
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

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27 Chs

Chapter 23: Princess Rosanna Bellelon of Atlanta

Fay wonders what he should do this evening. He went to knock on Lisa and Amber's room because he's bored.Lisa opened her room."What are you guys doing?".'Oh, nothing much. We are just having tea and reading books. Come in.'.They have some sort of tea and biscuit on their table. With books opened. Fay joined in as well."Amber! You read the The Pure Maid and the Four Standing Pillars as well!?".'Heheehe. Of course. It's the most popular novel in the Capital'.They both giggle about it. They chatted for a while until Amber suddenly said something shocking casually.'Guys... I am thinking of going back to Atlanta.'."What? Why...?", Lisa asked. Fay also wants to know. Would amber leave them? And why would she return to the kingdom she ran away from?She took a deep breath.'I am the rightful heir to the throne. It's unfair. It's really unfair. I want to take everything back that's rightfully mine'. She said with conviction."But... How would you...?". Lisa asked with worry. Because it's something that is really difficult. Is she planning a rebellion?"I will make a contract with Kyubey in exchange for a Wish".Kyubey appeared out of nowhere sitting on her bed.Lisa bit her lips. It might be possible. But...'If, you had reclaimed everything, would you still be in the party...?".'I am not sure. If I succeeded, I would become the crown princess again. And, I am not sure what's going on in my kingdom. Back when I left my father seemed sick'.Lisa and Fay are quiet."But no worries. Even if, let say, I become busy with the kingdom's affair, Fay can always pick me up and we can do quests together. I can just sneak out of the palace". Amber gives her own thoughts and suggestions, trying to make things better."It won't be a problem.", Fay nodded.Lisa is quiet. To think her friend would have gone far away. She took a deep breath. It's Amber's life and her decisions. She can only support her.'I will support you, no matter what Amber'."Me too.". Fay added.Amber had tears in her eyes for having supportive friends. She would never meet them if she hadn't been forced to run away. In a way, it's a blessing in disguise."Thank you, guys... I am planning to tell Elvis later. I feel nervous to go back to my kingdom".Fay looks at Lisa."How about... we go with you?".Lisa likes this idea so much she held Amber's hands."Yes! We will come with you".'But...'."It's alright. It's like a vacation to Atlanta. It's a kingdom made up of multiple islands and lands surrounded by the sea, right? The seafood must be good", Lisa added.Amber wants to cry having her friends to accompany her."I will follow as well. I still need to go with you to be able to open a portal from here to there", Fay added.The next day they all went to see Elvis. Upon hearing it, he felt sad as Amber is an indispensable member of the party. Maybe she and him isn't that close but he still feel reassured with her presence. But he understands. He told everyone about it.Everyone decides to go with Amber to Atlanta – as some sort of vacation and to support her and witness herself claim what's hers.'So uhh... Is she planning a rebellion? Are we... Fighting their armies or something?' Trevor asked. Because what exactly is the plan??Elvis too had the same question."Umm... Amber has a secret and she definitely can reclaim her position as the first princess". Lisa explained.Those who don't know about Kyubey miracle shrug it off. Maybe Amber had some secret files and dirt on the current queen or something. Who knows.They head to Atlanta, the westernmost kingdom of the human lands. It took more than 3 weeks of travel.The Dwarven lands separated from Atlanta by the vast White Sea. Atlanta, although small, is an especially rich kingdom acting as a hub for export and import between the two different races and between different kingdoms of the human continent.They went to the central island on a large boat. They see many big ships going in and out. So much bustling activity. They reached Sagan Island, the main island of Atlanta where the Palace of Wisdom Pearls was located.Amber missed her home kingdom. Amber gives the party a tour around and went to the best fancy seafood restaurant nearby. They had a variety of seafood and fresh catch in 5 meal courses.Fay loves the grilled fish so much; he took a whole grilled sea bass for himself. Trevor too eats so much crabs and shrimps. They ordered extra because of this. But his nose turned red after a while and he had to scratch it here and there.'Trevor, you have an allergy?', Wain asked out of concern."They taste good it's worth it! And I prepared allergy medication with me". Of course, knowing Atlanta is lands surrounded by sea, seafood is a must. Trevor came prepared.The waiter keeps looking at the party, or rather, at Amber. She can't keep her thoughts anymore."Princess?".Amber looked at the waiter. Why does she seem familiar?"Gwen?".'Oh! Princess... you are alive...'