
I Am Nothing More Than A Mere God, Who Met a Human Woman While Searching For Peaceful Place

" Guess.. i will spent my last years here in this world.. "

" Hey System... would you give me brief details of this world ? "

My Name... is Aoi Kichiro, and i am a god... just an god

" Yes Master.. "

" ...."

" Thank you system.. " -for always being with me..

Planet Earth huh ? this earth is similar to silk.. Silk is a world where i came from..

( Don't get confused.. System transferred all the information of the planet to Aoi.. )

" Master, would you grant me a name ? "

" Where did that came from ? you never asked me something like this before "

" Master.. i don't wanna be separated from you without even having a name "

" .....I see. "

System.. System always been with me.. and by voice you can tell she is a girl, and.. i don't know much about system myself, as far as i can remember she has been with me.. for me she is part of me but i think time has come.. we will be separating when i reach my final moment..

( SYSTEM - There is not much Aoi knows about system but System is actually not a being nor it is bounded by rules of gods or mortal worlds. )

i avoided naming her because i am not good at it or maybe there was a reason, anyway i am not sure myself

" what kind of name do you want ? "

" Master, as long it is from you.. i will accept any name that you grant me "

" Sigh* yeah i should've known.. well i will grant you your wish when the time comes " after all you are the only person who never wished for anything to me

" Thank you Master "

" Ahh.. This scenery is rather beautiful.. from up here.. wouldn't you agree system ? "

Currently.. i am at 10,000 feet up in sky of night... if you can imagine yourself at that height in clean night sky with infinite numbers of stars above you, and the moon reflecting a light of a dead.. you will understand what i am talking about..-

" ... "

" System search for a peaceful country in this world ( Earth ) "

" Master, There isn't a single country which could fit *definition of word, Peaceful "

" What about a peaceful city or a place ? "

" 7 Found, One of them is a continent.. and it fits perfectly to your word *Peaceful "

" Oh Really ? Tell me where it is... "

" we will teleporting there in 3 seconds "

Great.... a peaceful place, i can't believe i found it so easily which fits.. i said it too early

" Hey System ? where do you think you have brought me ? "

" as you wished... a peaceful continent, there isn't a single country in this continent and it fits perfectly to peaceful place "


" But i don't sense any mortals here.. "

" This continent is called Antarctica and there are few humans "

" yea in total 3,705 people in 14 million km² "

" Master, i don't understand.. "

of course you don't, you might have high level of consciousness but you are still **** system

" just.. just leave it.. i will find somewhere to stay by myself "

2 Days Later

i.... i ended up searching whole planet but i was not able to find even a single place that could be called peaceful... there is violence everywhere on this planet..

ahh i am beat.. system said that she found 7 place in total that could be described as peaceful and indeed those places where peaceful but there was no one at those lands ( Amazon, Sahara Desert, Mount Everest etc)

At the end.. i gave up.. and ended up in a town called Takayama it is in a country called Japan.. i wouldn't say that it's peaceful but it is still quiet, people here are really caring and nice and most of all this is town similar to my own town in silk world.. like really similar.. ( when i was wondering around in this town an old lady gave me something to eat for no apparent reasons, when i asked her why would she gave me this, she answered " young boy, you seems to be lost and hungry..". do i look like i am lost ? i mean i am wearing a all black high school like uniform and with that i should fit in perfectly )

I wandered around in this town for 2 days and i like this town.. it is quiet, people here are nice and respect each other, there are a lot inns ( a place to stay but since i don't have money, i spent my nights outdoor ), gardens, shrines... but hmm what is this suition why i being followed by a human girl ? who is she ? did she realise something about me ? and this is night time.. what is she doing here ? ahh i will have to do something..

" Huh ? where is he gone ? " The Girl who was following me..

" i must report him to police... "

Police ? no...no...no... it will troublesome for me if she reported me to police.. i don't wanna kicked out of here ( I don't have id nor a passport ) when i finally found a good place..

so, i hid around around corner ( actually i was only invisible to her but to not look suspicious i hid in a corner ) and came out of that corner... of course to not look suspicious

" sorry.. if i scared y... "

" hey.. who are you ? i saw you few times wondering around my home... "

Around her house.. she says... while trying her best to act tough

" i didn't meant to.. i was just wondering around, i mean this town is really beautiful "

" Wandering around ? so you are a pervert looking for young girls at nights !.... "

" HEY !! WAIT i am not a pervert nor i am looking for young girls.."

" You are not ? then who are you ? "

This is bad... if she reports me to police it will rather troublesome.. i don't have any choice but tell her truth

" hmm... i am a god "

" god ?"

Tap Tap Tap Tap.. she took her phone out..

" Hello Police ? "


She will report me to police !!!! i have to do something... oh yea..


and her phone broke into pieces

"EH ? " as she looked confused..

