
I Became The Literal God??

A blinding glow originated from a supernova. A myriad of colors and gamma-ray waves swept across the observable universe devastating every planet and celestial body in existence. When the glare and destructive energy ceased and all heavenly bodies were decimated, in the center of the explosion a superior being was born, were we watching the birth of a God?.... Get ready to follow the creation of a universe with unimaginable possibilities... (Note: I'll apologize in advance, because English is not my mother tongue and I'm too poor to hire an editor, if you guys liked the story a lot and support me I can try to do something to solve the spelling problems.)

inconsistentideas · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Primal Awakening

<System Initialization...>


<System started successfully...>

<Starting host awakening in 3...2...1...>


A sigh echoed through the void.

Anderson was awakened by a cold robotic voice in his mind, the tiredness that came with his awakening suddenly gone. His confusion would be visible on his face if he had one.

<Full Host Awakening...>

His confusion was suddenly wiped from his mind. Anderson was able to draw some conclusions after rationing a little and analyzing the facts in his hands.

"System?." asked Anderson doubtfully.

<Yes...> he replied in a cold voice.

Even with his earlier suspicions and his rational mind, Anderson couldn't help but be silent for a few seconds.

"Where am I?" Anderson asked in order to clear up his most blatant doubts. Anderson's surroundings were dark, there was no sound, the only thing that gave him a sense of security was the system in his head.

<At the moment the host is in the void...> he replied the voice without giving further explanation.

Realizing that the system wasn't going to talk anymore, Anderson grimaced in disgust.

*Tch* 'What a useless guy' Anderson's thoughts.

"What is your usefulness, what am I now and what do I need to do to get out of this place?" Anderson listed three of the questions that bothered him the most.

<I was created to assist you in the use of your powers and abilities, as you may know you are no longer human now you are a God and to get out of this place you need to create something in your universe that is nothing but a blank slate. To help you in the creation the system bought a basic knowledge pack for the host, after the basic creations the system will unlock new functions>. After that Anderson felt a wave of knowledge invade his mind.

After the shock wore off, a wide range of emotions ran through Anderson's mind. He already knew he was no longer human, but finding out that you are God!!!! Damn this is too much.

Calming his mind Anderson began to think about the system's words.

'Hmmm~....For me to move I need to create something'. After some consideration using the newly acquired knowledge, Anderson decided to ask the system to create stars throughout the universe, as they are the most basic ingredients for sustaining life on a planet.

Anderson's field of vision filled with tiny dots of light. He didn't know how he could see this beautiful scene, or even speak, but that wasn't important because now he was God and he should act and think like it.

After admiring his creation Anderson began to give successive waves to the system. After creating the stars Anderson created asteroids and comets, created silicate planets, carbon diamond planets, metallic planets, lava planets and ocean planets.

Anderson began to wonder where all the knowledge in his head came from, but he saved those questions for later.

After creating all these space wonders Anderson received a notification.


<New functions unlocked!. To access them say STATUS and a blue screen will appear with all the information you will need to know. Keep working hard to create a universe of wonders!!>

After finishing reading Anderson didn't hesitate and screamed immediately.


A blue screen appeared in front of Anderson's figurative eyes, but with the appearance the entire universe shook.

"I think I got carried away...hehehe" Anderson said with his cheeks burning....if he had any.

Wasting no time Anderson read all the information laid out in front of him.


[Name: -- ]


[Creation Points (CP): 1,000,000]





"Hmmm~...Very interesting. System explain to me why I don't have a name, and why my race is censored." Anderson had a lot of questions, but wanted to know why his name and race didn't appear.

<Responding to the host's questions, the host still doesn't have a name because he didn't choose one, click [Name] to choose one. Your race is not yet visible as the host does not have access to that level of knowledge yet. Do quests and unlock more functions, to learn more about quests click [MISSIONS]>

Satisfied with the responses and putting his concerns aside, Anderson clicked on the name and changed it to [CHAOS]. Chaos was the primordial Greek god, he was considered the oldest god of all. That's why he thought it appropriate to call himself that.

-Author: I'll start calling you Chaos in the next few paragraphs-

Chaos before his death had done extensive research on the deities of his home planet, having a great knowledge of their names and deities.



[Name: Chaos]


[Creation Points (CP): 1,000,000]





No longer wanting to depend on the answers Chaos decided to check out the quests.



[Create Life]


Looking at the only available quest option, Chaos clicked on it.


[Create Life]

[Since you've already created planets in your universe, it's time to move forward and create life. Choose a planet and transform it so that it can support life. Raise sentient races to dominate the fauna and flora, help your creations guide them down a path of prosperity and goodness, or let them live on their own without any assistance and send disasters to see how they fare. Don't spare your imagination!!]

[Reward: 500,000 CP]


Interesting, it was time for Chaos to do something more interesting. With excitement Chaos asked the system to list all the planets that would support life. Looking at the blue screen, Chaos skimmed through a few hundred, then asked the system to filter the results so that only silicate-type planets were present.

Choosing a planet he saw fit, Chaos asked the system to teleport him to it.

Upon reaching the front of the planet Chaos, he wasted no time and began to work. First he introduced waterfalls of water producing a great ocean, then he created and modeled four continents. Two big ones being major and two smaller ones being minor, then he created mountains, valleys, ridges and trenches in the seas that surround the continents.

Seeing their hard work Chaos was pleased. He opened the status page and was ready to test the functions he had neglected.

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