

The queen bee lay down and slept, for the first time in her life she could do something out of the ordinary and slept soundly during the night, the whole hive that day was a little messed up.

The bees didn't know whether to sleep like their queen or keep working, the drones were also confused, they usually received orders from the Queen to switch with other drones to cover the defense at night.

But today the Queen didn't give orders so should they continue all night? Soon the hive was in total disarray with many bees carrying out the orders given and others going to sleep.

Wilson was also hearing an annoying hum all night and woke up angrily, "Go to sleep you damn annoying bees, it's the middle of the night and you keep making noises not letting me sleep!" He yelled loudly at the bees mentally.



The bees finally hearing someone give orders all went to sleep, literally all, leaving the hive unprotected tonight but luckily no invaders came to try their luck today.


15 days later.

(Imagine the camera passing those nature shows.)

The sun rose, creatures, plants and all life woke up to a new day of struggle and survival of the fittest.

Wilson stretched his body when he woke up and let out a long yawn, "I see you finally woke up, I thought you died in your sleep and I would have to have your corpse collected" Longhga sent a mental message with a joke in the middle to Wilson who was all sleepy , "Good morning to you too little Queen!"

"Don't call me that, I'm older than you!" Her annoyed voice came into his head soon after leaving him with a bit of pain, "Old age, no size!" Wilson said jokingly, being the only beings able to communicate in this area Wilson talked to Longhga every day to alleviate the boredom, he played numerous jokes of uncle that she does not understand making him die of laughter.

Ignoring the mental attacks that were landing on his head he got up and went to the nearest lake to clean up, the fish and frogs quickly running from him in fear and huddled in the corner of the lake.

Washing his body slowly Wilson noticed something, "Uh, is it?" He watered his left arm and wiped it of the blood and honey from the day before, when it was totally wiped Wilson's arm fully healed and with only a few scars behind it monsters.

"Haha, it's finally healed, even the pain in the muscles is gone!" Wilson happily shook his fully recovered arm, not even a twinge of pain and was very comfortable.

He played a little in the water making the fish in the lake die of fear and cower in the corner afraid of being killed by accident.

Wilson had some fun before heading back to the hive but stopped midway, "I'm healed now so will I leave?" He thought, Wilson wanted to see the world but only stayed near the hive these times to recover from his injuries and eat honey, now that he's healed it's time to leave.

When that thought came to his head he got a little sad and walked slowly towards the hive, Longhga was organizing the hive when she felt the Bear of Sloth and Insolence returned.

"I don't understand, why do you shower every day when you're going to get dirty again?" She called him in for a mental chat, but realized he had sad thoughts in his head, " What's up Voli?"

Wilson felt a little guilty when his friend asked what the problem was and he decided to cut to the chase, "Well, my arm healed and I'm leaving!" he spoke bluntly and directly, what followed was a long silence between them.

"I see, when are you planning to leave?" Longhga spoke calmly and Wilson replied, "Well I'll probably be gone in 7 mornings!" He mentally sent almost stuttering.

"Uhn, great should give you time to prepare the hive!" She said and then started back to her Queen's duties, "Prepare for what?" Wilson asked curiously, "For us to go with you, take a look around you literally destroyed the entire field of flowers this place is no longer suitable for our survival!"

Wilson turned and looked at the land around the hive, there was only scorched earth and dead animal bones as far as the eye could see, "Oh sorry but how will you go with me?" As Wilson remembered the bees to migrate send scouts away in search of a place to survive and after finding a good location the hive would start the migration.

" Do you have any idea?" I really don't want to go back to relying solely on drones for our defense!" Longhga asked, since Wilson has been working for her she was finally able to rest and lay fewer eggs every day as fewer bees were dying.

If she continued the amount of eggs she laid every day she would probably die in 5 centuries which she is pretty young considering the lifespan of titans.

"An idea, to take the hive with me?" Wilson scratched his chin as he thought and soon had an idea that might even work, "Hey Queen tell me, your bees can build anywhere with no problems can they?"

"Yes, our factory's wax can be applied anywhere and are extremely durable!" Hearing this Wilson started scratching his chin like a super villain, "So my idea might work!" without waiting for anyone he started running towards the nearest forest.

"What's your idea?" Longhga asked but Wilson had already moved out of her mental range and was moving quickly towards the forest, she could only let out a mental sigh to learn from him and went back to her work.

Arriving in the forest Wilson looked at the big trees and chose some thicker ones and cut them with his claws, he gathered several logs and started walking back, don't be fooled for being trees.

We are in the Jurassic period where a common tree is at least 5 meters high, the trees that William took were 20 to 40 meters high and almost 30 meters wide.

He went through the forest for a while and looked for a sharp rock, some smaller rocks and finally some rectangular rocks, "I'm glad I practiced carpentry in my last life, it'll be very useful now!"

(Guess what Wilson will do!")

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