
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasie
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308 Chs

Heavenly Mystic Domain: Inner Sector (5)


Stabbing his sword into the ground his figure blurred as he quickly approached an incoming Xavier while thinking...

'I've got no choice but to battle without my weapon since those dead bodies would contain less energy the longer they're not absorbed!'



Xavier's flail whizzed through the air, with terrifying speed as it approached Oblivion's face.

Even in this situation, and without a weapon, Oblivion remained calm as he easily dodged under the incoming projectile.

But, just when Oblivion was about to refocus his attention on Xavier, what seemed to be a small black hole appeared over his head as the flail he had dodged shocking came out of this hole, rushing toward him...!

But, contrary to Xavier's expectation, Oblivion immediately stopped his movements and took on a battle stance as he, in one swift action, sent a palm coated in a mysterious yet dim white light.

A palm coated in white light Vs a flail infused with the power of a Pseudo Profound Immortal.

'Fool! You're too arrogant.' Xavier snorted seeing Oblivion's actions. He who knew his weapon well understood that Profound Immortals shouldn't dare to place their hands in the path of his weapon.

Not only was the flail a High-Level Weapon Treasure, but with the power and energy of a Pseudo Profound Immortal, no mere Profound Immortal was his opponent... Not in a billion years!


Though he was in the skies previously, due to the pure force of the flail, Oblivion, still in his battle stance, was sent shooting to the ground like a comet.


His landing carried such force that it sent tremors through the earth and shockwaves that blew away any snow in the surroundings.

On the other hand, the flail, which was previously black, now had white liquid splattered all over it as it reentered the black hole in the skies.


Xavier's eyes bulged seeing this. Shockingly, not only did Oblivion survive his previous attack but, the injuries were so minimal that it could only be considered a cut on his palm.


With the flail in his hand, Xavier's figure blurred as he flashed across the surface of this land and rushed toward Oblivion standing a few hundred meters away.

Inching closer and closer to Oblivion's motionless body, something finally began bugging the team leader as he realized that till now, Oblivion hadn't even moved a muscle.

Though he was unable to sense Oblivion's aura, and previously thought the boy had simply learned a special technique to hide his aura, something still irked him greatly.

Though he was unable to sense Oblivion's aura, it was obvious to him that this boy named Oblivion was constantly becoming much more dangerous than before.

Even though he couldn't sense his aura, he was sure that Oblivion's cultivation was rising as he approached, it was rising soo fast, that too in less than a fraction of a second.

"Yes... Level 6 Earth Immortal!..."


Oblivion raised his head as the pair of unnaturally dark pair of large pitch black pupils met with the black eyes of Xavier who had transformed into his elemental state.

At this moment, a smirk appeared on Oblivion's face.

Absorbing the insights of his counterparts who had just killed nineteen Profound Immortals was enough to propel his cultivation base greatly.

All of them had previously been slaughtering beasts back in the Outer Sector of the Heavenly Mystic Domain so...

Even though killing these Profound Immortals would have normally propelled him to the fifth level, now he was at the peak of the Sixth Level of the Earth Immortal realm!

With his current strength, he was confident in easily overpowering any Profound Immortal he came across yet...


Oblivion's figure blurred as he expanded the distance between himself and Xavier by some hundreds of meters more, and at the same time, he just so happened to appear next to his Katana embedded in the snow.


Yanking the sword out of the snow, he was slightly surprised by the length as the blade seemed to have grown almost thirty centimeters longer.

But, he was much more focused on his opponent who was rapidly approaching.

Since he had once more reequipped with his sword, he was in his most confident state since the battle started a few seconds ago.

With sword in hand, his figure disappeared and reappeared behind Xavier's moving silhouette in an instant, leaving Xavier shocked.



Something that should be possible for only those with the space element yet with the sword in hand, Oblivion had made it possible for himself.


In one swift movement, from the instant, he appeared next to Xavier already slashing his sword at Xavier's left arm, his sword which was now in its sharpest state ever, cleanly sliced through Xavier's skin and then flesh before swiping through his the bone...

As a drop of blood lost contact with Xavier's body, his figure disappeared and reappeared hundreds of kilometers away!


Xavier's left arm fell to the ground next to Oblivion's leg.

Even with this scene, Oblivion's eyes showed an incredible lack of reaction as if...

This did not concern him...

Whatever pain Xavier felt, or the pain all those to fall by Oblivion's hand felt, it did not concern him.

"Now the battle has begun!"

He lost his arm due to a moment of carelessness as he did not expect Oblivion to have 'two' elements but now that he knew, he finally began taking the boy seriously and Oblivion knew this so he did not get overconfident.


"City Lord, there's been a slight issue with my group."

Standing on top of a massive boulder covered in snow with his flail resting on his shoulder, Xavier spoke into an object floating in front of his mouth.

As an Immortal cultivator, the speed at which they spoke was incredibly quick and if a mortal tried speaking with them, they'll have no choice but to slow their speech so it was easy for Xavier to relay the contents of what had happened in less than a second to the City Lord.


"If you can, I want that brat alive but... It is unknown if he still has any surprises so do not put it outside the realm of possibility that he, a Profound Immortal might defeat you, and if that seems to be the case, do not hesitate to do "it"

Hearing the words of the City Lord, Xavier clenched his flail tighter. For the City Lord to even entertain the idea that he would be defeated by a Profound Immortal... this greatly angered him.


But in the next moment, appearing in front of him was a fairly tall 6'3 figure with long white hair reaching his waist and a pair of pupilless eyes.

In this instant, this figure, Oblivion, already in his elemental state, parted the air with a swing of his blade that rapidly approach Xavier's neck...


Blood spurted in his eyes as Xavier's neck was cut by the tip of his katana.

Luckily for Xavier, he was able to dodge in time, but he didn't stop by merely dodging as he ignored the wound on his neck and swung his flail toward Oblivion.

The head of the flail momentarily disappeared into a black hole in the air and appeared through a black hole that appeared behind Oblivion.


But, Oblivion expected this so was able to easily dodge to his left yet Xavier, who had missed, had actually smiled when seeing this.

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