
Debut of Rabbit and Leaf

"Alright, children, the time is now." Mother Guan knelt before Ji Tianshan and Ji Haogui, a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Uh, Auntie Guan?" Ji Haogui grabbed tufts of his white shirt, a new one that Mother Guan had bought for him. To his left, Ji Tianshan stood in a tiny white dress, smiling happily.

"Yes, Haogui?"

"Are you sure it's okay for me and Tianshan to do that thing?"

Mother Guan smiled much like a doting grandmother, rubbing Ji Haogui's cheek. "Of course. No matter what happens, the other village elders and I will ensure no one gets hurt. Besides, the Great Logean Wuji himself will be there."

Ji Haogui seemed relieved, but a part of him was still worried that things would go wrong. In the past, whenever he and his sister had gotten carried away, his aunt would have to rush in and stop them from wreaking havoc. There had even been times where people had gotten hurt, which had left him bitter.

Now that he was being told to go all out, he once again felt that bitter feeling rise up. Images of the people that were injured because of him and his sister started to fill his mind. He lowered his head, biting him lower lip.

As for Tianshan, she was beyond excited. Eyes shining brightly, she looked up at Mother Guan, enthusiastic as she said, "The Young Master Logean from Aunt Gu's stories? Wow! He's real?"

Mother Guan smiled as she slid open the door of the room, motioning for them to follow her out. "He is, indeed. You'll see him soon enough."

"Oh my wow! Is it true that he once punched a giant and made him cry, then boom, he made the ocean?"

"Oh, well that's not really-"

"Oh! Oh! Is it true that he once spat on a star and extinguished the fire, then boom, he created the moon?"

"Actually, Tianshan, he-"

"Wait, wait, wait! Are you telling me that it's true that he once punished a dragon for misbehaving by removing its limbs and created snakes by accident? That's insane!!!"

Mother Guan no longer knew what to say- or try to say. She just nodded and smiled weakly, allowing Ji Tianshan to ramble on and on.

Back in the plaza, things were getting a bit lively. On the stage, two rogue cultivators were battling it out. Their cultivation bases were both low, but their tenacity and willpower were astounding.

Even so, Logean Wuji sighed and downed a mouthful of tea. As evening got closer and closer, he began to think about the people he'd seen so far. Ling Jian'er and Cyrus were definitely surprising, especially Cyrus who had something inherent in his soul. Logean Wuji could have sensed it, but he decided to wait until after he had made a decision.

'Gouki and Yuenu were fine as well, but they aren't what I'm looking for in my students. That 'Ton Lon' as well. He seems to be something of a loose cannon, going wherever he pleases. Xiao Wanshou also needs less teaching, more guidance. Zhou Hua and Zhou Mantiao, I guess they both need to be instructed on just how far and wide the Culinary Dao reaches.'

As he remained in deep thought, Mother Guan and the children had approached the stage.

Seeing one of the village elders with two children, the people were intrigued to say the least. In the crowd, Xun Gu smiled warmly and waited for them to go up. Once they did, she waved at them from where she was, giving them two thumbs up. Ji Tianshan was excitedly beaming at the crowd, but Ji Haogui was sweating and nervous.

Suddenly, Ji Tianshan grabbed his hand and looked at him. "Don't worry, Haogui. Look up there!"

Following his sister's finger, he looked up to see Logean Wuji smiling down at them. His mouth fell open and his eyes sparkled intensely. "Tianshan.... Is that... Superman?"

"No silly, that's Young Master Logean from Aunt Xu's stories. Remember? He farted one time and created the clouds in the sky!"

"Cough! Cough!" Logean Wuji almost choked on his tea, causing Ye Hong and Ling Ji'er to look at him, confounded.

'Who the hell started that ridiculous rumor? I suddenly feel like destroying something.'

Taking the time to look upon Logean Wuji with wonder and amazement, the children's moods skyrocketed. Even Ji Haogui was beginning to feel more and more up for it. He tightened his grip on his sister's hand and then flashed a happy smile.

"I'm Ji Haogui!"

"I'm Ji Tianshan!"

"We are," they shouted in unison, "the lightning!"

With a thought, their bodies exploded into singularities of light, each wave racing toward another. Those two masses of light were assmiliated into one, resulting in a blinding flash and a sound like the thunderous peals of a lightning storm. Many people cried out and took several steps back, shielding their eyes or ears- in some cases both.

As for the children, they had come together to form a single entity, the amalgamation of their selves. Long black hair, one blue eye and one green eye and standing at almost five and a half feet tall, their combined self looked down at the people with a blank stare. Electric sparks buzzed to life around them, causing their hair to slowly spike up.

Mother Guan had, at this time, flown up to Logean Wuji's side. While hovering humbly in the air beside him, she spoke softly about the children down below.

"Ji Tianshan and Ji Haogui, both of them possessing a single lightning spirit body between them."

"They're twins?"

"Indeed they are, Sir Wuji. Though inexperienced, their bodies are able to devolve into particles of light, then combine to complete each other's deficits. I believe that, with Sir Wuji's guidance, they could realize the truest essence of lightning."

Logean Wuji raised a brow in pleasant surprise, "I've only ever seen shared spirit bodies three times before- but never among twins. Their shared bloodline will enable them to overcome any of the usual difficulties, and they're still incredibly young to boot. I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued, Avalokiteshvara."