. she cried out tears.Gwen is one of Amber's maids that she had picked up from the street back then. Although the family often scrutinized her status, Amber kept her by her side.Thankfully they are in a private VIP room.'Princess. It's dangerous to stay here... What if...'."Gwen. I am taking back my place".Gasp!'Are you really going to...?'."But princess... It's... difficult. I know all the nobles conspired against you. And they frame you of all sorts of evil deeds that you never committed. And your father he...".'What happened to my father?'."He collapsed and fell into a coma a month after you left. And so... the mistress, I mean, the new queen takes control"."You don't know... but they are really greedy. The main island might not seem to be affected but... If you see the present low-cost residential area, you would understand".Amber nodded. She wanted to see what changed in the kingdom.Everyone accompanied her to the low-cost residential area made for people with lower income.Upon reaching, she had to close her mouth and nose. It's full of trash, it's smelly, and it's very dirty.She sees a few people lying on the street. A small kid went up to her, asking for some money for her sick mother. Everyone wants to tear up seeing the scene.Why did this low-cost residential area turn into a literal slum? What happened? She went deeper and saw the public hospital and the public bath had been closed. She gritted her teeth."Let's go into the palace". Amber had her heart set.'But the guards would stop us', Fay said."We will storm in and charge forward".Everyone feels scared of this crazy plan. Has Amber been this bold?"It's alright if you won't come. I can go inside alone. After all, I am still the legitimate heir of the throne."This time, she won't hold back. They followed Amber from behind to the Palace of Wisdom Pearls. At the palace gate, 2 guards stopped them.The guards saw these people are not nobles and have zero status whatsoever at first glance. "Who are you? You need permission to step into this place. Leave or you will suffer consequences".'Have you forgotten me, Bran?'.Amber took off her hat and threw it to the ground. She took off her contact lenses, revealing beautiful violet eyes."Princess Rosanna!?".The other guard is also surprised. They don't know what to do.Bran stepped aside, letting her in. The other guard also step aside for them to get in.Some guards tried to stop them, but amber simply cast water balls and pushed them away. While some only watch as the first princess crashed in.They finally reach the throne of the palace. It's actually empty.But Queen Grimhilde and her daughter, the 2nd princess; Anastasia; had already heard the news and came in right after. A lot of soldiers accompanied her with weapons drawn.She calmly walks over and sits on the throne. While Anastasia, Amber's half sister sits next to her mother.The soldiers all went to close in onto them. There are more than 20 soldiers wielding sword and a few mages behind them. Magic circle forms in front of them ready to attack."Oh. Rosanna. What a surprise. Why is the evil and wretched princess here I wonder? I thought you had ran away".Grimhilde spoke in amusement."Sister! I was so worried about you when I heard you run away!". Anastasia pretended to shed a tear, but had an evil smile hidden."Haha. Stop pretending Anastasia. Maybe everyone in this kingdom thought you were an angel. But I know you are the worst devil in history. I will claim back what's mine!"."Rosanna. Are you and your... classless friends planning to kill us, and simply take the throne?". The queen simply gave her a sharp gaze.The soldiers went even closer to guard the Queen and the 2nd princess."I know you aren't that stupid Rosanna. You think the people would accept you if you kill us? Everyone knows what kind of evil you are. You poisoned your own mother, you bullied the lower-class people including your maid as if they have no dignity, you bought slaves as a plaything. You even take illegal drugs. Everyone knows your sins". The queen smiled mischievously."Sister. I know you did so much wrongs. But if sister can accept punishments, I can forgive sister... We are still a