
Chapter 18

[Toneri's POV]

Packing all the stuff I need in my handbag, like clothes, items, money, and all the necessity I need, I closed the door behind me before taking out my phone


7:23 AM

You: Hey, Ryuu? I decided to accept your invitation... I'm heading to Japan right now. Just to be clear, how will I reach you guys?

7: 25 AM

Ryuu: Oh, You actually accepted our invite? That's surprising... Well, that's fine, at least there's more manpower...

Ryuu: Anyways, after you get here, contact me and I'll fetch you. After all, I am the one the referred you.

You: Thanks~ By the way, are the rest of the Japanese Hunters from the raid okay?

Ryuu: They're fine, thanks to you. Albeit Shimizu-san is still recovering mentally from her near-death experience... So much for a healer...

Ryuu: Well anyways, if you don't have more anything to ask, I'll go now. Other Hunters from the US and China also came about an hour ago... Gtg, bye.

You: Alright.


'Hunters from the US and China?'

Well, I guess Korea isn't the only nation Japan asked for help with this... I mean, I understand it too. I know it's far too early, but perhaps the appearance of the giant gates in Japan is still in its initial phase. And later on, more and more gates will appear until finally, Legia, the Monarch of Beginning's gate will appear.

If that is what truly is happening here, then I must be there at all costs. I have something to do there, specifically the monarch that is chained there.

'That... And seeing Japan's culture...'

What? You can't blame me for this. Despite working 'till I fall to the ground in my previous life, I still have some time for myself. And on some occasions, I watch some animes, making me somewhat interested in Japan's cultures. I won't go as far as calling myself a weeb though, that's for the hardcore otakus.

Well, with that in mind, I set off.

* * *

*BEEP* ×6

Right now, I am currently stuck in traffic. Okay, who would have expected that? Just a literal minute ago, the road was flowing smoothly, there weren't any cars building up. Except for stoplights, of course.

Then, all of a sudden, cars started piling up forming a traffic jam. That's not even the worst part, some people who stopped their car went out carrying their hunter equipment, leading me to a conclusion that a gate must have appeared nearby.

Why does this happen so frequently... I mean, I know it's the work of the rulers to hasten the development of humans by using the gates, but isn't this a little too much?


Slightly bowing my head down on the steering wheel, I let out a sigh

'If there really is a gate that spawned nearby, then I have no choice but to clear it... Though, I need permission from the chairman... That is if there are no guilds that have taken ownership of it yet...'

*Crack* ×2

Tilting my head and grabbing my nape, I loosened up a bit. I took out a phone and contacted the association.

Soon, a female voice rang out.

[This is the Hunters Association emergency call center, what seems to be the problem?]

(A/N: Before you ask, yes, this hotline exists.)

"Uh... Yes. Is there perhaps a gate that spawned near Busan? Specifically Gwanghali?"

[Yes, there is. A gate categorized as A-Rank appeared there. But don't worry, the Knights Guild are going to attempt to clear it.]

"Alright, thank you."


After the call, I put down my phone and finally understood the situation.

Now that I've observed my surroundings clearly... It is currently school hours... It's cloudy and it might rain any second... And the Knights Guild attempting to clear a gate...

'This was the time.'

Yep, it is exactly what I am thinking about. Today was the day when Jin-Woo's sister's school will get attacked by orcs

'But wait a minute... Isn't that a bit too fast? I mean it's only been...'

Jeju Island Raid → Funeral → Formation of Ahjin Guild → Cha Hae-In wants to join Jin-Woo's guild → Now.


Now that I've thought about it, after the Jeju Island raid, I stayed in the hospital for half a day? I think? Then the funeral ceremony for the hunters followed and on the same day, perhaps after being with me, Cha Hae-In went to Jin-Woo.

So the timeline is going according to what it originally is...

"I see..."

So even with my interference, the events of the original series will still happen. In the OG series, Min Beong-Gu was supposed to die on the raid, but now he's still alive because I killed Beru before he killed Beong-Gu.

Without Beru, Jin-Woo wouldn't have come to save them and show off his power. But for some reason, people from the OG series still interacted with him...

'Is this perhaps...'

'The legendary main character charisma?!'

'Or the will of the world(Plot armor)?!'


Well, thinking about this stuff won't help me get anywhere. It's best that I continuously interfere with the OG plot so I can minimize the number of people dying. I'm not trying to be a saint that would save everyone he sees here, I'm just doing what's morally right. I mean, who would not utilize the future memory of this world? Furthermore, seeing people die senselessly just doesn't sit well with me.

"Alright... Monologuing here won't do anything... If I run now, maybe I could still reduce the number of students that will die..."


After making my decision, I roughly exited the traffic jam and just left my car there. I'm sure it'll be fine. If not, I'll just find it if it were to be towed.

"Huh?! Look! Isn't that-!"

"Ok! You're right! It's Hunter Toneri! What's he doing here?"

"Will he clear the gate nearby?"

"I don't think so, after all, the Knights Guild are already there..."

Soon, the voices of people from their respective cars started to rise. I didn't stay much longer and disappeared from that place.

Now, I don't really know which school Jin Ah goes to. So, my plan? Use a sensing technique, duh.

Some may ask: But Toneri, how are gonna do that? How are you sure you can find a specific person out of thousands of people?

The answer? I don't know either. But it's worth the try, is it not?

For the distance of my sensing technique, coupled with my tenseigan which is technically the evolution of the Byakugan, it is obvious that the distance of my sensing technique is wide.

As for how to find a specific person from hundreds of thousands of people, it's quite easy. The answer is Mana.

