
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · Krieg
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39 Chs

New Discovery

The hatched ant larvae are like the eggs themselves with a handle. To be honest, they are put together with the eggs, and it is really hard to distinguish them at a glance.

The hatching of the eggs meant that soon after, the number of Rowan's younger brothers would increase explosively every day. However, before that, his workload increased again.

Because these larvae need those adult black ants to spit out the half-digested food and then feed them with these disgusting things.

And the meat supply of the entire hive depends on Rowan, a single worm.

And as more and more scout ants were hunted down, neighbors rarely sent ants to the nests. Except for a small number who got lost in other directions and turned here, they came in this direction from the neighbor's house, and I haven't seen them for a few days.

Faced with this situation, Rowan's hunting range is getting closer and closer to the neighbor's house. So much so that with his eyesight, standing at a slightly higher place, he could see the black ants coming in and out of the hole of the neighbor's house.

Of course, no matter how courageous he is, at his current level, he would not dare to provoke others at the door. However, this does not prevent him from observing at a slightly distant position to try to see if he can learn about the habits of these ants and learn some experience from their actions. It is expected to help him better manage the worm nest in the future.

Now when he hunts, he will bring out six or seven black ants.

Whenever a neighbor's black ant is killed, its own black ants will swarm up and share its food, and those that cannot eat will be divided into several parts and transported back to the nest.

The dangers on the road have been cleared away by Rowan, and they left pheromones as road signs, so there is no worry about them getting lost.

Now Rowan's hunting place is only more than ten meters away from the neighbor's house, and the neighbor's house is more than fifty meters away from the insect nest. Therefore, it takes a lot of time for these black ants to go back and forth, and this time is the time for Luo Wen to start a small stove and observe and study.

This can not only meet the needs of many bugs in the nest, but also reduce Rowan's burden. He used to waste most of his day transporting food and traveling to and from hunting grounds.

Since adopting this method, although the ant transport is slightly slower than his own, it can free up a lot of time for him.

And these ants seem to be tireless, and they never know what it is to be lazy on the road. And every time Luo Wen went back and forth to the insect nest, he had to take a break and think about the insect life. In this way, the efficiency is not much worse.

Today, while waiting for the transport team to return, Rowan discovered a strange thing happened in front of the neighbor's house.

A new species of bug that didn't know where it came from swaggered in through the ant nest hole, so the black ant not only didn't stop it, but avoided it.

It's really strange, ant nests are their forbidden area, and Luo Wen can use his gradually enriched knowledge of entomology to confirm that the insects are definitely not relatives of ants, they are completely two species.

The whole body of the worm was yellowish brown, slightly bigger than those black ants, with a small and flat head and chest. Behind it was a long abdomen covered with a layer of carapace.

It's the carapace that exposes it, which the ants don't have.

But how did he get into the ant nest freely? Luo Wen couldn't understand it.

Time flies, days pass by. Since Luo Wen freed himself most of the time and often opened small stoves, its size has increased a little bit, and it is bigger than before.

However, although he had fused the genes of the black beetle, he did not grow a pair of giant jaws on his head. Luo Wen speculates that one reason is that his head does not have enough space. A pair of big eyes occupy half of his head, and there is no room for a huge jaw.

Moreover, the head of the black beetle is flat, and the giant jaw can exert strength, but he has an oval face, so he probably won't be able to use strength if he grows this thing.

However, the main reason is probably that the huge jaw will affect his digging ability. It is very inconvenient to have such a pair of things underground. And except for these eyes, all other genes that hinder him from digging have been discarded, and he doesn't know why, is he a bitch deep in his heart?

Today he found a giant ant at the entrance of his neighbor's cave. It was several times larger than ordinary black ants, had stronger jointed limbs, stronger and sharper huge front teeth, and its combat power far surpassed that of ordinary ants.

Luo Wen realized a little bit. According to what he learned in kindergarten when he was a human, those ordinary black ants should be worker ants, and this big guy should be a soldier ant.

Although he used to call these bugs in his neighbor's house ants, but now he is on a strange planet, they are just similar in shape, and he doesn't know what species they are. He can't name them, so he can only name them after similar creatures from his hometown.

I have only seen ordinary black ants before, and I thought they didn't have such thing as soldier ants, but I didn't expect one to appear now. Could it be that this is a planet with a very similar environment to Blue Star? Even the bugs you see are so similar?

What puzzled him was that he had not seen any flying creatures so far. It stands to reason that there are a lot of flying insects on Lanxing's side, but he has never seen any of them so far, which is really strange.

It may also be related to the fact that he has explored too few places and has not seen many types of bugs.

Because of the appearance of the transportation team, he had plenty of spare time these days. After some thinking, he had already ruled out the option that this is the planet of wizards.

Because after such a long period of development, as a so-called awesome bug species, he can't even push the ant nest horizontally.

There must be a problem somewhere else, either he has a problem with himself or the environment, and the biggest possibility is that both of them have a problem, which makes him so weak.

Moreover, not only had he never seen a flying insect, he had never even seen a reptile or mammal, let alone a humanoid creature.

Combining these two points, he felt that he was in a completely strange new world now. Although the speculation was somewhat flawed, he chose to stick to it because it was good for his mental health.

Luo Wen didn't expect the neighbor's house to hide such a force unit. In the past few days, his body size has grown a bit, and his mentality has also expanded a lot. I always thought that he was not far from pushing the ant nest, but today he was splashed with cold water.

After these days of development, his size is already much larger than that of ordinary ants. But although this soldier ant is not as fat as him, it is still twice as long. Although both sides are only equipped with a pair of big teeth as weapons, Luo Wen has an extra half armor, but even so, he still thinks that Head-to-head is no match for soldier ants.

After all, he is a professional, born to fight, but he is only a part-time job, and his main job is digging holes.

Moreover, who knows how many such weapons are hidden in the neighbor's house, and the matter of pushing the ant nest horizontally should not be mentioned again.

But at this moment, a yellow-brown streak flashed in the distance on his right.