family". Anastasia pretends to be kind again. The whole party wants to puke seeing this innocent acting because its so fake."I don't need to kill anyone", Amber said calmly."Kyubey...".Kyubey appears right in front of her. The Queen and Anastasia can't see him though."I want to reclaim my place as the heir of the throne. Reveal the truths of these evil, expose all of their sins, and how much crime they had done against the people. Please, grant me my Wish Kyubey!".Light shines on Amber surrounding her blinding everyone's eyes. A bright blue soul gem form."The contract is successfully formed. You are now a magical girl".Amber held the soul gem close to her chest. Grimhilde and Anastasia sitting on the sits are bewildered. Because what was that? A light show? "Hah! What you doing speaking nonsense and doing a light show for? Is this your plan?". Grimhilde smirked thinking that's funny.Soon a thunder broke out, startling everyone.The people of the kingdom saw the clouds gathered and a heavy rain would be coming.The first rain drop fell, touching a fishmonger who's doing his business.He suddenly can see, memories of someone. Of how he is pushing a white-haired girl down the stairs. How she put poison in a cup and it was drunk by an older white-haired woman. Then memories of playing with a slave and beating them. He puked out as those memories reached him.As more and more rain come down, everyone also has the same reactions. In one of the memories, they see who it is in the mirror.One of the people in the street said aloud."It's the Queen. This memory, is the queen! And her daughter as well!".Everyone soon realised the truth of these foreign memory.Oh, poor Princess Rosanna. Everyone thought she was an evil person. But she had been framed all along!Everyone sees the sins they committed as the memories played. And they see the gems and jewels filled to the brimmed in their room using their own hard-earned money in the chambers of the queen and the 2nd princess. And the majestic dress made from gold leaves and pearls??People are angry. Everyone nearby rushed to the palace to give the Queen and her equally evil daughter a scolding.Grimhilde and Anastasia also received the memories. Anastasia sees her own mother's memories. While Grimhilde sees her daughter's memories.They looked at each other in confusion."Everyone in the whole kingdom now knows your sin". Amber said with satisfaction. Everyone in the party also receive those memories. They finally realised what Amber had done.The queen felt anger and stood from her throne and point at her."You devil! You used devil power! Guards! Kill this evil bitch! It's a lie! She spreads falsehood! Execute her!".Every guard nearby only stood still, looking at each other.The guard captain stood in front of Rosanna, confronting the Queen."Queen Grimhilde of Atlanta, as the captain of the guard, you are under arrest for purchasing of slaves, framing the 1st princess, and attempted murder of the King among many crimes you committed".Captain also lists out crimes committed by Anastasia."Sister! This must be a misunderstanding. Please, help me sister!". Anastasia cried a fake tear and beg for her help.Amber wants to puke. She can't believe she had once believed in this devil of a sister also thinking she's a kind person."Hah? I don't have a sister like you. Go to hell where you belonged". Amber only gave a disgusted look."You! You fucking bitch! You are just lucky to be born as the 1st princess! It's unfair unfair unfair unfair unfair unfair! You are given everything since birth. While I never get anything! It's so unfair!! AAAHHHHH!!!!".Everyone is startled.Aside from her crazy outburst, it's because dark fumes come out of her body suddenly.'Fay, it's a Wraith!'. Kyubey quickly warned Fay.There's a wraith in this world!?The fume forms a dark faceless figure wearing a bloodied tiara. Blood keeps pouring down its head to its body, staining the white gown it wore. It's very tall and has 8 human legs under its white gown.Soon the atmosphere distorted as everything around them changed. The surrounding turns into a dilapidated castle, filled with distorted chibi soldier monsters. 4 faceless prince-like monsters surround the Wraith sitting on a throne, protecting her."Fay, it trapped us in the Labyrinth", Kyubey stated the obvious. Labyrinth is a separate space where Wraiths hide themselves in. They can also kidnap and take people into them.The guards and the party members all freaked out. All the chibi soldiers went to attack them!Fay quickly transforms into his magic form.He wore elegant silver dragon scale armour. His eyes become that of a dragon with 2 silver horns growing from his forehead. A folded single dragon wing replaced his half cape on the back. His dragon tail whipped the air.Amber too transforms for the first time.