
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · Krieg
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39 Chs


The way to solve the problem now is to continue to find new black ant nests to share the pressure. Or wait for the number of insects in the nest to reach a certain level, completely annihilate the nest, turn them all into rations, and then occupy this territory.

The two methods do not conflict. You can look for new black ant nests while eroding the neighbors' ant nests. Just like this, Luo Wen will be busy again.

A few spy bugs were deployed to sneak into the ant nest to eat and drink, I believe there is no big problem. But if you want them to complete Rowan's work at this time, steal food and clean up their hands and feet at the same time, it may be difficult for the IQ of the bugs to do it.

In case of missing a clue and being chased to the brood by black ants, it would be very difficult to resist given the current fighting power of the brood. Therefore, Luo Wen had to do the job of moving food undercover in the ant nest by himself.

For the exploration mission, the tens of meters around the mother's nest have been searched by Rowan. If you want to find a new black ant nest, you need to go further.

The current insects in the ant nest are basically based on black ants as templates, they are blind, and they mainly rely on the close contact of the tentacles to complete the search work.

And this method will face many dangers, and as the distance of going out increases, the probability of encountering dangers will also increase exponentially.

With the current number of bugs in the nest, it is difficult to bear such a large loss.

Now he needs new bugs, they must use their eyes to see things, have a certain vision, and be able to detect many dangers on the road in advance. Then report and summarize the many information detected.

But things are back to the original point, and Rowan should be able to deploy the hardware conditions. But the IQ of the bugs couldn't complete such a complicated investigation task, and he couldn't adjust the IQ.

For the bugs in the nest, it's not bad to do some mechanical repetitive tasks, but they will be blinded by slightly more complicated tasks, and they can't understand what Luo Wen means. All these require Luo Wen to go into battle in person.

When you have time and ability in the future, you must come up with some brainy bugs. It doesn't need much, just need someone who can lead the team when something happens.

Complaints are complaints, and what should be done cannot be vague. Every day, Rowan moved the materials that were almost enough for the transportation team to work for a day to the temporary storage room, and then sealed the passage connecting the hatching room tightly, surrounded by pheromones such as "Danger, do not approach".

After doing this, he will climb out of the ant nest and start to explore further places.

The development of the insect nest is also orderly. The first batch of pupae larvae have broken out of the pupae and become a new generation of adult ants. As they gradually grow up, they will gradually participate in various tasks.

The brood has become bigger now. Although Rowan has also grown in size recently, it is estimated that the brood can no longer be moved at this time.

In line with Ju Wei Si'an's thinking, Luo Wen used Hei Da as a template to cancel its digging foot gene, because after observation, it was found that there was actually a conflict between its huge jaws in front of its head and digging feet. The pair of giant jaws that spread out wider than the body are not very convenient for underground activities.

At the same time, a pheromone gene fragment for communication and identification was added to it, and then the mother nest produced more than a dozen eggs based on this. If they can hatch successfully, they will fight full-time in the future and guard the brood.

This is the first time that Rowan used the plan template he prepared to incubate bugs in the form of eggs.

This is a brand new attempt. He does not know whether this kind of bug template, which is not mature in nature, can also be produced from the egg stage.

If this kind of bug with a new gene sequence can have a complete development process, it will be born smoothly and grow into a mature body. Then, I believe that when the resources of the insect nest are abundant, a series of unnaturally evolved insects, but insects with many advantages and functions will be born one after another.

At that time, the sphere of influence of the insect nest will expand like a snowball, and it will no longer need to parasitize the ant nest to suck blood to grow.

Imagining a bright future, Luo Wen is full of energy, and the development of things seems to be moving in a good direction.

A few days later, the hard work paid off, and Luo Wen found another black ant nest in the other direction of the nest.

The scale of this ant nest is even larger. Rowan found at least 50 soldier ants in the ant nest. Based on this, it is speculated that the number of members of this ant nest may reach three to four thousand.

In the ant nest, not only is the hatching room larger and spacious, but there are actually two of them. In addition, there are several food storage rooms. Worker ants will not eat non-perishable food for a while, grind it into powder with their jaws, and then secrete some mucus to wrap it to prevent them from deteriorating and rotting.

Of course, there are more yellow worms in the hatching room. It is unforgivable that these parasites dare to eat Rowan's granary. So, each of them was given a mouthful of thick phlegm by Luo Wen.

This newly discovered ant nest is about a hundred meters away from Rowan's nest, and there are a large number of black ants in the ant nest, and the patrol area is very large every day, and there is no patrol blind spot. This food smuggling channel must at least Dig out more than 50 meters. For Rowan, this is a really big project.

Fortunately, Luo Wen's younger brothers have also increased a lot, leaving more than 20 ants for the transport team to carry food, and more than 20 little ants that have just broken their pupae to take care of the larvae at home. He started digging vigorously with the remaining dozens of ants.

Now, Luo Wen's daily work is quite full. Early in the morning, he went to Ant Nest No. 1 to carry food to the storage room, seal the passage, and the transportation team worked independently. Then he returned home non-stop, and took the excavation team to the Ant Nest No. 2 to dig a tunnel. On the way, he would find some members of the new neighbor's family and give them a practice of Roche's fighting skills, so as not to neglect this skill.

And the black ants who watched the show generally couldn't afford Luo Wen's appearance fee, so they could only pay off the debt with their own bodies, and were shared by the excavation team.

Time flies, and this super-long smuggling channel is about to be completed, but something happened to the transport team.

Because of the smuggling passage on the old neighbor Ant Nest No. 1, it was dug nearby by patrolling the blind spot, only more than 10 meters away from the ant nest.

And as Luo Wen's work focus shifted, he didn't go there to perform Luo's fighting skills, which caused the scout workers in that area to slow down a lot.

Just today, by coincidence, the transportation team had just come out of the tunnel carrying food, and encountered a scout worker ant head-on.

The worker ant looked at so many ants that looked similar to him, but he didn't have his own ID card, so he was about to come forward to argue.

The transportation team was also not in a good temper. After the tentacles of the two sides touched fiercely, they finally fought.

Of course, the scouting worker ant couldn't beat the large and powerful transport team, but it was the first time the transport team fought, so many insects finally let the worker ant run away...

The transportation team didn't care, and after transporting the food back to the worm's nest, when they returned again, they were blocked by scouts who went home and found helpers.