
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · Fantasie
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34 Chs


After Immortal Body Regeneration healed my injuries and satiated me with rabbit food, I resumed my training.

This time I took things more calmly.

I gathered the Mana into my body more easily and guided it through my body where the same blade as before emerged.

It seems that little by little I'm getting the hang of manipulating blood.

But how is it that I use the blood without giving me anemia?

Do you know something System?

In the end I decided to ask the System although I doubt that they will answer me...

[Affirmative. The user possesses a blood store which is used to create any item the Host wants. The more blood the user consumes, the greater the weapon creation capacity will be until their reserves are exhausted]

What the fuck!

I didn't expect the system to answer me but I'll leave it for later.

Now this is as if I had a store of blood which I absorb by drinking it from other beings.

Or in other words I use the blood I take from the rabbits instead of using my own...

Now that I think about it, I think something occurred to me.

It's not that I didn't have a problem with manipulating to create an object, but rather the amount or more specifically I need to put more blood to give it enough consistency.

Testing this theory, he began to put more and more blood on the knife which he had summoned.

And as I thought I managed to take the shape I wanted, a sharp red kitchen squeaker was now in my hand.


[You have obtained blood control skill level 1]


I certainly didn't expect that of all things.

I didn't know that you had to have a blood control ability to be able to create the objects, maybe due to my practice followed by five hours I got this ability.


This system works that the more you practice an action, you will get a skill from that action. For example, if I concentrated on my hearing, will I be able to hear better or something like that?

There was nothing wrong with trying so I close my eyes as I begin to listen to everything around me.

She could hear the sound of the fire burning and consuming the wood, the rustling of the wind in the leaves of the trees, the sound of the leaves being shaken.

I even faintly hear the sound of birds singing in the sky.


[You have obtained a new ability.]

[The hearing enhancement skill has been successfully obtained Level 1.]

I knew it.

The more you repeatedly do an action, you will get a skill related to that action.

This has been a complete success in a partial way.

Why partially?

Well, there is a drawback, and that is the amount of time spent.

I'm currently in the middle of the forest surely surrounded by strong creatures so I can't sit back and be exposed to attacks.

I need to constantly move so as not to be attacked.

I know it will sound like a coward but I would call it caution.

Nothing assures me that I will be sent to another world for the second time so I will not risk myself and take unnecessary risks.

If I can't win I'll just run away to live another day, while I'm weak I need to have some degree of caution.

I'm sure this world is not the same as Isekai anime where the M'C has a family and starts off on a strong stage.

Unlike that, I woke up with this body and I'm weak, I don't have anything to highlight in my grades, the only good thing I have is that I can have a pretty sharp mind in certain areas, nothing else.


After conjuring another blood knife I test its durability on a nearby tree where I throw it with all my might.

To my disappointment, the knife missed the tree and fell to the ground.

Good heavens!

I forgot that I have terrible aim when throwing objects.

After walking for a few seconds, he grabbed the knife and threw it again towards a tree where the result is the same.

I guess I can get an aiming skill if I repeat this action continuously though I'm sure it will take me at least two days to hit a tree.

From there I will train to hit moving objects.

I still have the bodies of three whole rabbits which could last me two days.

My huge appetite now as a Vampire requires huge amounts of energy to function, pretty much like the Dragon Ball Saiyans but the insane amount of food.

More or less to satiate myself I would eat the equivalent of two full adult meals to be full.


While I was thinking this I kept practicing my aim but the result was the same, I kept failing miserably.

I throw and miss.

I try again and it ended up failing again.

This cycle was repeated for several hours.

In the end, the sun began to set and of the almost 300 throws I could only hit 30 hits out of saying seventy misses.

In the end I ended up on the floor tired while looking at the twilight sky asia.

Today was quite a productive day.

I would say that it was not bad for my second or third day in this world.

I know how to control my body's mana a bit and how to form blood-based blades, no doubt if I follow this path soon I'll start hunting strong beasts like wolves and bears.


The morning of the new day had arrived and I started the day devouring a rabbit now I only have two left.

As usual I resumed my training, it seems that the weapons I make based on my blood are quite durable since the knife from the day before was still embedded in the tree.

Taking that knife, I began to wander through the forest to look for other rabbits to hunt so that I would not run out of food.

Since I arrived and settled on the small hill I have not traveled a total of 100 meters around, where luckily there were no prey such as wolves or bears and that was a good sign of luck.

As I got further into the forest, I began to leave marks so as not to get lost.

It wasn't until an hour had passed that I could see anything, though I wasn't sure what it was.

Without hesitation I use Analysis to obtain information.








<Green Grass>

Hmm I see...

Hope for?

He quickly looked again noticing there was a wolf who was chasing a rabbit that looked injured and the wolf was tired.

The wolf appeared to be an adult of its species, measuring 85 Centimeters.

It had longer fangs than the wolves in my world and its color was darker than normal.

I analyze it to find out more while it escapes.


Name : Unnamed

Race: Forest Wolf

Gender: Female

Vitality: 120/152

Mana: 32/50

Strength: 70

Dexterity: 62

Magic: 22




[strong bite]