[Transformation scene]She appears in a royal gold blue dress, in her royal regalia in blue with a cape draping to the floor. She wore a crown on her head, adorned with a bright blue gem.She held a trident as her main weapon.She exudes aura of majesty.She felt powerful. But she suddenly senses another power calling out to her. She suddenly found herself inside the deep sea. Endless water surrounds her.A figure approached her. A siren, a mermaid, or a half human half fish figure appeared. It's ethereal looking and quite blurry in Amber's eyes.[I am Neptunia, the Goddess of the Sea. Receive my blessing, child. Protect your kingdom. And protect the world with others]Another gold-blue light emitted from her.'A foreign power?', Kyubey exclaimed.A mark appears on her chest, a symbol in the shape of a trident. She opened her eyes. She's quite confused. Why did the goddess of the sea bless her?She put it aside for now seeing the enemy up front. She raised her trident. Multiple blue magic circles forms."Water Jet!".She shoots multiple trident shaped water projectiles at high speed and pressure to the tens of chibi soldiers at the front, killing them instantly and clears a path to the Wraith."Leave that thing to me". Amber spoke to everyone in the party.Fay nodded and used tens of flying swords to protect the soldiers and the party.The party members and soldiers aren't idle and keep fighting the chibi soldiers. Arrows, swords, earth bullets, multiple kinds of attack sounded against the chibi soldiers. It damages them but the number is too much in hundreds!Amber summoned the wave to ride and pushed the rest of the soldiers aside, approaching the Wraith surrounded by 4 prince-like figures.The 4 princes move wanting to attack her. They all shot dark projectiles towards her.Amber spun her trident, blocking them effortlessly as a large magic circle formed in front of her.She thrust her spear forward, launching a large water dragon that eats and swallows each of the princes one by one killing them instantly. Fay saw this and couldn't help but exclaim,'So powerful!'.Everyone that's free also witnessed the scene.The wraith screamed in anger and fear. The wraith use its blood to shoot sharp needles at Amber.However a magic circle forms in the air in an instant as waterfall wall fell from above blocking it instantly."This is the end!".Amber raised her trident and the wave rose carrying her up high. Multiple blue magic circles form above. Amber pointed her trident to the Wraith."Die!".Hundreds of water trident carrying high pressure and power shoots at the wraith. Each of them tears the wraith effortlessly piercing through its body and tear it apart piece by piece like a blender.It keeps screaming until all of its body gets destroyed to dust. Eventually the screaming stopped, as the wraith completely died.Amber lowers herself to the ground as the water wave carrying her lowers. The surroundings became wavy, as the labyrinth lost its stability and they returned to reality.Amber looks at the surrounding buildings that are partly destroyed somehow. She can see the rain is still pouring outside, although it's light one.She looks at the ground where Anastasia is unconscious. There lies an object in front of her body. It's like some sort of seed."It's a wraith cube. You can replenish your magic with it like you do with magic crystals". Kyubey said to Amber. Amber went to pick it up. She looked at her soul gem, it's quite dimmed and had dark grime filled half her soul gem. She almost used up all her mana and half of special magical girl power.She used the Devil Seed, which is its true name to clean up her soul gem and recharge her soul gem entirely. Kyubey asked her to give it to him, so she just gave it. The queen is shocked and startled from everything that had happened. She fell down to her knees and couldn't move.The party members and the guards are all shocked at what had just happened. The dark fume. The big creature. And then how the surroundings changed. And then the first princess transformation accompanied with strong power, crushing the evil monsters one sidedly with water magic!Fay thinks Amber is very powerful, more powerful than an average magical girl. Even more powerful than him in terms of raw magic output. Fay only uses portals and doesn't have big nuke output. Although Fay is confident that he won't lose to Amber, but that's because his type of magic is a cheat.'Her