
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Blossoming Affection

The party arrived safely back to the town at dawn.They had dinner first before going back to their room to rest. It does consume a lot of energy after all especially for Trevor and Wain who had to face the lizard head on.Fay got into his room and took a quick bath. He lay down on his bed, feeling cozy after a long day."Kyubey, do you plan to contract more magical girls?", Fay asked.He did think about the consequences. He personally believes Kyubey's wish granting ability is something that isn't bad especially when it comes to this world. There's no Witches or Wraiths. And magic beasts with magic crystals are plenty.There's no problem with sustaining Magical Girl energies and there's no competition unlike in the original world. Perhaps it's even a part of the Goddess plan when it threw Kyubey here.'Yes', Kyubey answered honestly."Why?".'To test the limit of Wish that could be brought about in this world'."I see".Fay doesn't really understand what Kyubey meant.But since there's no harm, and the wish is technically a contract and it's really up to the girls to accept or refuse them so he wouldn't mind much.He just doesn't want to disrupt this world stability. Although that might be something that a mere human shouldn't be concerned about.He doesn't really want to interfere. If anything, in a sense the Goddess approved of it since She threw Kyubey to this world. ... *Knock*2A knock sounded on Fay's door.He went to open them. It's Wain.'Hey. What are you doing?'."umm... Nothing really. It's a bit early to sleep so I just lay around".'I see'.'Want to, hang out in my room?'. Wain finally got his courage to hang out with Fay.Fay nodded happily. He went to Wain's room and looked around. His room is pretty simple. His shirts and pants seem to be piled on the wooden chair.Wain took out a card game from his cabinet.'You know how to play this game?'.'Not really'."No worry it's easy-". ... "hihi". Fay smirked as he won for the fourth time in a row.'Howwww!?', Wain is losing his mind.Fay shrugged."I am just lucky hehe". Fay felt amused seeing Wain's expressions. His ears and tail movement make it more obvious and it's quite funny.Grrrr.Some angry noise come out of Wain as his tail wags here and there. Fay thought Wain looked silly like this. He taught Fay once and he got beaten so badly. His pride is injured. *Knock*2Wain is annoyed at who's interrupting them.He opened the door to see Elvis and Trevor."Heyyy! You guys played without inviting us! No fair!".Since Elvis and Trevor is next door, and that the wall is quite thin, they could hear some chattering and a scream (from Wain losing). So, they went to check what is he doing.They both went in uninvited. And somehow there's already four players."Come on. Roll the dice". Trevor insisted. ... "Man. You are so unlucky". Commented Elvis on how Wain is always the last one.Wain has no comment. Today is not his day.Trevor yawned he's already quite sleepy.'Its already late. We going to go back to our room'.As they went out, Trevor turned to look at Wain and winked multiple times at him.Wain keeps a stoic face, as if there's nothing in his mind.Since everyone finished playing, Fay should go back to his room too. Fay stood, reaching out to the door."Fay".Fay turned to see Wain. His tail is wagging uncontrollably."Want to stay over?".Fay felt his heart beating fast.Looking to his side, his hands at his backs, fidgeting. He gulped a saliva.'Sure'. Fay looked at Wain. They both locked their gazes for a while.Wain went to close the door, and lock it this time.Wain lay down on his bed, moving close to the wall to give space for Fay.Fay naturally comes and lay down next to him.They both are awkward still. Not saying anything.It's really difficult to initiate after all.As Fay closes his eyes and wonder if he should just sleep, he felt Wain held his hand. Fay firms his hold onto the rough callused hand. He felt, safe and secure like this.Wain gently pulled the hand he's holding and place it on his crotch. Fay felt it's already half stimulated.Fay looks at Wain, who has his eyes closed with his other hand. He's too embarrassed about all this as well.Desires expressed. Another night to be remembered happened. ... Nothing major really happened for the 2 months after.Fay pretty much got used to living as an adventurer. His skills got improved by leaps and bounds as he gets used to using his sword and magic. He also now able to do quests solo by himself. His perfect memory allows him to gather various herbs, his space magic and rapier made by the same magic cut through monsters like butter. And his mastery over his MG magic gets better and better to a point he can summon multiple rapiers and chop monsters like vegetable.And his relationship with the party members becomes closer as well. Especially with Wain.During the 2 months, he had slept with Wain multiple times - at some point it's a once-a-week thing.Sparred using wooden swords while training Fay. Hanging out together. Do a lot of quests together. Neither of them says anything about their relationship status so far. But every party member knows they liked each other so they just support secretly from behind, giving them space and leaving them alone by themselves for example.And today is the Lovers Day and there's a small celebration going around with the market being very lively.'Fay, wanna to go around the market?'