
Horrifying effects

Elysia opened the door to let Clara in and as soon as she did Clara sprinted in. Elysia closed the door and went back to the bed and sat next to Shaman.

Clara stood in the middle of the room looking around trying to find a place to hide.

"Uhhh, Why are you trying to hide in the first place?" Shaman was rather confused by why Clara came to their room and she needed answers.

"Because I annoyed Himeko, I need to escape her till she calms down." Stress could be seen on Clara's face as she spoke which concerned Shaman and Elysia as they were wondering what could she have done to cause her to run away and hide.

"I know what you are thinking, I may or may not have thought it was a good idea to tamper with the tea I gave her and put just a tiny bit of one of the hottest chillies in, so now I am on the run." Clara explained what had happened which was not the kind of scenario they expected.

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