
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasie
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317 Chs

Chapter 314: Now is your chance. Do you want revenge?

When you got home that day, all you could think about were those scenes you were creating in your mind.

And the methods of cultivation, as well as the fantasy of becoming a super powerful person after successful cultivation.

But after all, that would involve killing someone, and you still didn't dare.

Just then, the hooligan who had been harassing your sister came to your house with her.

Not finding any adults at home, he, who had been unsuccessful in capturing your sister for a long time, was already feeling disgruntled.

He started to lay hands on your sister, only to be met with her curses.

Enraged, he slapped her, and then attempted to force himself on her.

Since he couldn't win your sister's heart, he decided to possess her.

Faced with fierce resistance from your sister, you rushed forward immediately to protect her.

Only to be kicked down by the opponent, writhing in pain on the ground.

He threatened your sister, saying if she dared to resist, he would kill you first, then her, as it made no difference to him to strike while the iron was hot.


Listening to Wang Yue's account, the Fiery Barbaric Cultivator Hao Gaoxiao also recalled the scene at that time, his aura becoming increasingly violent.

Long Wu and the Red-Clothed Female Ghost felt his aura at this moment, their faces changing drastically.

Growing even more solemn,

But from the aura, it could be judged that the other party was indeed very strong.

He himself was not his match.

They didn't know if Master Wang could handle it. If he couldn't, then everyone would meet their end here today.


However, Wang Yue remained calm and composed, continuing:

"Faced with the thug's threats, your sister no longer dared to resist."

"Because she could die herself, but she didn't want you to get into trouble."

"So, with tears in her eyes, she told the thug that he couldn't harm you, or else even if she turned into a ghost, she wouldn't let him off."

"The thug naturally agreed, as after all, living people can still provide some entertainment, but dead ones don't offer the same fun."

"Then, right in front of you, the thug started to have a deep conversation with your sister..."

Hao Gaoxiao suddenly roared, "Stop it! Damn it, all of you deserved to die!"

Then, a flying head beside him with a tongue like a sword shot towards Wang Yuefei.

Long Wu had been on guard against the enemy's attack, so he was prepared to strike at the first moment of the attack.

Before his fist could collide with the flying head's tongue, the long tongue was split into two, cut in the middle.

One piece fell to the ground, while the other was taken back by the flying head.

This made Long Wu punch the air with full force, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

The flying head also let out a miserable cry, fearfully looking at Wang Yue and the others.

At that moment, everyone tacitly refrained from making a move.

Their gazes were all fixed on Wang Yue. They all knew that it must be Wang Yue who would take action.

But they did not see how Wang Yue made his move, and the unknown was the most terrifying.

They realized that they had severely underestimated Wang Yue before.

With such methods, he could effortlessly take everyone's lives without a sound.

Long Wu felt extremely grateful that such a person was not their enemy; otherwise, it would be too frightening.

At the same time, the heavy expression on his face slowly relaxed.

With Master Wang present, today was secure...

The woman in red was also filled with excitement.

She saw hope for revenge.

After just experiencing the terrifying aura of Hao Gaoxiao, she had thought revenge was hopeless.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yue once again gave her a great surprise...

Hao Gaoxiao quickly retreated, widening the distance between himself and Wang Yue.

He also did not see how Wang Yue managed it.

Filled with fear for Wang Yue's mysterious and unfathomable ability, his heart sank deep.

Initially, he thought that even if Wang Yue was superior to him, it should be within certain limits, and he could still escape if he wanted to.

But now he no longer thought so.

Messing up today would be fatal...

With this in mind, he stared at Wang Yue and asked in a low voice, "How did you do it?"

Wang Yue's mouth curved slightly, giving a faint smile. Instead of directly answering Hao Gaoxiao's question, he simply said, "Interrupting others suddenly is not polite.

Where were we in our conversation just now?"

Hao Gaoxiao nearly spat out blood. Such insults were unwarranted...

Then Wang Yue continued, "And at that moment, you wanted to fight desperately, but you couldn't beat the opponent."

"Your eyes were filled with rage and you let out a helpless roar.

In that moment, how you wished to become strong."

"So strong that you could tear apart the scoundrel in front of you..."

"You thought of the Flying Head Barbaian cultivation secret technique, and with determination in your heart, you vowed to become a peerless master."

"Finally, after enduring half an hour of torment, the opponent left satisfied."

"And you, like a madman, ran out to retrieve the lost Flying Head Barbarian cultivation secret technique."

"Your sister thought you couldn't handle it and went out to confront the opponent."

"Enduring the pain in body and soul, you quickly got dressed and rushed out, but she couldn't see your figure anymore."

"She hurriedly went to the thug's house."

"Then the thug had another conversation with her..."

"When you returned home and found your sister missing, you began studying the technique.

It was a long time before she dragged her weary body back home."

"When she saw you, her tense heart immediately relaxed, and she couldn't hold back anymore, bursting into tears."


Hao Gaoxiao clenched his fists until they turned white, his fingernails digging into his flesh.

Blood kept dripping onto the ground, but he seemed unfazed.

He had no idea that such a thing had happened after he left.

He saw his sister stumbling back and asked where she had been, to which she simply replied that she was afraid he couldn't handle things and went out to find him.

Upon hearing his sister's response, he didn't think much, never imagining that he would once again be tormented by that monster.

The thought ignited a fiery rage within him.

Even though that beast had long been dead, and without a complete corpse at that, he still felt the urge to dig him up and scatter his remains to the wind.


Wang Yue paused for a moment, then continued:

"As you watched your sister in such agony, an overwhelming anger consumed you as well!"

"The demon lurking deep within you was slowly unleashed!"

"Finally, a decision began to form in your mind."

"Then, you walked slowly towards your sister, and with a heavy heart, uttered, 'Sister, please don't cry.'"

"Now, you have a chance at revenge. Do you want it?"