making them easy targets for the Aurion knights.

But the barbarians were undeterred. They fought with a wild ferocity, their auras protecting them from the worst of the spells and enabling them to cut down the Aurion knights with terrifying efficiency.

The battlefield quickly descended into chaos, with small groups of fighters locked in deadly combat all across the snowy expanse.

As the hours passed, the fight became even more desperate. The Aurion forces were slowly being pushed back, their numbers dwindling as the barbarians continued their relentless assault.

The mages, realizing the dire situation, began to cast their most powerful spells, not caring for the strain it put on their bodies. Huge swathes of the battlefield were engulfed in flames or turned into ice, but still, the barbarians kept coming.

By midday, the toll of the continuous fighting was evident on both sides. The ground was littered with the dead and dying, and the snow was trampled into a muddy, bloody mess.

The Aurion forces, recognizing the futility of their situation, began to retreat, trying to regroup and conserve what little strength they had left.

The barbarians, sensing victory, pressed their advantage, harrying the retreating Aurion troops with relentless aggression. But as the day wore on, even they began to feel the exhaustion of continuous combat, their advance slowing as they too suffered losses.

As the sun began to set on the third day of battle, the field was quiet, the sounds of combat fading away.

The surviving Aurion troops managed to pull back to a more defensible position, their spirits low but not yet broken. The barbarians, for their part, halted their pursuit, content to consolidate their gains and prepare for the next day.

Fourth day of the war

On the fourth day, as the first light of dawn crept across the battered landscape, an uneasy silence hung over the battlefield.

The snow, no longer pristine, was a canvas of destruction, painted with the remnants of the previous days' carnage.

The Aurion troops, though battered and significantly reduced in numbers, gathered their remaining strength for one final push, a desperate attempt to change the tide of the battle.

The barbarians, confident after their successive victories, were taken by surprise when the Aurion forces launched an early morning assault.

The church's soldiers, their spirits reignited by their unwavering faith, led the charge, their cries of "For the Supreme Deity!" echoing across the field.

This time, their advance was different; the Aurion mages had concocted a new strategy, focusing their magical attacks on disrupting the barbarians' aura, creating openings for the knights to exploit.

As the sun rose higher, the battle intensified. The Aurion mages unleashed a barrage of spells with precision and coordination not seen in the previous days.

Blasts of energy tore through the barbarian ranks, their auras flickering and fading under the onslaught. For the first time, doubt crept into the barbarians' minds as they struggled to counter the ferocity and sudden tactical superiority of their foes.

The turning point came mid-morning, when a small group of Aurion knights, infused with protective magic, broke through the barbarian line to target their leaders.

This bold maneuver, risky and unexpected, sowed chaos among the barbarians. Without their leaders to rally them, their formation began to falter, and the aura that had been their shield and weapon started to wane.

The battlefield was brutal and unforgiving, with both sides suffering heavy losses.

The snow was trampled into a slush of mud and blood, the air filled with the cries of the wounded and the dying. The clash of weapons and the roar of spells continued unabated, a relentless symphony of destruction.

But as the day wore on, the resilience and renewed tactics of the Aurion forces began to prevail. The barbarians, overwhelmed and leaderless, started to retreat, their unity broken.

The Aurion troops, sensing victory, pressed their advantage, cutting down the fleeing barbarians with relentless determination.

By late afternoon, what had started as a desperate gambit had turned into a rout. The barbarian forces were decimated, Their limbs were severed, heads were crushed, and blood flowed freely as the battlefield descended into a gruesome scene of carnage.

Their survivors scattering into the wilderness, leaving behind a battlefield strewn with their dead and the broken remnants of their once formidable army.

The Aurion kingdom had won, but the victory was pyrrhic. The cost had been immense, with vast numbers of their soldiers lying dead or grievously wounded. The survivors, though triumphant, were haunted by the horrors they had witnessed and inflicted. 

The successful conquest of the north will mark the beginning of the era of crusades and wars. 

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