
I am Lord

Suddenly meet with Truck-Kun and reincarnated into another world as a side character of the game. Conquering the kingdom, having fun with girls, and enjoying life to the fullest. I will be the world's laziest person since I am everyone's lord.

Romankey · Fantasie
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7 Chs

You all are free!

"Listen to me!"

As Axel said that, all people's attention got focused on him. They stared at him, with confusion, with fear and with some hope.

"From today onward, You all are free!"


All people froze, their faces turned emotionless. They looked at each other but still didn't speak a single word.

It was like they heard a bad joke. A joke about their freedom which was suppressed by the nobels for many years.

"Rejoice! I the lord of this town have cleaned all the trash of this town."

He said that with a bright smile on his face. He snapped his finger and many dead bodies came out from the room and floated in the air. In the views of all peoples.


"I-isn't that... nobels?!"

All people stared at the bodies with grave expressions. They didn't feel relieved but more scared. The state of the body the noble had was simply terrifying.

No one dared to look at Axel's eye when they saw the body.

They are killed! They died a horrible death! They get what they deserved!

It was all on their mind and they were relieved but a single worry was still visible in their eyes.

Will the lord also kill us?

They feared that. They thought Axel could also kill them for enjoyment since he killed them very mercilessly.

They simply didn't know how to feel.

"From today onward, I especially will choose 10 people for town work. That's all! You all can return now!"

With that, he went inside while the body floated in front of the soldiers who were also shocked like other people.

"Ha! Ha!"

Axel breathes heavily.

"What- What- What?!"

His mind fell into chaos.

"How could I kill them so easily?!"

His mind simply wandered to one thing and that is how he killed those people. Even if he had no interest in human life, nor did he care about people but he was also a human.

He had never even hit a person, let alone injure them. But recalling the memory, of killing the people so mercilessly. He was simply bewildered.

[Ding! Hidden personality "Merciless" has developed]

"Ha! What now?!"

His mind was filled with many things, but he calmed down.

"This must be my habit."

He recalled his memories. In the game, Games of Wonder.

'I was merciless on Games of Wonders. Since I always was a powerless and easy target in real world, I satisfy myself on killing bad guys, torturing them, and what's more.

If I remember correctly, I had a nickname "Merciless guy from hell" "Psyco Player" "Cold Killer" and what's more. They were all so bad though.'


He slapped his face and calmed down.

"It's not time to become emotional. I have to recruit those people first."

'Tuslakia town was way too bad in state. I remember the new lord of Tuslakia killing every greedy people and recruiting 10 people. "The big 10 of Tuslakia". With their help, the new lord simply took 1 year to change it into a whole new place.

But it took 1 year of time in real life too. The update came way too late since every people hate coming here.

But I wonder if those 10 are still here or not. Since some years are still left for them to be recruited.'

"Anyway, let's check it out."

He murmured to himself. But before going there, he checked his magic list.

[ Skill(s): (Good Personality, -F), (Charming Voice -F), (Small Charm -F), (Energy Blade -E), (Fire Manipulation -F), (Absorb Blood -F), (Telekinesis -E)

Special Skill(s): (Eye of Truth), (Energy Manipulation), (Energy Restoration)]

"Hmm, these skills would make me almost E-ranked magician."

'Also, why am I soo weak! The energy manipulation can't let me create skills ranked more than E. I guess since its level is too low.

Also, Games of Wonder is a hardcore game. There are at least F-rank monsters more powerful than D-rank hunters.

Here levels and rank don't matter much. Equipment and Skills are the prime things to survive. And skills too. SInce there are no restrictions in learning any level skills, even an F-rank could learn an A-rank skill.

But he couldn't use it because of his mana.'

"Well anyway. I know everything about this game. From its people to the monster. I should first level up before going anywhere. It will be a good idea to be stronger than becoming smart for now.

Smartness won't help you with monsters and even if this town is poor, there would be at least some robbers with D-rank skills. Or worse, a C-rank magician could also be found. Since anyone below rank B is common every place."

'Why am I even talking to myself. First, let's learn fly magic.'

With that, he closed his eyes and focused some of his mana at his feet. With telekinesis, he lifted himself up, and with controlling some mana on his feet, he floated in the air.

"With only telekinesis, I could fly, but since, its level is so low. I can't use it too properly."

And if he even did that, there is no guarantee when he will lose his balance, or his telekinesis suddenly stop working.

"If I failed to control myself in the air while using telekinesis then I would simply die from fall."

A chill run down his spine when he thought about that. But he shook his head and made the body float only using his mana now.

He disabled his telekinesis and with the sheer power of his mana, he held himself in the air. And with some tricks, he moved ahead.


[Skill (Folat) created -E]

[(Float -E): Allows the caster to float in the air. Takes 10 mana per minute]

"Yes! I was waiting for this!"

He smiled dazzlingly and flew outside.