
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 16: Broken pt. 2

…Seeing the disturbing scene made him felt tired and drained. He had to slept it all off....'Fay'.Kyubey woke him up.'The others are still in the Capital. You need to pick them up'.Right… He forgets about them. They are still in the capital when he moved to Angis by himself.'How long did I sleep?'."8 hours".'I see'. Fay looked outside the window.It's an hour or two past dusks. He weakly opened a portal to a desolate alleyway. And walked out of it sluggishly. He feels empty, and has no thoughts in his head.He just walks aimlessly to the market. They might still be there. He walked around but sees none of the party members. They are supposed to meet here an hour or two ago.He walked around some more aimlessly."Fay! Where did you go?".'Lisa?'. Lisa finally found Fay."Everyone is looking for you everywhere".'Oh I…'.'I went back to Angis and accidentally took a nap hahaha…'. Fay let out a sheepish laugh."What? You worried us so much again… Sigh."Lisa went with Fay to a nearby tavern. It's where they promised to meet up later.'Have you eaten?'."Not yet…".'Let's order some food then. Everyone else shouldn't have eaten their dinner yet too'.Fay is silent.'Stir fried meat please', Fay gives his smile out of habit to the waiter.Fay is silent again the entire time.Lisa noticed his eyes are, too focused on the meal he is eating."Fay, is something wrong?".'No no… I am just tired', he said so with another smile as usual."Didn't you take a nap before?"."Ah yes… I just, still feel tired".'Oh… Maybe you are sick. We can get to the apothecary, or maybe see Eli'."Ah no no… I just feel tired, it's nothing much really".Lisa felt something is off. But don't want to make an assumption.Soon each member of the party come one by one and is surprised Fay is there. After a simple explanation of 'accidently took a nap', everyone just shrugs it off.Fay sees Wain, holding some meat skewers in a cup."Fay… I got this for you but it's already cold".Fay went to hug him tight."Fay? What's wrong?".Honestly, Fay felt like he had done Wain wrong. Because he let his body touched by another man. It's not his fault he knows that, but still…Fay looks at Wain. He wore the ear ring he bought him. Fay buried his head into his chest, wanting comfortWain is confused, but he still tried to comfort him. He felt something was off. Wain went to hug him and pat his back.After Fay had calmed down, everyone went to a desolate location. Fay opened a portal back to their room in the town Angis.Fay dragged wain to the bed. Climbing on top of him, unzipped his pants, and taking off his shirt."F-Fay? What's the rush? Relax".Wain is wagging his tail and twitching his ears. Does Fay had a 'in heat' period of time like wolf tribes do?But he looked at Fay. His eyes look empty. Wain doesn't understand. He never showed this look. He doesn't even smile teasingly or blushes as usual.Fay wants to 'purify' himself. Even if his soul is not in that body, it's still him.It's a hot night. Wain didn't get a wink of sleep at all as Fay keep pushing his limits. He is happy until it's the 4th time. All his energy left his body. Fay had never gone past 2 rounds before.But that isn't the problem.It's bizarre. Wain even felt a bit weirded out and taken aback at what Fay is doing.Fay is… Lathering it… All over his own body.He's never seen this. It's even a bit creepy honestly. Not that he cares if Fay had any kind of fetish but… Fay had never smiled at him not even once the entire time.Fay looks at Wain with his round eyes. He can see, although it's dark his eyes are watery."Fay… What's wrong?".'Nothing. I am just… Tired".'Wain, let's take a bath'.Wain nodded and just followed Fay to the bath. They had to change the sheets as well, since Fay make things messier.'Fay, quickly cleanse your Soul Gem. It's corrupting you'.Fay stared at Kyubey in silence. He conjured his Soul Gem. He sees the dark grimes had polluted his Soul Gem halfway. He placed a magic crystal. Only little of it get purified. After using more than 10 magic crystals that the Soul Gem becomes clear and bright. Although… there is a very faint darkness enveloping it now.Fay felt twice as better afterwards. He went to hug Wain, wanting his comfort.Wain can only caress his hair.'Fay, I will listen if you have anything troubling you'."It's nothing really. It's just, something about my past". Fay lied through his teeth.Wain nodded in understanding. Fay had once told him about his previous lover, and how it went so wrong. Maybe Fay got reminded of things, he guessed wrongly.…Elvis went to his room, and see the door handle is broken.He opened the door to see Trevor had already sleep in his bed.He will ask about the door handle later. He took a quick bath and opened the closet to change his clothes. He noticed something big in the right side of closet, where Trevor kept his clothes. He opened the door on the right side of the closet.!!!He almost had a heart attack. Because Fay's body is sitting down inside.He had to look twice in confusion. Why is it here?Aside from the empty body itself being a little weird and bizarre, but why it's in Trevor's closet?He had something wild in his imagination but quickly shoo it away. Although he does notice Trevor liked Fay, he doesn't think his roommate would take things too far. He shrugs it off. He will ask Trevor tomorrow.