
1. I am the system.

Walking on the sidewalk of the concrete pavement. I brought out my phone and opened up a gaming app. The name of the app was "From Another World!" and the purpose of the game was to take care of a pixelated character that you created.

As of now the game was a booming success, since it had many feature that both male and female could enjoy. The females enjoyed dressing up their cute avatar sprite, while the male enjoyed training their avatar sprite for combat and completing mission.

Overall the game was a fun to play, and I was one of it's many players. Though the only strange part to the game was that no one knew the company behind the game. It was like as if the company never existed, and just popped out of nowhere. But regardless, everyone enjoyed the game, and so it never was really such a big topic.



Looking down at my notification. I saw that I had won something from a app called "From Another World!".

"What's this?"

*You won a special Prize!*

In front of me was a message from the game that I had won something. Which was great and all, but the only strange part was the optional rewards.

*Choose one of the following.*

1. Isekai to another world and defeat the evil god.

2. Become a cultivator in another world and transcend the boundaries of human limits.

3. Become a system that cultivates heroines from across all universes.

"Your joking right?"

Laughing to myself, I thought this was some kind of prank. But I guess I'll play along for the fun of it.

"Let's go with number three."

My reasons for choosing option three was because the first two seemed too generic and didn't really appeal to me all that much.

And so, I choose number three, since it seemed to be the most interesting one out of all the options.

*Your rewards will be sent to you in ten second. Please stand still as to not change the signal to your location.*


Though the message the strange. I decided to humor it and sat down on one of the nearby benches. Now comes the waiting game. Well, not really but still I was kind of in hurry to get to my job in order to received my pay. But I suppose waiting for ten second wouldn't really affect me all that much.

"What a nice day. Clear blue sky, and the sound the swirling wind alongside a screeching tire...wait..."

With a anxious heart I around to see what was the cause of that tire screeching, but it was too late.

"Your joking..."


And just like that I was hit by a truck and you know what happened?

I survived and gain super power! Just kidding...

As soon as I got hit by the truck. I died instantly. Or at least that is what I would like believe, since it seemed most logical. But the sight in front of me made me question myself whether I was really died or not.

*You have collected your reward!"


The message in front of me shined with a glorious light that luminated the dark abyss that I was in. But for some reason I felt like it was mocking me.

"Okay, so I'm died. What else you got?"

*You currently being transformed into that of a system. Please wait.*

"Wow, I really hope this time that nothing happens." As I said with clear sarcasm.

Thankful, nothing happened and by the time I knew it. Another message popped out.

*Process completed. Please choose one of the following heroines to train.*

1. A broken hearted childhood friend (Fantasy)

2. A crippled girl (Xianxia)

3. Monster evolution girl. (Fantasy)

"What is this?"

*Choose one of the following heroine to train.*

"What if I don't want to?*

*Then you will terminated.*

"But aren't I already dead?"

*Only in the physical form. If player does not comply with request then I shall terminate your soul form as well.*

Hearing that from whatever this thing is. I started pondering my decision on which heroine I needed to train.

"can I ask a question?"

*Three question are allowed*

So stingy...

"What happens to the other option if I picked one of them."

*The others will be left to other systems to take care of.*

I see. That would mean I'm kind of forsaking them in a way.

"Next question. Why do I even need to train these heroines for?"

*A heroine is not invincible. She will need a guide in order to survive and progress through the story.*

"Last question. What will I gain out of doing this?"

*You will gain the ability to become control your destiny.*

Destiny? Is this some kind of novel now?

"What do you mean by that?"

*All your questions have answer. You will choose within the next ten second or be terminated.*

Knowing that I wouldn't get anymore info of out this thing. I decided to just follow along and see where it goes.

"I choose option two."

*I wish you good luck new born system.*

"Thanks I guess?"

After that the view changed from the dark abyss world to that a small and run down shack. Inside of the shack was a small, injurie and dirty child. I could already tell just from looking that she must have had a hard life.

"I suppose your the one I have to take care of."

As my view got closer to the girl's face. I started to feel a pulling sensation that came from the child in front of me. Not knowing what to do I allowed the pulling sensation to pull me in, and by the time I knew it. I felt this sense of connection to her.

And so did she as she seemed to be getting up.

"W-Warm. W-What is this?"

I suppose it's time to introduce myself now.

[I am the heroine system. My mission is to help you grow stronger.]

Welcome, and thank you for reading chapter one of "I am the heroine's system".

TheLonelyWritercreators' thoughts
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