."Sure. I would love to". Fay smiled at Wain.Wain don't remember since when Fay smiled this much to him. The more he knows Fay, the sweeter he becomes. He likes more and more as he spends more time with him.As they walk around, Wain took a leap of courage and held Fay's hand for the first time.Fay had his heart beats fast. He firms his hold onto Wain big rough hand.They went to a stall nearby. Wain got him a candied apple.Suddenly a beautiful half elf greeted them."Wain! It's you! I hope you are doing fine".The half elf had a huge smile on her face seeing Wain, and the person he was holding hands with.'Ah. Hi Akasha. Yeah, I am fine, I am fine. Rare seeing you out here'. Wain only replied a little before continuing to walk faster.'Hey? That's all you gotta say after cheating on me?'. Akasha says it out without any filter whatsoever.'Stop making things up you crazy elf'. Wain swallowed his pride and ignored the half elf.Akasha was stunned speechless. Making things up? I am the one who's crazy? The resentment she had grew twice in size afterwards.Wain gulps and took a deep breath. Damn crazy elf. She really has to say it out loud. She must be saying this just to make Fay hear it.Wain keeps walking, dragging Fay along faster, away from the crazy half elf.Of course, Wain isn't perfect. And it's true he did cheat on Akasha and got caught. Her anger is quite justified. And when Wain calls her 'crazy', it's really to just deflect her 'accusation' (facts).His pride is at stake. Men and their ego are hard to be separated.Fay did feel uncomfortable hearing it. He's more uncomfortable hearing Wain call her crazy, than the accusation that he cheated. It sounds really harsh. And if he were in Akasha's shoes, it would feel hurt to be called crazy like that.But he doesn't have the courage to mention or ask. It should be none of his business really.Although... he did suddenly have a fear in his heart. He dislikes the idea that Wain might be with another woman, but more so is the idea that Wain could lie in that way.He just, hopes that the elf is truly crazy and is accusing Wain. He can't bear the thought of Wain, lying to her face that way just to save his own face. He expects Wain is a nice and gentle person. And he wants to believe he is that kind of person.After they are far away from the half elf, Wain takes a look at Fay. He wonders what Fay thinks about him now. Did he believe her? Is he disappointed in him? He felt a bit bad that his image was ruined on his date."She's a bit deluded and not really right in her head. Don't mind her". Said Wain calmly.'I see...'. Fay just nodded....He wants to believe in Wain. It's just that, seeing Akasha emotions and her expression, her anger seems genuine. Maybe it's a misunderstanding between them...Fay shook the thoughts away. He is spending time with Wain, and he felt it's more important to enjoy them.As they walked around, there's a stall selling flowers. Wain bought a bouquet and give it to Fay."Here". He scratched his neck.Fay happily accepts them. He sniffed them to smell the fresh scents."Thank you. It's smells lovely".They got some food from the stalls and sat on a nearby bench.'Emm... Fay'. Wain feels like it's time to properly confess.Fay looked at Wain. Wain seems nervous, and his tail is wagging a little.He gulped and took a deep breath of air.'I like you-'. Wain closed his eyes when he says this out of nervousness.He opened one of his eyes to see Fay's response.Fay unconsciously carved a smile on his face, drawing a single dimple on his right cheek. Wain looks at Fay's smile and his eyes with large pupil.Fay can't contain his smile and had to cover his face with his hand and turned to look sideways.He can't stop smiling. He can't!Wain waited for him to calm down. Wain knew the answer already, but hearing it from Fay himself is a different matter altogether.Fay too had to take a deep breathe. Still with a smile he can't contain, he gave Wain the answer.'I like you too'.Fay still can't afford to look at Wain directly. It's a bit too much.Wain wags his tail even furiously. He felt like he's the happiest man alive.He held Fay's hand, intertwining his fingers into them. He leaned in close. Fay had to look at Wain back. Seeing his eyes, he can't help but be immersed in his affection. He closed his eyes, leaning forward to receive the kiss.The bystanders stop by to watch the cute couple seemingly forgetting people are watching. It's lovers' day after all.Smiles carved on all their faces seeing such a sweet scene. It even led to another unofficial couple to pronounce their feelings to each other as well.'A-Ah Wain... people are watching'. Fay stops Wain who had even pushed his tongue in."Oh- sorry". Wain can only scratch his cheek while looking at the bystanders watching them. He forgets they are in public.He pats Fay's head and ruffle them. Fay is so cute, he thought. He held Fay's shoulder and sit closer to him. They both enjoy their food in each other company.They returned back to the inn. Lisa happened to also comes back after getting some food. He looked at Wain and Fay who's holding hands together.She can only smile at this.'Congrats'.Wain gives a wry smile and scratch his neck. While Fay who still can't contain his smile since earlier had to cover his face with his other hand, turning his face sideways. They are official now.As they reached their room, Wain whispered to Fay's ear.'Wanna stay over?'.Fay nodded while looking sideways, unable to respond with words. ...