
I'm Still In love with my Ex

There are many people who can't move-on or it takes a lot of time before they forget someone, either romantic love, family or friend. The big question is why there's a people like them? Why do we need to let go of someone whom we can't live without? Georgina Alvarez, an 18 years old senior high school student is not an exemption of this kind of love, to choose between her family and special someone is difficult to do. She has a burden to carry on at a young age. Happiness, love and contentment, it's the only thing she wish to have from the very first but difficult to get because of her mother who keeps getting on her way. Even so, she choose to let go of the person who can give all she want to protect her own family. She left him with ellipsis rather than a single period. As the day past, they continue to live a life with only their family in mind. Not until one day, after a year and half of not seeing each other they met again. The man whom she loved and still in love with, Giovanni Javier. Can they finally put a period rather than a question mark on their story? Is there any chance they came back on each other arm or end up getting their forgiveness instead? Can they say, 'I'm still in love with my Ex,' or they will choose to let go each other?

Ruemari_Cordan · Teenager
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62 Chs


"Argh! Let me go, Van!"

Georgina tries to get out of his grip, but it's nonsense. He just continue to drag him into the parking lot.

"Get inside," he said.

He open the door for her, but she hesitates for a second. She knows he's still mad. In fact, she's nervous about being left alone with him. The Giovanni Javier she knows is a total different from the man in front.

"I said get inside. Do you want me to push you?"

Instead answering him, she just clenches her fist and gets inside the car. Giovanni walks towards the driver's seat, wearing the seat belt as soon as he went inside so she did it too. An awkward silence lingers in the car while he scans something on his phone. It only took a second before she heard something ring.

"Jin, pick Kiela at the mall. I have an urgent business to do... Just do as I say,"

After saying those words, he ends the call and starts the engine. She didn't know where they were going, but throughout the driving, she didn't ask anymore. It's already dark outside when they reach the main road. There's still many people around. Amidst of the long silence, Georgina's phone rings. She looked at the screen and saw 'Mr. Stealer', for a reason she's hesitating either to accept the call or not, but before it happens, Giovanni snatches the phone. Even though she wanted to protest, no words came out of her mouth as their eyes met.

After an hour long drive, they stop in front of the luxurious restaurant. They walked and visited different shop inside the mall. She couldn't get on track on time. She didn't know it's already past dinner time. A sigh escape from her mouth—about to open the door, but it is open before she can push it.


No words, no necessary reaction. Georgina went outside in silence. They walk inside the restaurant, one of the employee escort them to a reserved table. On their way, she can't stop looking around the area. It's very luxurious inside or outside. The white and gold theme off with a touch of western style gives a rich vibe. Even the people look elegant and respected.

In the middle of mesmerizing the surrounding, she jolted out when Giovanni pull her closer to him. She looks at him with confusion, but his attention locked in one direction. The moment she looks at it, her body abruptly stops. Her eyes stuck in the same area as the memories from before came back.

"G-Georgina?!" Her uncle Rex said in surprise.

"U-Uncle? Why are you with that woman?" she asked, even though she knows the reason.

Coleen, her mother, wipe her mouth elegantly and chuckled. "I should be the one asking you the same question, Gina. Why are you with him? Are you trying to fool me?"

Georgina grit her teeth out of anger, looks straight at her with those mad eyes. There's no reason for her mother to get mad when she's the one whom with someone she shouldn't be. Even if there're many words inside her head, question want to ask and facts want to hear, none of it came out. It's as if the disgusting scene she saw inside her uncle's office keep replaying without a break. She looks down—try hard not to shed tears or show any weakness in front of them.

"Gina, isn't it time for you to separate from him? Do I need to emphasize it or make a scene here?" Coleen gaze at her with a stern look.

"Y-you..." She's about to reach her, but Giovanni step forward between them.

"Gia is not a child for you to mandate."

"What? You have guts to talk back to me child, you shouldn't meddle with our own family affair. Just focus on your own. In that way, you can protect them."

Giovanni didn't say a word after her mother said those words. She saw him clenching his fist tight but restrain to show any anger.

"I heard there are many investors who pulled out in your small company, any time it will go bankrupt. You better surrender than fight," she laughs. Those words couldn't escape from Georgina's ears. She even saw the shock face Giovanni made.

"Coleen, don't bully the child." Rex said, drinks his wine.

Even if she tries hard not to make a scene or make everything complicated, her anger still arises. She looked around and saw the next table. There's a soup in front of an old man. It's not even half but without notice, she take it and splashes on her mother's face, which gathers a lot of attention. Coleen and Rex looks surprise and give her a disbelief look, but rather than feel intimidated, she looks back with full of madness. She throw the bowl in front of Coleen that made her startle. There're many murmurs around. It became louder as time passed.

