
Reader's Idea Box

Don't worry, I'm not dropping the novel, but you can drop your idea here.

Right now, i am working on creating the timeline for the novel. So that I have a clear vision what happened when.

But before I finalize on the future of the story and resume writing the chapters, I wanted to know, is there anything particular you would like to see? While I have many ideas, there are very basic in concept. Only the initial story is set in stone (Until the training of Karna finishes.)

So do you want karna to go on a particular adventure, defeat some kind of enemies, meet some particular character, achieve some kind of feat, or idea for some small arcs. I will try to incorporate that in the adventure section of Karna's life if possible; before Karna gets caught up in the upcoming arcs.

You can also chime in on what kind wife (hopefully a princess) karna should have. Just to be clear, Draupadi won't marry Karna.

Or anything else that you would like to see. Drop your comment.

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