
I've been isekai to a weird game

The protagonist has been transferred into a game world and is now having to fight for his life how will he survive this new world

Christian_Evans_1835 · Anime und Comics
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Where Am I?

Hi, my name is isamashii last thing I remember was minding my business, then I ended up in a forest. well, I guess I better get moving try finding a road and ask where I am. Isamashii began to walk through the forest until he came across something that was weird. he saw what seemed to be a door in the middle of nowhere, he started talking to himself about who would put a door out here he was shocked, but he didn't care. He opened the door playing around until he got teleported into what he can imagine is a dungeon.

Once he looked around, he was scared because he doesn't know what is happening to him, then out of nowhere a screen popped up. It said welcome player Isamashii was confused because he didn't expect to see a screen and get teleported to a dungeon. What is going on I'm so confused how many times am I going to keep getting lost I got to get home my head's starting to hurt. well let's ask this system if I can get home hey system?

The system then answered yes player what do you wish to know? Isamashii then asked if there is a way to get home. It answered no then it said player monsters are coming we must clear the dungeon so we can leave. Wait did you say dungeon then out of nowhere a monster came from the darkness and it tried to stab him he pushed it's hand away and countered he punched the monster in the face. it flew backwards then a group of them came at him.

He said bring it on they came at him as a group they tried to go from every side. Isamashii was ready he got in a fighting stance he closed his eyes to enhance his other senses then he heard footsteps in front of him he then opened his eyes grabbed the monsters hand then grabbed its knife then stabbed it and kicked it back. the other monstered went in together Isamashii then got ready again he kicked one away stunning long enough to fight the other monster. He ended the fight as quickly as it started then he fought the last monster. and he got cut isamashii figured it was due to him being tired he won that fight and took a break. he sat down questioning what he should do next then the system said beat the boss to leave isamashii said I know mom.

Isamashii then realized it was just like a game he said stats the system opened a window showing everything he has. Isamashii was shocked seeing how low they were but then he saw his skills "forgotten martial arts level 1" "enhanced senses" "mind of the purest". Not bad skill's I'm guessing these are why I am still alive so far my stats I will boost each of them by 2. Ok let's move onto the hard part fighting the boss Isamashii then began to make his way to the boss chamber when he got to it their was a big door that just screamed boss, well lets go in.

Woah your quite big aren't you well how will I deal with this ogre. Isamashii looked around to find a way to beat his opponent then he saw their was a sharp stone in the middle of the room. He made a plan to lure the boss their it was time to wake it up. Isamashii threw stone at the ogre it hit its eye the boss was in pain. it let out a loud roar Isamashii was stunned for a few seconds then he ran to the middle of the room. the ogre slammed his club down trying to hit Isamashii but it missed in that same second Isamashii jumped onto the club of the boss and started running up it the ogre tried to get him off he slammed his club and swung it back and forth but somehow our hero managed to hang on. Then Isamashii jumped off the club and threw the knife he got from the monsters before it hit the stone cutting it and dropping it on the ogres head. then the boss turned into a bunch of loot "giants armor" "club of doom" " ogre leather" they were all D to E tier. Isamashii was happy he was done with that he then saw the system screen pop up saying "would you like to leave?" he then said yes and he made it out of the dungeon cut but alive.