Mother Guan was stunned for a moment, having heard Logean Wuji call her by that name. Her mouth gaped for a short while as she struggled to speak, but she soon regained her calm composure. "I'm pleased to hear it, Sir Wuji."

While they were speaking Ji Tianshan and Ji Haogui were also discussing matters amongst themselves. Within the combined spirit body, their minds - though one- were able to retain individuality. With thoughts they spoke to each other, deciding how best to showcase their abilities.

"Haogui, we should do the thing!"

"Huh? What thing, Tianshan?"

"You know... The Double-Homicide Chaotic Lightning Bolt of Destruction and Power!" As soon as Ji Tianshan said this, the electric energy around their body spiked, going out of control for a short while.

A tiny streak of white light shot over to a random member of the crowd, striking them on the head and rendering them unconscious.

"Oi! Watch it, kid... kids... Whatever!" Ji Tianshan and Ji Haogui gave an apologetic smile then tried to avoid looking in that direction from then on. The people who were closest to the unconscious woman saw a white and jagged line run down from her forehead to her left eye, glowing and shining with all the splendor of lightning. Suddenly, her eyes opened. In them, all could see the flickering, wild dance of electric arcs.

She, an ebony, raven-haired woman, shot to her feet and stared in shock at her hands.

"I... I feel so.... Fast!" She started to jog on the spot, covered in a similar-looking electric energy. It closely resembled the kind of energy exuded by the twins, so the quick witted people were instantly able to figure out what happened.

As for the woman, she was zipping around with superhuman speed, leaving a trail of fire and lightning in her wake. People were pushed aside by a blur that kept on darting through the crowd faster than they could perceive. Eventually she stopped, her hands on her hips and her head held high, "My name is Rialin Ba, and I am the fastest woman alive!"

The twins, namely Ji Tianshan, was laughing her head off about it. Ji Haogui, on the other hand, was stressing over whether or not the woman would be okay in the long term. Soon enough, he got back to the matter at hand.

"Tianshan, we have to come up with something else, okay? Don't you remember what happened last time we did that move?"

"Of course I do, but its okay this time. No one will get hurt because the Super Young Master is here."

In his spirit, Ji Haogui knew his sister was right. Even so, he could not help but feel apprehensive. Ji Tianshan had always been carefree and wild like this, so everything they botched together weighed on him the most.

"Okay, Tianshan. Just promise me you won't overdo it."


The twins then lifted a hand into the air, their eyes scanning the plaza to find a suitable target. Suddenly, Ji Tianshan had a bright idea.

"Are you crazy? You want to attack the Young Master?"

"Yup! He should be able to take it, right?"

With a hand in the air, their fusion channeled more energy than ever before. The white energy imbued in their very bones poured out and gathered in the palm of that hand, producing a thick golden sphere. "Alright Haogui, it's now or never!"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Hehe! Nope!"

Their mouth opened as they emitted a shout, both of their voices clearly heard in it, "Double-Homicide Chaotic Lightning Bolt of Destruction and Power!"

The golden sphere in their hand vanished in a ray of scintillating light, piercing the thin cloud cover and stirring up an immediate thunderstorm. Cold, biting winds blew from every direction as the world dimmed and various colors flashed in the sky.

Logean Wuji sighed. He had been privy even to their internal conversation, therefore he knew exactly what was coming. Looking up, he saw that two lightning dragons had been born from the golden energy sphere. They consumed the raw thunderforce around them, turning it into energy for them to use to grow in size multiple times over. In a few short seconds, those two golden dragons were more than a five hundred meters long and had gaping maws that could swallow small mountains.

"Tianshan! What did you do!?" Ji Haogui cried out in despair.

"Ah... Well I might have put too much of my energy into it."

"How much!?!?"

"Just a little bit... Like, 90 percent..."

"Tianshan, you-"

At that moment, the golden dragons seemed to come to life, obtaining a mind of their own. They danced a flying serpentine maneuver while searching for Logean Wuji. Once they found him, they swirled around each other before soaring through the air toward him. Two giant dragons filled the immediate sky overhead, causing a wave of cries to erupt from the unsuspecting crowd.

"What are those!?!?"

"Is it a bird? A plane? Wait... Oh my goodness! Those chickens are going to attack Sir Wuji!"

"Goodness! Someone call the chef lady over, quick!"

"Run for my life!"

As for the twins, they were both starting to panic and attempting to stop their own attack. Unfortunately for them, they found that they no longer had any control over their creations. At some point, their connection to the golden sphere was severed, leaving it with a prime directive: Kill Logean Wuji.

Without a word, Logean Wuji stood up to receive the attack. The dragons arrived within a few inches of him, prepared to fly straight into him and deliver an attack with the combined power of around a thousand bolts of lightning.

He frowned, expressing his non-verbal disapproval for the golden dragons before him. That was all it took.

Both dragons vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. Complying with his will, the laws of the world erased them completely and totally. There was no trace left.

The twins were stunned silent, their lack of focus causing them to split apart and return to their original forms. However, what happened next caused them both to stiffen up.

"Ji Tianshan, Ji Haogui! Explain this to me!" Logean Wuji's voice filled the entire space. It was so loud, thunderous and universal that the people felt it would easily encompass the entire world.

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