
I am in the PJ universe now!

Aiden died and was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. After defeating Kaguya and achieving the peak that is possible in that world, he is in dire need of a vacation. Follow Aiden as he hops into the world of Percy Jackson and witnesses everything since the beginning of time.

Raj_Chatterpaji · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Gaia is in a pinch

(Gaia POV)

It has been a few thousand years since I broke the news to Dad. He actually got over it pretty quickly and was eager to meet his grandchildren. Nyx and Erebus gave birth to their children; Aether and Hemera (Primordial of Daytime). Dad could always be seen playing with my nephew and niece and well if he is happy, I am. He still coddles me and calls me princess so he is alright.

Uranus fathered many children with me, my firstborn turned out to be a beautiful daughter, we named her Mnemosyne. Again, Dad was really overjoyed. We had our second, third and fourth children at the same time, these kids had only one eye on them. Although they are a bit average in the looks sections, I didn't care since they were my children and neither did Dad. But I could see a strange glint in Uranus' eye, must have been my imagination. The three brothers, Brontes, Steropes, and Arges are really 'chill' is the word which dad would use. They would always stay with dad so I got no problem.

Our next kid, we named him Kronos, after my elder brother Chronus. He was so overjoyed that he gave Kronos some of his time powers. I obviously was overjoyed. I just hope he grows up to be a man like my Big brother. (A/N- Well that's a big PSYCHE!)

After Kronos, Rhea was born. She is really beautiful. I mean my level beautiful. She also has some silver streaks in her hair, must have got it from dad I guess. When Dad saw her for the first time, she remained him of me when I was young so you can imagine how he reacted to that.

We then gave birth to Koios and Pheobe. Both of them are inseparable, how cute. Then we gave birth to Hyperion, he is far mature for his age and not your typical snotty brat but cute nonetheless.

Dad is powerful, insanely powerful. Even if all of us here attack him right now, he will be able to destroy us and not break a sweat. If a man of that stature and power gets angry, like shit-hits-the-fan angry, the world which I created would obviously not be able to hold him.

Our next kids were the Hecatonchires, they were not similar to any of our other kids, they do not have our blood, they are a different species altogether. Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges each have 50 heads and a hundred hands. I was very overwhelmed when they were born but Dad stayed with me the whole time and soothed me and kept saying that I am their mother and they need me. And he is right, they are my kids and I accepted them wholeheartedly, but my husband Uranus started calling them monsters and such. He called his own children a monster. I was startled. I never expected the peaceful and loving Uranus to show such hate and disgust when addressing the Hecatonchires. As I was about to refute, the temperature started to decrease. It became increasingly cold and it became increasingly difficult for me to breathe let alone Uranus. As I glanced to my side, Dad had his weird eye thing activated and his face showed anger for the first time in my life. This makes it seem like the previous incident was a mere temper tantrum. Needless to say, one punch from my Dad caved in Uranus' face and he couldn't get up for a few million years.

After 2 million years, we had our remaining kids, Iapetus, Oceanus, Tethys, and Echidna. The same thing happened with Echidna, with Uranus calling her a monster, Dad caving his face again and he slept for another million years.

As my husband was asleep, my kids were rallying together to overthrow my husband. See, since Uranus is the heaven/sky, he proclaimed himself as the King of the World. Skies and Earth, with this proclamation, he gained power and now could crush me if he wanted to. His tyrannical and unruly behavior has really gotten on our nerves. He has even beaten me on multiple occasions. I had to hide the scars and marks from Dad, if not he would have destroyed everything. He is too overprotective. I still love him but him treating our children, especially Echidna and the Hecatonchires as total strangers angered me and got my patience to its limit.

So I decided to help my children in overthrowing him. All my kids, under the leadership of Kronos, got to work. The Hecatonchires and the Cyclops were tasked with creating weapons for their siblings. Kronos got a scythe. Atlas was his General, along with Koios and Iapetus. They all trained really hard. Kronos gained complete control over his time powers, Atlas is a grade S-tank, and Koios trained in the ways of the sword and is a Grandmaster. I asked Dad for his help and he straight out refused. I can understand, it is our problem and we should deal with it ourselves and if he did get serious, Earth might be no more.


The final battle took place and Kronos sliced Uranus and sealed him from never entering Earth. It really pained me to see my children slice up their father but this is for the best... right??

As I was watching all my children rejoice and enjoy, I caught a commotion from the corner of my eyes.

As I went to check it out, what lay before me horrified me;

Kronos, Atlas, and Iapetus were throwing their brothers the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes into Tartarus.

Tartarus, my brother asked for an independent pocket dimension where he could chill and sleep with peace. Dad accepted (obviously) and created the dimension with an opening connecting each of our realms so that he doesn't get lonely. (A/N- Try to guess who the 'he') here is).

It is a realm of no return and only Dad's children can traverse between them.

I was really angry and when I asked Kronos about this, he called them monsters.

As I was about to teach him a lesson, a sword pierced me from my back. Koios stood there with his sword driven right through my heart. They can't kill me but they can seal me just like how they sealed Uranus and that's what they did. I was betrayed by my own children and can only look on as they begin the Age of Titans.