
I became esdeath's disciple (multiverse) .

THIS FANFIC HAS BEEN POSTED BY ME IN THE WRONG CATEGORY OF 'NOVELS'. THUS I AM POSTING IT AGAIN IN THE FANFIC CATEGORY SO ALL THE CURRENT READERS ARE REQUESTED TO VISIT MY PROFILE AND READ THE FANFIC POSTED THERE AS FUTURE UPDATES WILL BE COMING IN THAT ONE. a boy name senshi. reincarnated in the world of akame ga kill with a system of course but like other reincarnator's he has never watched an anime or manga therefore he do not know the stories of the world he goes at all. follow his journey on different anime world where he will change the plots and increase is harem. NOTE:- I m writing this as my first novel for the purpose of practice for my original novel for which I have two three ideas right now. starting maybe 5-10chapters may be short. english should not be a problem even though it is not my first language ,just bad at commas and stuff a little, bear with it for a while. FIRST WORLD-akame ga kill. SECOND WORLD - i m thinking attack on titan. third -??. that's it enjoy the story.

blabbermouth · Fantasie
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11 Chs

03. Who is it?

[3rd person pov]

Everyone literally froze when they saw the actions and heard the word's that came out of the mouth of the little boy. As they knew who esdeath was even if it was a short time for them to know her, now the only thing that was on their mind was :-

{Why does this kid want to die as soon as he escaped the bloody slaughter .Is he an idiot or it's just his luck, that is so bad that from all the people he chose to hug captain Esdeath!!

oh well, RIP boy}

The most shocked out of them all was definitely the person who was given a hug as this has never happened to her in her life ,this was the first hug she received from someone . It was just to sudden, she could have stopped him from coming near her but she was curious what he wanted to do and she would have never guessed he would do it.

Now after the shock came to pass she began to think what to do in this situation.

On the othe hand.

Senshi thought that everything is going as per plan now she will be very happy to let me follow her as they normally do in these situations. You know who will refuse a kid whose village got slaughtered. But situations don't plan out the way you want as her next words made him freeze.

"No."she said without a change in her expression.

A simple one word answer without any change in expression. how can this woman be insensitive to a five year old.


I was just able so make a sound, as I was shocked as were the people around me were.

But they were shocked as they thought" How is this boy still alive".

Esdeath continued "why would I let you follow me? What could you do for me. Why would I need you?."

Now I can't get another opportunity to join the main storyline as I don't know other characters and i think completing the main storyline will some how answer my questions or send me back.

So i start to think how can i be useful. I am genius in business but i bet she is not in need of some five year old entrepreneur. Let's just bullshit my way through maybe she is just asking to see my resolve.

"I will to all the work from cooking, cleaning, laundry. I will even give you massage when you are tired. And any other work you give me. " I said this with determination as I really don't want to be left here.

Esdeath stopped as if thinking for a few seconds then a smile no it was more like a grin appeared on her face .

I should have thought that she look beautiful but i can't help but shiver when I saw this grin. I even doubted that should I really follow her.

"Ok .you can follow us back to the capital. And you will be my personal servant who will do all the chores for me. " She said while looking at me and i could only nod my head.

Then she turned to all the soldiers and said "there is nothing here found . Now we will head back to the capital. "

She just turned around and walked away , I was stunned for a second then i started following her . I saw that she was looking from the corner of her eye and again I couldn't help but think 'did I really made the right choice'.

The journey continued and night came.

They gave a small tent to sleep, at least they have the last bit of humanity. When I was about to sleep a voice sounded in my head and I was startled as it was the same voice I heard from my TV.

[ system initiating]

[Progress 1..2..10..25..76..100]

[System bound to host]

When I was wondering what this messages means. The voice sounded again.

[Welcome to the plot changer system].

I was just too shocked to say anything.

[No need to worry host. It's just that my creator has a bad naming sense so it's like this for now].

Oh my god!!. Have I finally gone mad.

[No host you are not mad. at least not now]

"WHO ARE YOU? COME OUT" I roared as the voice really scared the shit out of me.

Hearing my voice a soldier came from outside the tent and peeked his head inside.

"What happened kid? "

I was about to answer that I heard a strange voice but it sounded again.

[Host I am inside your brain and you can talk to me even with your thoughts. Now send him away so I can tell you about the system and why are you transported in this world and your other questions]

[Why did I get such a dumb host. nowadays as soon as people hear my voice they already know what to do as it is a common trope. ]

After listening to the voice again, certain words caught my attention as it had a way for me to find answers, I ignored the little rambling at the end.

So I turn to the soldier who was standing there confused and say "well I just saw an insect here, and I am a little afraid of it".

Hearing me he started laughing like crazy for a full minute then when I was starting to get very annoyed he said in between his laughs.

" Kid you are afraid of a little insect, but you were so brave in front of captain esdeath. Hahahaaa oh god. "

Saying that he just left.

I came to my senses soon and this time I asked in my mind.

'Who or what are you? '

[Host I am your system or golden finger ]

'And what is that? '

[??? Host why do you not know what a system is. Nowadays almost half of the novel have systems. Oh! maybe you are more of an anime watcher, yes that makes sense]

[Ok I will explain. System is something of a cheat which can make you more powerful easily and sometimes also give you things which you need in your everyday life by simply completing the missions. You can get skills, abilities or sometimes items like weapons, armour etc.. Which will further help you in completing missions. ]

So what I understand is, it is very useful to have a system as a cheat . Now what will be the missions about.

[Well you will just have to go to different anime worlds. In these worlds there may be some characters you have to save,you may have to kill the bad guys and there are also situations in which an anime world may have a reincarnator Or transmigrator as you are. That are using powers which are provided by the system in the wrong way and you have to save the main characters from him/her and there are some anime whose ending are not that satisfactory to my creator so he wants you to change it.]

Oh so there are others like me, but they are misusing it. So i have to stop them and change the endings of anime. But there is a problem.

[What is it host? Don't worry I have every solutions]

'What if I don't know the plot and the main character's of the anime world that I am into then how can I help them'

[Oh don't worry host I will take you to only popular anime's and you would have definitely seen it. I presume]

'Ah.. The problem is that I have never seen an anime in my whole life as "akame ga kill" Is the first anime I was going to watch and that to I have not even watched an episode of.' I scratch my head as I answer with an awkward smile.

[... ]

[WHAT?? ]