water magic naturally got integrated into her own magical girl power and it got amplified. And she had a high potential due to her rightful position as the Queen of Atlanta. That's why she's so powerful'. Kyubey explained to Fay. Fay nodded. He already expected it."And... A foreign entity also gives a part of power to her. An entity like the goddess".Fay is surprised at this. For Amber to be blessed by a god, it's amazing.The captain prostrated himself to Amber."Princess Rosanna, thank you for saving us, and welcome back!". The captain shouted. Every soldier also prostrated themselves.The party members felt awkward, wondering if they should prostrate themselves. Elvis went to bow a little followed by everyone else."No need for the formality. We are friends". Amber wants to laugh a bit seeing her friends wanting to prostrate to her.Suddenly a guard came into the room.He is scanning the surroundings. He knows the princess went to crash into the palace. And he knows the truth after foreign memories enter his head. And now the surrounding walls have cracks and holes. And now there's an angry crowd outside. Seeing the Queen and the 2nd princess tied up and apprehended by the soldiers, and seeing the 1st princess looking mighty with a trident and a crown and her fancy blue gold royal robes, the guard bowed and told her the information.Amber is calm. She simply walked out of the palace and saw the crowd outside the gate.She tapped her trident as a magic circle form in the sky. The dark cloud immediately dispersed and stopped the rain.The crowd went quiet and some had their mouth opened wide seeing this shocking scene. The ray of sunlight shines from above.Amber uses her magic to raise herself up high with a wave of water. She made a throne made of water, as her cape turned into a gentle waterfall falling down her back. She held her trident proud.With magic amplifying her voice, she spoke."I am the 1st princess of Atlanta. Rosanna Bellelon. The Queen had attempted murder of the King. The 2nd princess had framed me of evil deeds and poisoned the late queen, my own mother.""I, Princess Rosanna Bellelon of Atlanta promise you I will protect the kingdom and it's people and fix the damage they had caused".The crowd cheers at the majestic sight of the 1st princess. Coupled with the memories of how Rosanna got framed, how her mother the Queen got poisoned, the 1st princess gained full support of the citizens.Suddenly a priest who also followed the crowd exclaimed in shock."Oh! Princess is blessed by a god! The blessing of a god is with her!".The nearby listener also exclaimed their shock.News spread far and wide. And due many witnesses from the soldiers, the battle between the 1st princess, who is blessed by a God and the Devil who possessed the 2nd princess spreads far and wide. The story how the gods is on the princess side and revealed the truth to the people with a miracle rain.The 'Wraith' is in fact a devil of that world. They are creatures made purely out of malice and curses.Somehow there's also an account of Fay who uses space magic and has a dragon tail and wing on him - possibly the last member of the extinct dragon race of the legends. The title is 'Dragon race of the legends?'. Not sure how it comes to that.Who spilled it? Nevermind.There are a lot of soldiers who witness it so it can't be helped. Maybe someone told their grandma who told their third cousin and here we are.And inadvertently the party name Elvis&Gang also spreads. Along with other news written the next day about how they defeated a Hydra just recently....Amber went to visit her father the King in her chamber.She looks at her father, laying in bed in a coma."Father... I am back. I hate that you don't believe any of my words. Mother still asked me to take care of you even when she was dying". Amber cried out.The king suddenly opened his eyes and reached out his hand to her daughter.He had already woken up ever since the rain pours in memories into him. The shock brought him back."Father- you are awake...".Amber looked at her father with teary eyes."I am sorry Rosanna. I am sorry for not believing you...".Amber cried out loud hearing it."Please, take care of the kingdom well. My life is already at my end. I will apologise to your mother in the afterlife later.""I will tell her how splendid of a Queen you have become".Amber held his father's hand."And, lastly, I hope you can be happy Rosanna. I am sorry again".The king closed its eyes and let out his last breath.The palace mourned the king for 3 days.The coronation of Rosanna Bellelon as the new Queen of Atlanta commenced on the 4th day.