" I'm really sorry about your phone but i can't afford to get kicked out of here "

" YOU DID THAT ???? "

" yeah..and i said i am sorry about that... "

" JUST ..!who are you ?? " now she was showing her real emotions... scared and...

" as i told you i am a god.. "

" Hey... don't try to fool me... it was just an accident that my phone broke... yea it was just an accident i am sure it was "

just how many times do you have to say it ? she is trying to convince herself way too hard

well she wouldn't believe me with just words alone... after all she is a human

" Okay i will show you.. give me your hand "

" huh ? my hand.. like hell i would ! "

" come on... believe me i won't do anything to you.. after all you are a human " yes she just an human and i am the who should protect them from any kind of harm.. at least for as long as i am....

i used a little bit of magic while saying that.. so, she could trust me a little bit, yea i know what i did was wrong but there was no other way.. she never would've believed me if i hadn't used magic

" okay i will trust you little bit... " and she gave me her hand

" Thank you for that.. "

-System teleport us to outer space... and please don't let her die in space vacuum

-as you wish master

" .... " speechless i guess ? who wouldn't be..

" How is it ? "

" It's beautiful..... so, you are a superhero ? "

no... i am not a superhero..

" no, as i said before i am a god.. "

" so, you are a god ? pheff "

Hey what that supposed to mean ? why are you trying to not laugh ?

" Okay... i will believe you if you show me your godly supernatural power "

you know we are in space....and you are still alive.. isn't that enough for you

" What do you want me to do ? to prove myself as a god ? "

" can you grant me my wish ? "

a wish she says..

" what is your wish ? "

" i want my parents back..... i wanna live with them again happily like before that accident.. "

" You want your parents ? where are they ? i will teleport them to you " i asked her stupidity.. like it's not a big deal for me... and i will able to grant her wish

" They are dead.... died in a car accident... "

i am a god, a god who doesn't hold any title

" i'm sorry but... i am not capable of bringing dead back to life... "

i am a god who doesn't have... humans... they always end up showing their greed. it is not limited to money or fame, greed of a human could be anything

"i knew it... (LOL) you are not a god... a god should be able to grant simple wish like this " she had a smile on her face while saying it.... a smile....

it's not simple... mortal has to die at some point and we gods are not exceptional to this law of nature.. the difference is only that we live far more than a human can imagine and that's why they think we are immortal beings

" but i think you are not a bad person... i mean if you were bad person with power of yours this world would been doomed long time ago but still to be sure.. are you really not a bad person ? "

i felt a little happy for second but those last words...

" yes i am not bad.. and i don't think you have to worry about this world, that's my job " so i said.. but to be honest i don't know which god rule over this world.. i wonder who it is

" now i will send you back to, where we meet " i said..

" Thank you for not mol.. "

" Hey just don't say it.. you know you are talking to a god, i wouldn't dare to harm his childrens " i said there something that i shouldn't have..

" Chil.. "

and i sent her back...

phew... that was close.. she was going to ask something she shouldn't.. but it i exposed myself to a mortal.. and that might cause some trouble

maybe i should have just erased her memories ? hmm naa it's fine.. even if she says she met a god it's not like anyone would believe...

and that's what i thought but

i come back.. at Takayama

now what i should do... i don't wanna be someone who cause any trouble to people here ( like i did before ) so i don't think spending nights on streets wandering around aimlessly is good.. someone might think of me as a *** or worse... a pervert ( like she did ).. i know what i should do...

I became invisible... now no one would able to see me and i wouldn't cause trouble to anyone...

but few days later.... there were rumors around whole town about a ghost...

ahhh being invisible doesn't mean i am not here.. they can still hear my footsteps and some humans also can sense my presence.. this is bad.. this is bad what i should do now ?

System.. yea system can help me

" Hey system.. you know my situation.. do you have any suggestion ? "

" Yes Master... i do.. but "

" just tell me already.. "

" you can live as human master.. but i don't think it will be appropriate for a god to live as human in human world.. and it is also against rules "

" live as a human... i guess i will do just that.. i think he will allow me to do it... after all i am.. i am at my limit.. and i am part of him and i understand him at some extent "

" so.. master i will search for a job for you.. "

" a job ? i don't need a job.. "

" Master, you do need a job in order live as a human.. if you don't work, people around you might starts to get suspicious of you.. and you will also need a place to stay "

" i see.. i understand, okay i will leave it to you "

" ... "

System is right.. well she has always been right...by the way i am calling system *her *she but actually system does not have a gender, it is rather being which can't be described with words alone... system isn't a god nor a mortal nor she is spiritual being.. system is nothing yet system is everything.. and i, Aoi kichiro The God.. is owner of system at least for....

Following Night *Just wandering around in night as an invisible god

" Master, i found a suitable job for you with good income.. also i made few documents for you, which were required for job, found a house at cheap rate"

" Oh you did ? good good so..... What kind of Job it is ? ?"

;End of Chapter

; What kind of job a god would have ? Find out in Next Chapter :) ;

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