
I've made a promise

The room was full of despair and even the doctors shed tears, upon the sad death of my mother, Elena Martinez. It sounded like a joke to me at first, but later sunk in, after two days or so, why it sounded like a joke was because of the promise we made .

Elena Martinez was a head Medical director at Shira hospital, it might sound weird coming from me her son but I'll say it anyway, my mom was gorgeous and to be honest i don't know what she saw in my Goofy looking dad "Carlos Martinez".

Anyways back to the promise , my mom never loved my dad that was pretty obvious cause they both openly had lovers outside the house, sounds bweird right ? But it's true. She told me on her death bed before she dies, I should find a person I truly love and be with them no matter the situation, unlike her and my dad who were both forced into an arranged marriage cause their parents were friends. I casually agreed and laughed it off, not knowing that it was the last time my mom would ever talk to me. The promise, then kept ringing in my head for two weeks after she had died. So I then decided to set out on a journey to find the one I love, even ruled out my plans on a clipboard. Titled "operation find my lover '

Written by Jake Martinez.

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