"What are you doing Georgina? Don't you have any manners? How can you throw something to your own mother?" Rex said in furious. He walks towards her mother's side and wipes a tissue on it. "Is this the thing you learn through that man? How naive and immature."

"Naive? Immature? Don't make me laugh, Rex Serrano." The two looks at her with surprise. "Is it fun to fool your half brother behind his back? You're just a mere shadow of my father. How come you have guts to overpower him?"

"What are you saying? Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't hide everything. I caught the two of you flirting with each other, heard how you f*cking made fun of my father's foolishness and how you look down on me. You, that evil witch, and your shameless son, Zairus Serrano, are a perfect family. It's a disgusting family,"

"How dare you talk to me like that, Georgina Alvarez?" Her mother stand up and slap her hard, but she didn't react and slap her back.

"Are you guilty? I've received too much pain. Even your slap is nothing but an ant bite on me." She said.

"You crazy brat dare to hurt me again with your filthy hand..." She's about to grab her hair but Giovanni holds her wrist, pushes her away. "Argh! Y-you... The both you..."

Georgina looks down on her who's sitting on the ground look helpless. Her eyes are quivering, stare at them with disbelief while Rex supports her back asking if she's fine. Even without looking around, those people's eyes are on them.

"I will make the two of you pay for all of this,"

"Do whatever you want. If you're mad at me, then put all of it on me alone. Don't pull other people with our own war."

"Ma'am, Sir, can you please step outside our restaurant? You're making a scene and our customer is not comforta—" one of the staff came to stop Georgina, but she brush his hand off.

"We'll be leaving this place. I can't endure any seconds breathing the same air as the evil witch." She said before looking at them again. "I have one last word for you. I've been thinking a lot since early this morning. Many things happened that none of it makes sense anymore but..."

"Don't blabber any words anymore, crazy brat," Coleen said.

"You can fool my father and brother, but not me evil witch and same as you, Rex Serrano. From today on, both of you are just a pest lurking in our garden. I will make both of you pay from humiliation and pain you give to us. Mark my word, I'll make you fall down to the deepest hole without climbing up again." She turns her back to them and drags Giovanni outside, but after only a few steps, they stop. They heard Coleen laugh diabolically.

"Don't make me laugh Gina, both of you are just child. You can't even understand how adults play,"

A smirk form to Georgina's mouth before turning in her direction again. "You're right, I don't know how adult play their game but don't expect to know either how this so-called child plays their game. Have fun with your little family gathering. It's so disgusting."

They heard Coleen shout out of anger, but neither of them turn back until they reach the parking lot. Both of them go inside the car in silence. The frigid atmosphere seems arises, no one dares to talk. Even his aura is not good to see, as if he's about to kill.

"I-I'm sorry," she choose to break the silence.

"What is going on there, Gia? Jin called me before you left the Serrano Company, crying without explaining the reason."

She fidgets, head bows down. "I know you know the reason. She's cheating on my father. Those two have a relationship even before she came back. The man she talked to in the cafe is their child, which I thought was my cousin."

He chuckled. "It's not on purpose. We bump into them, but..." Giovanni lifts her chin to face him. "You did a great job today, Gia."

They stare at each other for a few seconds. In those few seconds, her heart doesn't stop from beating fast. It seems like he can even hear how loud it beats. Little by little, his face is going near here. This kind of action made her nervous, but before something happened, his phone rings. They both came back from reality and look away from each other. Georgina look outside the window while Giovanni answer the phone. It took a few minutes before he could finish talking with someone over the phone, but even without asking; she knows it's Kiela Fuentes.

He ends the call as soon as they finish and start the engine. "Sleep over at my house. Let's trigger your mother more than today's scene."

"H-huh? W-why? You can just drop me on the bus sto—"

"Do what I said. Either it will be helpful in our plan or not doesn't matter. We just need to add fuel to the situation so she might feel threatened a little."

"B-but... What if she's serious about what she blurted out?"

"Whatever happens, you're the one who's responsible for cleaning up all this mess. Am I wrong?"

She didn't give an answer and let him do whatever plan he has in mind. There's no way this plan doesn't have a risk to take. She knows how evil his mother is more than anyone. As long as someone backs her up, then everything will get played by her. Unless you have a great counterattack. Everything happened today. She doesn't have a good feeling about it.


The next morning, Giovanni takes Georgina home around noon.

