

Autor: master1983
Anime & Comics
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Lesen Sie den Roman I AM DEAD BY BANANA SKIN des Autors master1983, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Short stories krilin was suppose to be Support Character in Dragon Ball. How about make a twist. Do you think Krilin is OP character in Naruto world. PLEASE READ IT MY LATEST FUNNY STORY TQ FOR SUPPOR...


Short stories krilin was suppose to be Support Character in Dragon Ball. How about make a twist. Do you think Krilin is OP character in Naruto world. PLEASE READ IT MY LATEST FUNNY STORY TQ FOR SUPPORT

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Rewrite the stars (RM)

Rolden Xanders and Kierra Alvon met on a mobile game. At first, Kierra wants to be close/be friends with Rolden because he is so powerful on that game in order to protect or to keep her territory safe and to survive on that game. This game is a zombie combat war game, alliance's, and defending your school or territory. Of course a friend can't let his/her friend be in danger, that's why in order to be safe, she needs a friend or ally that can protect her school when she's not online due to school. She loves studying and her family and she is a helpful, friendly, and kind person but she doesn't know love. Unexpectedly, Kierra is always chatting Rolden, that's what friends for, she fall but she's afraid because her mother won't let her and Rolden fall for Kierra also. Kierra chatted her true intentions of why she made friends with him, Rolden knew that. He chatted that he was used to it, because that's what others do but Kierra clear herself that she wasn't anymore, because Rolden is valuable now for her. She always worried when Rolden is sick, because he is alone for his parents died when he's a kid. They always chat, they chatted a lot of secrets to each other before they really fall. Kierra added Rolden as her friend on facebook, Rolden accepted it. They both don't want video chat but they have the picture of each other. They were being separated due to studying and work. Rolden is 25, he is working as a business manager in a drug store while Kierra is only 18, a senior high student. What a big age gap!!. And they were from different countries, due to Kierra's dreams and studying, because she wants to be a nurse, she left on the game and her friends their and she unfriended Rolden on Facebook, she doesn't want to break her mom's trust to her. Rolden is so sad, that's why he drink a lot on that night, then his car crashed. His memories were gone, only his friend their on his country was taking care of him. 8 years later....... Kierra is now 26 while Rolden is 33. Kierra is now a nurse then Rolden came to her country to visit a friend there and to have a vacation. Are they going to meet now in person? Does Kierra still love Rolden? Does Rolden's memories will come back to him? Can they rewrite the memories into real? If you can bring back the time, what you're going to do? Are you going to rewrite the stars? Find it out here in my new novel entitled "Rewrite the stars" Sorry for my grammar and I accept suggestions, comments, opinions, or your reviews to improve our works. Enjoy!

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Lenda Esquecida da Flor Ensanguentada

``` “Viva a vida que você quer desta vez.” Uma assassina sem igual, codinome: Hua, já havia iniciado sua carreira desde criança. Seu histórico de missões era perfeito e quem quer que fosse considerado seu inimigo acabaria morto sem saber por quê. Quando a guerra terminou, ela foi enviada para uma instituição onde era vigiada atentamente. O médico responsável lhe deu um romance wuxia comum para ler. Uma avalanche aconteceu depois que ela terminou de ler. Quando acordou, ela se transformou em Nan Hua, a jovem senhorita de uma poderosa família militar no romance que havia lido. A garota também era a noiva do ex-protagonista, que morreria por obstruir o amor do protagonista. Agora que ela assumiu o controle, quem se atreveria a agir tão presunçosamente ao seu redor? Eles nunca saberiam como acabaram tão miseravelmente! Mas... protagonista, o que você está fazendo rondando por perto dela? Você não deveria se concentrar na guerra iminente e em salvar sua protagonista? Por que você está tentando de todas as maneiras conquistá-la, ah? ... História ambientada em mundo fictício com cultura similar à da China Antiga. Participe do discord para conversar com o autor e outros leitores: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Agradecimento especial para Jiyen (usuário da webnovel Cookiejiyen) que criou a linda capa *enviando corações* ... P.S: Esta história também está publicada na Amazon, se você lê lá, por favor deixe uma avaliação. Obrigado ^^ ... Sequência: Flor Astral [em andamento] ... Outras novelas: - Flores Desabrocham do Campo de Batalha [completa] - Sob o Véu da Noite [completa] - 7 Caminhos dos Lírios [em longa pausa] - 1 Ano de Início [completa] - Lady Vilã [completa] - Ciência e Fantasia [completa] - 2 Anos de Recomeço [completa] - A Imperatriz Silenciosa [em andamento] - A Gatinha do Vilão [em andamento] ... Siga-me no IG: @sora100518 ```

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Criminal's Dark love

" Sometimes in life we ​​commit some such mistakes, whose punishment we have to face for the whole life, I also made a similar mistake which ruined my whole life, A mistake of mine which overcame my dreams, my family's hopes and brought me to a place where I have to choose between my self-esteem or my responsibility towards my criminal husband " , This is the story of a beautiful lawyer whose name is Kavya , 'Kavya' a girl full of happiness and values ,who has seen and felt only love in her life, What will happen when one day she has to do force marry with a man who hates love, who hates every beautiful and fragile things ,who is a criminal, A criminal who scares the whole world who looks like a Greek God But the antics are like a devil, people are afraid to take his name from their mouths, What will happen when the biggest mission of Arjun's life will fail due to beautiful naive kavya , What will happen when Arjun tells Kavya a punishment that will make her hell every day and night of her life, a relationship that will become the fetters of Kavya's feet? He rape her every day, torture her but Kavya cannot do anything because in our society if husband do forceful sex with her wife then it will not consider as rape , Because keeping the husband happy is the responsibility of the wife, Now , Will Kavya ever get out of Arjun's hell ? will kavya ever be able to forgive arjun ? What will happen when Arjun comes to know the truth ? If you want to know the answer let's go with me to their journey of love and hatness

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