Basically, in the Naruto world terms, I'm trying to locate the location of a person by finding their chakra signature. But in this world, I'll substitute the 'chakra' part with 'Mana'.

How am I gonna find Jin Ah's mana signature? Easy. Compare Sung Jin-Woo's mana to her. Yes, his mana comes from the shadow monarch (system), but he still has some slight mana when he was an E-Rank. So, using that, I can compare his mana for any similarities.

So, let us begin.

Closing my eyes, I activated my tenseigan and started widening my senses. From 20 meters to a full state, then to the whole country. If imagined, it will look like a giant radius with me at the center.

Now, filtering and sorting out people... Err... Ohh... This... is quite harder than I imagined... All sorts of information are entering my mind, specifically the Mana signature of hundreds of thousands of people... Of course, it's not only earth, my senses even entered dungeons, and oh boy does that place contain a big amount of mana. Disgusting ones, at that. Because of the monsters.



I think I'm getting a headache. Damn, how were the sensor-type shinobis even capable of this? It's like learning something new every 0.2 seconds and you have no choice but to memorize it... For someone who was living a normal human life a few months ago, this is something new to me...

I endured the increasing headache and focused my attention on people who have vitality signs lower than 20 years old to sort them out and...


Opening my eyes, I let out an internal shout.

Although I found 26 other mana signatures similar to Jin-Woo, there was only one who had the closest compatibility to him.

Finally finding the location, I spared no time and went there.

"Since this will be a long run, I should probably do 'that'." I muttered under my breath as I started running at full speed.

* * *

[General POV]

On a certain campus, dark clouds covered the sky, indicating that it was about to rain.

Students here are everywhere. Some are walking on the corridors while some are eating in the cafeteria, secretly. Of course, the majority are in their respective classrooms.

But on a certain building, the corridors were eerily quiet. There were a few students seen here. Add the weather, then the corridors become dark, making it eerily quiet.

And on a certain floor, three students were walking while chatting with each other.

It was currently their art class, but their art teacher forgot something in their locker so these three students were picked to fetch the items.

"Isn't this basically free labor?" Complained one of the students

"I know, right?" Replied a student at the back

"It's 'cause the art teacher forgot some supplies... He should do this himself, why does he have to let us do it?" Added the person at the front

"He had one job... Kek" The student at the back laughed

After a few minutes of walking, they finally reach the art room. Before opening the door, one student asked "How many plasters do we need to bring again?"

"I dunno... Six?"

"Why bother? Just bring 10 of 'em so we don't have to go back. Moreover, we could just let the art teacher bring them back with him..."

Entering the room, they were met with armchairs with canvasses on the front. Sculptures on top of the shelves were also present.

"*cough* Ah~ it's so dusty here, I might get asthma..." Complained the student at the front half-jokingly

"When was the last time this place was even cleaned? Ugh..." Asked the student at the side

"I think this place was left unattended since the last semester..." Answered one of the students while walking to the back of the class

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at something peculiar "Huh? Is that...?"

He leaned closer and saw a blue swirling portal. Immediately, he identified it. "Isn't this a gate?"

He jolted back for a moment and told the others. Meanwhile, the student at the front went closer and told them a bit fearlessly. "Why are you scared? From the looks of it, no monsters are pouring in, which means that this is a closed gate... Nothing comes out but we can go in."

"Look at it closely, it has no mana leakage, so it'll probably be a few more days before it opens." He added as he got a bit closer

Suddenly, one of the students remembered something. "Wait a minute... Didn't you say that this place has been left unattended for an entire semester?"

He then looked at the gate fearfully and added "And from the looks of it, this gate has just been discovered..."


Suddenly, the gate started showing effects of a mirror being shattered. Finally, the shattered glass effects increased more until finally, a weak shockwave happened.


Wind brushed across the faces of the students as they stare at the portal. Finally, a green hand appeared and grabbed the student at the front's head.

"MMMM!!! MMMMMMmmMMmmM!!!" The student struggled as his face was grabbed by the massive hand, lettingg out screams that were muffled.

"J-Jun Seok!!!" Shouted the student at the back

"H-HELP ME..!"



A figure suddenly flashed across the vision of the three students as a small blue swirling ball slammed on the hand that was grabbing the other student's head. The arm was blown off and the student got out of the grasp of the orc.

The student's face was covered in bruises, indicating that he was severely injured by the hand's grasp.

"You alive?" Asked the person who suddenly appeared

The three students were in a momentary shock before getting back in their senses and realizing who that person was.

"Y-You are...!" Muttered the student who was on the floor

"HUNTER TONERI?!" Continued the student at the back

Toner gave them a nod and told the two students while pointing at the one on the floor. "You two, get him to the infirmary and contact the association, alright?"

The two students nodded vigorously and helped the student on the floor slowly get up. They then carried him out of the room leaving Toneri with the gate.

"Well then, time to kill some orcs..." Toneri muttered


A/N: Note to self and the reader, don't laze around just because your homework's deadlines are far away. Now here I am, suffocating from the homework from all directions.


Before you ask how he was able to learn Rasengan, let me explain. It is an undeniable fact that Rasengan is hard to learn, but with massive chakra reserves and good chakra control, it can be done. With Toneri's upgraded Chakra Coils, his chakra control has tremendously improved.

But I know that massive chakra reserves and good chakra control doesn't immediately make you learn Rasengan, it's not sone kind of technique anyone with good chakra control can learn. You have to know how it is created and modified before being released as well as the Wind Affinity(Which the OG Toneri has).

How the Rasengan is conjured is actually quite easy (Said by Kakashi), but only a few individuals are capable of learning it because it is something that does not need hand signs.

Well, that's my understanding, so meh.

I'll explain more in the next chapter.

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