…Trevor had woken up and took a bath.Elvis who happens to wake up went to ask the most important question."Trevor…". He yawned a little."Why is… Fay's body in your closet?".Trevor kept his silence. He doesn't even look at Elvis."Why is our door knob broken anyways".Trevor still don't answer. After he wear his clothes, he just walked out of the room. It's so early in the morning, even the adventurer guild isn't open yet. Where is he going????He had a thought about a possible scenario. He shooed it away once more.Everyone went to eat breakfast at the same time as usual. Except Trevor."Is Trevor still asleep?". Wain asked Elvis.'No. He went out. Not sure where to'.Afterward they head out to the adventurer guild. The team is split as they take simple quests to cull down beast populations around the town and villages.Fay went with Lisa to kill some giant wolves disturbing a nearby village. Fay uses a single rapier in his hand to cleanly cut the giant wolf. He stabbed it directly into its eye and its skull with one thrust. As if it's butter. And another one. And another one.Lisa is weirded out. Because had always slashed through his space portal. But he went into melee range and cut the wolf down with his own hand directly this time."Fay why are you not using your space magic?".Fay turned around to see Lisa.His shirt is soaked from blood of wolves, and some blood splattered on his cheek.'I am practicing'. Fay said so with his usual smile. The smile, his eyes, and even the blood on his cheek, it all makes Fay seemed so wrong.Lisa unconsciously took a step back. A sweat formed on his forehead.Why Fay seems so… off?Lisa look at the wolve corpses, their organs spilling everywhere.What practicing? It's a slaughter as Fay effortlessly swing his blade at the dumb dogs. Some dogs even manage to bit Fay legs but it can't even pierce his skin because his current body is too tough.Lisa got worried but when she sees it's fine, she realises what Fay meant it's a better body. But putting that aside something is definitely off about him.She just hopes Fay would return to his usual demeanor soon.…Elvis had just done killing some kobolds. He felt useful for once as he shoots down more than 30 kobolds by himself as he climbed and jumped from trees to trees. Indeed he, an elven archer is more specialised in this kind of quests.He went back in the evening to submit the quest completion. He went out of the guild and stretched his hand, feeling a bit sore from shooting many arrows.He sees a familiar figure in the corner of his eyes. It's Trevor. He is walking out of a bar that deals with variety of alcohols.The guys; except Fay who don't drink; occasionally indulge themselves drinking once every month or two. But to see him drink this early in the evening.Elvis sees Trevor is walking while stumbling. He sighed and went to carry him over his shoulder. Damn Trevor is so big and heavy.He had to support his unstable walking and lay him down on bed. Why is he like this, drunk so early?"Trevor, what's wrong with you?".Trevor suddenly burst out in tears.Elvis is taken aback.He tried to connect the dot. Fay obvious out of usual behavior, Fay spare body in his closet, and how he went missing in the Capital and took a nap back in Angis, and how Trevor stayed in his room because of a fever, and now this.His face becomes more and more twisted the more he thinks. Because it made sense."Trevor. Did you… Do something?".Trevor is still silent.Elvis had to make a confirmation. He put his hand on Trevor's closet."Don't!".Trevor stood up and rushed to stop Elvis.Elvis released his hand. He already sees the body. He just wants to see it more clearly."Why is his body here?".'…'."Let me see it…".Elvis went to open the closet. Trevor didn't stop it this time.He lifted and moved some of the hanged clothes covering bits Fay's body. The light from the setting sun still makes it clear.There are faint marks on the necks and body.Elvis isn't a virgin so he knew what this mark is.He doesn't know how this happens. How his friend fall to this level. He had never thought, not in the slightest, Trevor would do this.And he secretly wished at least even if he wants to do something like this, he should have kept it an absolute secret. He knows that Fay knew.He doesn't want this party, and their friendships to be ruined because of this.Elvis had a headache.He's sure Fay had saw what Trevor did. It must have devastated him a lot.Trevor had been close friends with Wain for years. They all make their party with them 3 as it's initial member.It's really a mess. Trevor is his friend as well. He doesn't have a heart to kick him out of the party. But Fay is hurt from this. He can't make a decision. He is the party leader and this is the first time he has to make a major decision. Even Mithril rank quest whatever aren't as important.Elvis closed the closet door and had to go out of the room to take in fresh air.…Can they really go for mithril rank beast like this? No, that doesn't even matter. Can the party even stay as it is? Its only Fay and Trevor having problems with each other, as long as Wain and others don't know this...Is it wrong, to hope and wish it stays just between them?At most, the worst comes to worst is Fay refusing to support Trevor at all. But he is the tank and had full set of heavy armour so… It should be fine. He made his calculations. His heart feels heavy, for what Fay is feeling, and the future of their party.He just hopes with time Fay can forgives him. He doesn't know if he should talk to Fay. He can't defend Trevor. He is completely in the wrong. He even deserved to be kicked out of the party entirely.His heart felt hurt just thinking about what would ensue if Wain finds out. They had always been the closest before Fay joined them.He just hopes, that don't happen....Elvis returned to his room."Trevor. Get rid of his body".Elvis almost choked on his own words saying that.He can't leave this body here. It's... an evidence of a sin committed. He don't think he or Trevor could give it back to Fay. They don't have the heart to give it back.He felt bad for wanting to bury this issue entirely. He knows Fay personality, he definitely loves Wain, and he knew Trevor is a friend of his. He wouldn't want to ruin everything either.Yes... it isn't a big issue....