
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasie
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317 Chs

Chapter 296: You don't understand me at all, so why are you saying such things?

I think this matter is definitely not that simple, maybe it's another deceitful hypocrite with a pack of lies.

"I also think this feels a bit fake, even if you find a job in a factory to screw bolts, it shouldn't be like this!

Like me, working overtime, although it's hard, but getting over 6000 in hand every month, and the factory provides meals and accommodation, saving some money on your own, you can still save quite a bit.

I plan to save up to 200,000 and then quit, go back to my hometown to find a wife, live comfortably."

"Another one trying to deceive people's sympathy, I won't be fooled this time!"


There were still a few people in the barrage expressing doubts, saying harsh words.

Upon seeing this, Liu Buzhu shook his head. Some people just don't understand you at all, unaware of your actual situation.

They only see things from their own perspective.

Then they start giving you advice...

Thinking about this, he suddenly lost control of his emotions and loudly exclaimed at the camera:

"You don't understand me at all, why do you say that?"

His sudden shout startled the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Then Liu Buzhu calmed down, and continued speaking to the screen:

"I'm sorry!

I just lost my temper!"

"I used to be a programmer, but because I don't know how to flatter, no matter how hard I worked, no matter how outstanding my abilities were, when the company downsized, they still chose to keep those who know how to flatter and have a good relationship with the leaders!"

"And I got laid off!"

"Of course, this kind of thing is too common in the workplace, I didn't think much of it!"

"So I started sending out resumes, looking for a job, only to realize how fierce the competition in this industry is now!"

"They don't want anyone under 33, they don't want those with non-full-time undergraduate degrees because I didn't study well before and didn't get into a full-time undergraduate program, and my undergraduate degree was obtained through self-study later on."

"In this situation, after searching for several months in a row, I had barely any interview opportunities."

"The first interview, when I arrived, the interviewer glanced at my resume, said the HR department must have made a mistake, they only wanted to hire a junior programmer, then we chatted briefly and that was it..."

"The second interview, when I arrived and filled out the forms, after the interviewer came and glanced at the information I filled out, they asked, 'Isn't your undergraduate degree non-full-time?

' I said yes, and they directly said, 'I'm sorry, we have strict requirements here, it will be verified...' "

"I said, 'There were no strict requirements listed on the recruitment app before, and the recruiters didn't tell me about this.'"

"They replied, 'Maybe there was a mistake on the recruitment side,' and just like that, I had no interview opportunity and left, it was a wasted trip!"

"The third interview, at first we talked seriously about technology, but later they brought up the topic of education, and they seized on this and kept mocking, asking if my learning ability was not good enough to pass the undergraduate exam.

"This made me laugh in anger. Back in the day, I was playful and didn't study, so I didn't do well in exams.

Now, people mock my lack of studying ability, which is why I didn't pass.

"But I can't get angry because I need this job. Finally, after being mocked on this topic for half an hour, this frustrating interview ended..."

"But in the end, there was no follow-up..."


When Liu Buzhu said this, some viewers with similar experiences in the live stream started commenting:

"Alas ╯﹏╰, I've been looking for a job for half a year and couldn't find one, now I'm raising pigs in my hometown..."

"It's true, the IT industry is tough now, layoffs everywhere, thousands of applicants for one position, aren't the job requirements too high?"

"So, it's still important to study more.

While studying is not the only way out, at least there are more options in the future.

Of course, if you have a fortune at home, you can do whatever you want..."

"It's not just IT, it's hard to do anything in this environment now.

I used to work in the restaurant industry, it failed, then they said selling clothes makes money, I tried that and failed again, then someone said opening a bubble tea shop makes money, I did that and now it's failed as well, with a debt of over a million.

I don't know what to do..."

"Stay strong, don't give up, persistence is victory!"


Some viewers shared their own experiences in the barrage comments, while others encouraged Liu Buzhu not to give up.

Liu Buzhu glanced at the barrage on the screen and continued:

"This cruel reality is suffocating me, with two elderly people and two young children to support at home."

"Every day is torment for me!"

"I've considered starting a small business myself, but it all requires capital. I've been working for over a decade, earning and spending without saving a penny."

"I've also thought about switching careers, but over these years, it's my own fault for not having a sense of danger.

Besides programming, I don't have any other skills.

Even if I wanted to switch to sales, my personality isn't cut out for it!"

"In short, I am a complete and utter failure, a waste!"


Talking about this, Liu Buzhu's emotions became a bit agitated!


He gave himself a hard slap, the sound of the slap hitting his face was not light at all.

In an instant, a slap mark appeared on his face. Viewers felt the real pain!

Wang Yue also did not interrupt him, let him vent, let him continue to speak. Liu Buchu seemed to not feel any pain at all, slowly continued speaking towards the camera: "But I can't fall, there's a big family waiting for me to support, I have to find a way to make money!"

"Then I learned that delivering food, as long as you work hard, although it's hard work, you can make over ten thousand a month."

"So I registered to be a delivery person, at first I was not familiar with the environment, basically couldn't earn much money."

"After finally getting familiar, thinking that the future days will be better, but now I encounter staged accidents again, and my meager savings are also gone."

"I really can't bear it, but I dare not go home, afraid of disturbing their rest, so I could only buy a few bottles of wine myself, come to this park, drown my sorrows, vent..."

"Tonight when I saw Master Wang go live, I hesitated for a moment, because I have no money, so I didn't dare to grab a spot!"

"At that moment, I felt abandoned by the world, I wanted to just die and be done with it."

"Then I drank, watching Master Wang telling fortunes to people, unexpectedly someone gave up their spot in the end, fueled by the alcohol this time, I directly grabbed it, and indeed I got it!"

"So I was thinking, can Master Wang tell my fortune first, and when I get paid, I will definitely pay the fortune-telling fee back to Master Wang."

"I'm not lying, everything I said is true. If there's a lie in there, may the heavens strike me down and thunder roar, wishing me an ill death!!!"