
I became one of the Immortal Warrior in another world

Hello guys This is my first Work so if u like the story plz show some love. This story is about Zack who transmigrated and becomes a immortal warrior, join him in his adventure as he unveil many Mysteries about his life.

Asdcreation · Fantasie
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3 Chs

02 -Powerless Echoes: Zack's Struggle

The day had finally come to an end, a day filled with both joy and intrigue at school. As he carefully packed his belongings into his trusty 3D pocket, a pocket that seemed to hold infinite possibilities much like that of a world-famous character, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The news that John, the school bully, had received better medicine from Mr. Robert had put his mind at ease.

With a sense of optimism, he began making his way towards the hallway, ready to head home. But just as he was about to take his first step, a tense voice called out from behind, "Hey Zack!" It was Ben, his only friend, a tall and handsome young man with golden hair who had been by his side since the 6th grade, despite being a year older and in a different section.

"Hi Ben! What's with the uneasy look?" Zack inquired, curiosity mixed with a hint of concern.

"I heard something about John planning to bully you with his gang," Ben replied somberly.

"What? Why?" Zack's voice trembled with fear, memories of past bullying flashing before his eyes. But today felt different; he knew John was furious over an incident in Mr. Robert's class, and he hoped his assumptions were wrong.

"It's because of something that happened in Mr. Robert's class," Ben confirmed, his tone laden with sympathy. Zack's heart sank as he realized his fears were justified. If he were caught today, John would surely subject him to a brutal beating.

Frustration welled up within him, and Zack couldn't help but wish for the impossible. "If I had superpowers, things would be different in my life," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as he began to sob. Ben, seeing his distress, offered a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I have a plan."

Ben continued to explain their strategy, mentioning that John and his gang would be waiting for Zack outside the school gate area, just before the heavily guarded 'X-zone' began. They wouldn't dare to venture into that area. Ben suggested using gate number-2, a less frequented exit, and renting flying boards from the school, but he admitted that he had no "tesacoins" to pay for them. Zack readily agreed to this risky plan, and together they set off towards the backway.

As they exited through gate number-2, an unexpected and horrifying event unfolded. John and his gang, lurking in a dark alley, ambushed Zack and Ben. The gang members, with their menacing grins, displayed their unique powers: one could conjure water, two could fly, another rained down laser beams, and their leader had the ability to conjure bolts of lightning with his bare hands. These were Zack's classmates, and he was well aware of their formidable powers.

"Please, John, leave Ben out of this. He was just helping me as a good friend," Zack pleaded desperately, not wanting Ben to suffer the same fate as he did.

"Hahahaha! Yes, he's a good friend of mine, not yours," John sneered. Zack was baffled, not comprehending John's cryptic words. However, when he turned to look at Ben, his shock was immeasurable. Ben wore a wicked smirk and, with a snap, transformed into someone else entirely. It dawned on Zack that he had been deceived by John.

"Zack, meet my cousin Adam, who can transform into anyone," John revealed with a malevolent chuckle.

In a state of disbelief and despair, Zack muttered, "Now, like a good slave, like your dad, kiss my boots, you dog." But Zack couldn't stand the insult to his father, who was an honest and hardworking miner, and he retorted angrily, "My father is not a slave. He is an honest and hardworking miner in your father's mine."

John couldn't believe that Zack, typically a coward, had dared to talk back with such anger. In response, he zapped Zack with a bolt of lightning, causing him to collapse face-first onto the ground. The gang members joined in, mercilessly stomping on Zack's back. The horror continued for what felt like an eternity.

Then, a ray of hope appeared on the horizon. A girl with punk-style clothing ( the style that,  heavy metal band members follow) and purple hair happened upon the scene. Witnessing Zack being brutally beaten, she swiftly drew a photon gun from her waist and pointed it at John's gang, terrorizing them into submission.

"Leave this kid, you sons of b****es, or I'll blow a hole in your f****ng heads!" she declared, her voice filled with unwavering determination.

John attempted to assert his dominance, retorting, "A b***h like you has nothing to do with us or him. Don't push your luck, or I'll call the 'Hunter Police' and have you arrested."

Unfazed, the girl responded, "I have nothing to do with you, and I was peacefully sleeping near the dumpster when you boys disrupted my sweet dream. As for your threats, let's see who arrives faster: the 'Hunter Police' or my bullet."

Realizing the girl's resolve, John and his gang decided to retreat. One of John's lackeys whispered to him, "Let's go, John. This b***h seems crazy. And as for the police, if they come, they'll surely inquire about Zack, and we'll be in trouble."

John reluctantly agreed and left the scene, cursing the girl under his breath. The girl then extended a helping hand to Zack, who was struggling to stand. "Hey kid, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to a medic or call your parents?" she asked with genuine concern.

Zack, still shaken but grateful, replied, "Yes, ma'am, I'm fine. Thank you for your help. Please don't call my parents. Is there any way I can repay your kindness? And may I know your name?"

"Don't call me 'ma'am.' I'm about the same age as you. My name is Ann," she replied warmly. "No need to repay me. Consider it a debt for the future. Now, I'll be on my way. Take care."

After their brief encounter, Zack brushed off the dirt from his clothes and made his way home. He endured a long journey on public transport, eventually arriving at his house. His home was located in one of the city's most neglected neighborhoods, where trash littered every corner, walls were covered in graffiti, and modern houses and apartments contrasted starkly with his dilapidated dwelling. It was a house provided to his father by the mining company, a testament to their modest income.

Entering his house, Zack called out, "Dad, I'm home!" But there was no response; his father had not yet returned from work. Zack proceeded to his room, a small and simple space with a small bed, a desk, and a computer that his father had saved up for six months to buy for his studies.

On a table beside his bed stood a holographic frame containing an image of his beloved deceased mother, whom Zack had never met, as she had tragically passed away during childbirth. He was their only child. In a drawer beside the frame, Zack had some money that he had saved from his meager pocket money, diligently cutting down his expenses. 

Underneath his bed lay the last remnant of his mother, an ancient and worn book filled with inscrutable symbols and writings that he had never been able to decipher, no matter how hard he had searched online.

He cherished the book, holding it close as he began to cry, imagining his mother and hoping that the hardships they faced would eventually pass. Zack remembered the day he had brought the book to school, an archaic relic in a world dominated by technology. His classmates had ridiculed him, but he had been proud to possess something so unique.

In his modest home, technology was a luxury they couldn't afford, but the rugged book and the memory of his mother were priceless treasures to Zack. He took a bath, changed into fresh clothes, and returned to his desk to review his lessons from that day. Afterward, he washed his face, climbed into bed, and allowed sleep to carry him away.

As he lay there, thoughts of the day's events swirled in his mind—the incident with John, the unexpected intervention of the punk girl Ann, and his mother's memory. He hoped that the next day would bring a ray of light into his life, but little did he know what the future held. If he had been sorrow and challenges ahead, he might not have wished so eagerly for tomorrow to come, but the unknown was the only path he could take.


Author's note:- Some of u may think, why no machines or technology are mentioned in the chapter. The are indeed in the series but they are not that important and will be only in the first volume, as the world building will change after the first volume.

If u think that the title is not in contrast with the chapter plz search its meaning in internet


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If bored, plz continue reading, the first volume is character buliding that is impotant for next volume. If u wold like me to use modern day abbrevations, mention in the comments

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