The sun is already at its peak, but the surrounding around the subdivision is quiet. No one talks between them when they reach the house. She's about to step outside but a familiar white luxurious car is in front of them. Her brows frown when a black suited man stands beside the car.

"What are you waiting for? Do you want me to open the door for yo—"

"She's here."


"The evil witch..."

Giovanni looks in front of the car. His brows frown, but later on, a smirk forms into his mouth. "The plan works than I expected. Let's go inside."


"Don't give me that look. Let's go." She heaves a sigh and follows him towards the house.

In front of the door, they even saw a two men in black standing like a palace guard, but they ignore it and went inside. As soon as they came, Georgina saw the familiar figure of her mother sitting on the sofa while Marga, whom she made eye contact, get surprise.

"G-Gina..." Marga mumble, it made her mother look behind. As soon as she saw the man beside, her eyes change to a rage.

"You're a shameless child. How come you bring that man here?" She shouted, stand up in anger.

"I can bring whoever I want here. It's our house, not yours. If there's someone who's not invited here, it's you."

"Y-you really getting on my nerves, Georgina Alvarez!" Her voice raises again as she throws the tea cup towards Georgina. She avoided it and hit the door instead.

"Did you get hurt? You're fine, right?" She flinches when Giovanni wraps his right arm around her waist while the other touch her face.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She gives him a smile.

Coleen laugh with restraint, clenches both fists in madness while looking at the two. She walks towards them with rage. The menacing aura came out from her body made Marga flinch. There's no way she'll understand what Giovanni and Georgina want to do. They know well it'll make Coleen gone berserk, but both of them try to provoke her.

Amidst of the silence, a loud slap broke it. All of them look in the same direction. It's Coleen who slaps Giovanni's face as hard as she can. Even Georgina, who stands beside him, got startled. Her hands reach out to his arm, trembles. A chill run down through her spine when she saw the ominous aura on his face. He's mad.

"You shouldn't provoke me, Mr. Javier. What you are planning won't work on me. Both my bodyguards caught the person who's tailing me all this time." The two look at her in surprise. "What's his name again? Jin Carson? Thanks to Margarette I didn't need to hire someone just to know his identity."

Georgina looks at Marga, who's standing in the same place from before with head bows down. She grit her teeth.

"What did you do to him? What did you f*cking do to him?" He grabs her collar, stares at her with those intense mad glares.

"You shouldn't act this way if I am you," she chuckled. He tightened the grip on the collar before he push her away.

"Where's Jin? Tell me, where is he?"

"Bring him over here," she mandated the man in black.

After a few seconds, two men came inside holds the almost unconscious man. They push him on the floor without hesitation. It's Jin Carson, there's a bruise on his face, even the side of his lips are bleeding. Giovanni kneels down to help him get up but Georgina is standing still in the same place, clench both fists tight, it almost left a mark on her palm. She bites her lower lip until it bleeds.

"V-Van... I-I'm sorry,"

"You didn't do wrong."

"This is what you get from provoking me. You should learn your lesson. What you are planning will never happen anymore." Coleen said out of nowhere. It made Giovanni and Jin look at her.

"Y-you..." Giovanni's about to come towards her, but Jin stops him, shrugs his head.

"Y-you are the worst of the worst," Georgina mumble, she silently walks towards her. Marga saw what she's about to do and rush towards them and receive the slap for her auntie.

"Argh! G-Gina... You shouldn't do this..." she said while holding her left cheeks.

"What's this? Are you trying to raise your hands on me again, Georgina?" Her mother chortled out, gives a disbelief look.

A silence lingers in the living room. No one talks but stares at each other. A tear falls down to Georgina's eyes non stop. She wants to end all of this. Those thoughts are the only resolution running through her mind. It's still not clear to her why this thing happens, but one thing makes sense. Once she's gone from these people's sight, then everything will go back to normal again. A slight bitter smile escape her mouth because of the thought. She walk towards the vase displayed on the corner of the house. Without a word, she broke the vase that startled them. She picks up the most sharp pieces of the broken vase and walks back.

"G-Gina, what are you going to do with it?" Marga asked, but she push her aside, walk straight to her mother.

"Here." She gives the sharp piece of the vase to her. "It's better this way. You're eager to make my life a mess, right?"

"Of course I am,"

"Use it to end everything. If you're still not satisfied, then come with me in the next life. Let's finish everything there."

"Is this a new plan? You'll sacrifice yourself to make me a murdere—" she grab her hand and pointed the object at her neck. There's no hesitation or emotion in her eyes. "W-what..."

"Kill me. This way, I will become more miserable." She blurted out while tears falls down.